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Book online «Hive Knight: A Dark Fantasy LitRPG (Trinity of the Hive Book 1) Grayson Sinclair (book recommendations website .TXT) 📖». Author Grayson Sinclair

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out a hand. “Don’t be a child about it and come here.”

Though I was hesitant, I let her take my hand and pull me toward her. She pulled me close to her and crawled into my lap.

“What are you doing?”

“Trust me.”

“Why should I do that?”

“Because I will never abuse it. I promise.”

I didn’t want to trust her. Everything I’d gone through in this life and before told me that putting my trust in anyone would only lead to disappointment. But staring into her eyes as they pleaded with me, I could only nod.

Eris placed her hands on my shoulders and opened her mouth wide. Far too wide. Her tongue flicked out to lick her lips, and it was long, nearly double the length of a humans. She bent over my neck and ran her tongue over my neck.

Her hot breath was sweet to my nose, and her tongue was strong. The muscle sent pressure through my flesh as she licked to and fro. Her saliva sunk into my skin and sent a tingly, numbing sensation through me. It wasn’t entirely unpleasant; however, my tone changed as she drew back for a second.

Eris’s canines had elongated. All eight of them looked wicked sharp and menacing.

I gulped, and she winked at me.

“Again, trust me.”

My words fled me, and my heart sped up as Eris bent low and sank her teeth into my neck.

Chapter 11 - Until Eternity

I expected to be wracked with pain, but there was nothing but slight pressure as she bit through my skin to lap at my blood and shredded flesh. She slurped loudly as she ate even deeper into me, allowing more blood to flow, but not a single drop spilled from her mouth.

After a few seconds of tensing up, I relaxed as the roughness and heat of her tongue danced over my neck. Eris straddled atop me, pushing me to the bed. Only a comfortable pillow saved me from banging my head on the wooden headboard.

Some minutes later, the blood loss caught up to me, and my vision swam with spots. Just as I was about to speak up, she finished with one last flick of her tongue and sat up. She wore the look of a glutton, lazy contentment glazed her eyes.

A slight drop of blood welled at the corner of her mouth. It should have been disgusting, but while macabre, I found it kind of cute. Like cherry syrup.

“You have some there,” I said, pointing at her mouth. With a grin, she ran her tongue over her lips, licking up the final drop.

“That was fantastic.”

Even if it had been painless, my neck must be a mess right now. I'll need a health potion and quick before I scar. I ran my fingers over what surely must be my ruined throat, but it was whole and perfect, nothing out of place. Did her saliva heal me?

I smiled down at her. “Glad you enjoyed your meal, little vampire.”

She scowled at me. “I am not one of the nocturnals. Do not call me such.”

“Sorry,” I apologized but wore a smirk. “Not a fan of vampires?”

“They’re nothing but savages masquerading as high society, and their blood magic is revolting.”

“But you both feed on blood?”

Eris poked my chest. “We are not even close to the same. While I gain a few nutrients from blood, it’s not my primary food source. And at least when I feed, I don’t kill anyone.”

I ran my fingers through my beard, a few wiry hairs poked at me. “So, you can’t use blood magic, and you don’t subsist off the blood. What's the point, then?”

“When an entomancer consumes blood, we get a glimpse of the life of whoever’s blood we drink. We enter a dreamscape called the Mnemosyne. It’s a powerful and very intimate thing for my kind and acts as a sign of trust. As such, it's used in many of our ceremonies and rituals.”

I froze, barely hearing the rest of her sentence. “What did you see from my blood?”

Her face held sadness and pity; I knew I wasn’t going to like her answer. “I saw a strange place, strange buildings and machines, all broken and empty. I saw you and your brother…”

She left her words hanging as if she were afraid to continue. I didn’t want to hear anymore, knowing precisely what memory she saw. It was already playing through my mind.

The ghoul was occupied devouring what remained of our mother, leaving the two of us alone. Quick as I could, I raced over to Micah and yanked him by the arm. He was sobbing and half frantic with fear, but I pulled him along as fast as our feet could carry us. The gravel road crunched with every step, announcing our presence to anything nearby. I ignored it and ran, trying to outrun the monsters.

Half a mile later, we reached the main road; broken glass littered the streets from dozens of wrecked and looted vehicles, while busted out streetlights loomed overhead. We ran to the nearest car and huddled behind it, leaning against the shredded remains of the tire to catch our breath. I pulled Micah into me, trying to get him to stop crying, but he was scared out of his mind and wouldn’t stop shaking, so I held him close and let him cry while my heart rate settled.

A high-pitched screech came from ahead of us, sending my pulse back into a frenzy. One of them was close. I laid down flat, the rough concrete scraping into my palms as I looked towards the front of the car. The ghoul was a dozen yards in front of me, low to the ground.

Its pale, angular face was upturned, sniffing the air. It was only then that I noticed a wetness dripping down my arm.

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