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Book online «Truehearts & The Escape From Pirate Moon Jake Macklem (classic romance novels TXT) 📖». Author Jake Macklem

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crew had just gone down the tunnel. He could not make out the words, but he heard Mr. Vargi shouting orders.

The spiders. Way worse than the lizards. They got a bunch of my people last time too. He heard a single shot fired, then another, then rapid gunfire erupted. The familiar crack-crack of Mr. Vargi’s big auto-started but was cut short.

Remy jumped at the boom of an explosion and felt the ground rumbling. A plume of dust and smoke billowed from the cave. His mouth went dry. Mr. Vargi? He dug through his coat for his radio. “Mr. Vargi. What’s going on? I hope you have the sh… the situation under control. Mr. Vargi?” The radio popped and crackled but no one answered. He waved at his two men and yelled, “Get down there and find out what just happened!”

The two shooters seemed reluctant, each waiting for the other to move first. When they saw the captain caressing the handle of his plasma pistol, they gave each other reassuring grunts and disappeared into the dust-filled entrance. Their coughs followed them, vanishing into the tunnel.

This can’t be happening. We’re just picking up my stuff! Remy started pacing back and forth. Three steps and spin. Three steps and spin. What’s taking them so long! He stopped and hopped a little as he shouted, “Report please! Anyone? I want a report right now!” What is taking so long? He started toward the cave then stopped.

He flinched when a shotgun bang sounded closer than the other gunfire. A moment later a second blast echoed, then silence again. A cold chill ran up his spine. I gotta get out of here! He turned and sprinted back toward the ship and up the loading ramp. He was out of breath as he leaned against the wall and hit the all-ship commlink button. “Get to the loading bay!”

He scrambled to the armory and entered the code on the keypad lock. Inside, he flipped the power cells on; six combat robots lit up as their systems came to life. Grabbing the control-mic: “Follow me!” Remy walked toward the entrance of the loading bay, the six armored bots clomping behind.

From the cave entrance, through the fading dust and smoke, a person appeared. As they moved forward, he could see by the silhouette that it was a woman. Most definitely a woman. And tiny, just about a meter and a half. His brain seemed to stop functioning. Am I really seeing this?

In her left hand she carried a backpack, in her right, a shotgun rested over her shoulder. She wore some kind of primitive clothing; a skirt, and a long-sleeved shirt with an exposed midriff, all made from what looked like the skin of the lizard monsters that lived here. Vibrant red hair stood in contrast to the muted red dirt of the moon. She sauntered forward, her hips swaying with confidence, each step planted firmly, her eyes locked on the captain.

“A redheaded angel of death,” Remy whispered in awe. Swallowing, he lifted the controller mic and spoke. “Single humanoid target approximately one hundred meters sector one. Find and track the target.” In perfect unison, the six bots swept the area with their sensors. As the weapon systems locked onto Ace, with a mechanical whine, they extended their arms while mounted guns shifted into position. Lowering the command-mic, Remy took a step forward. “I suggest you stop right there,” his voice cracked a little.

The angel stopped and dropped the backpack then repositioned the shotgun, holding it in front of her in both hands like she was offering it to him. “Hey,” she said flatly. “Those Gen4 Warbots? You know those are outlawed, right? Even with the safety protocols.”

Remy struggled to understand. “Wha—” I sent most of the crew into that cave, including Mr. Vargi, who is the baddest mother-shanker I’ve ever known. “Bu…” Over twenty-five people go in and this tiny girl walks out alone? “Who are you?” His voice cracked again. It had to be the dust.

“Ace,” she responded casually. “You the captain?”

The audacity of this woman. I’m the one asking questions! “I am the one…”

“Then those shanksticks,” she interrupted, “trapped in the cave… those are your men?” She shifted her weight as she asked.

Trapped in the cave! My crew might be trapped but I have the warbots! “My crew…”

“Thought so,” she cut him off again. “There’s a good chance most of them are still alive. Once I get back to Sol, I’ll send the IPD to pick you guys up.” She had lowered the shotgun to her waist but still held it sideways in both hands, completely relaxed.

Remy felt the heat of his rage build, choking him. This insufferable little girl needs to die! He lifted the controller mic to his mouth, but his arm suddenly jerked away, violently spinning his body along with it.

His eyes went wide as he saw his hand fall to the ground, still holding the mic. A moment later he felt the sharp agony and fell to the ground himself. She can shoot bullets from her eyes!

He tore his eyes from his ragged stump and searched the area for his missing appendage. Rolling toward his hand, Remy left a trail of blood behind him. He grabbed at the mic and had to push his own dismembered fingers down to mash the com button. “Eliminate the target!” His voice cracked but was too terrified to care.

When the bots opened fire, Remy rolled to his feet and leaped for cover behind the loading bay wall. Peeking around the corner, he saw the angel on the move, sprinting to the west, puffs of smoke from ricocheting bullets chasing after her. Her backpack still lay on the ground. She’s so fast!

A high-caliber rifle shot rang out and the head of the Number One warbot vanished, sheered clean from the body. Sniper! A strange relief washed over

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