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Book online «Joy Ride Desiree Holt (ebook reader 8 inch .TXT) 📖». Author Desiree Holt

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shimmery darkness for a long moment. Then the crowd began clapping and stamping and screaming for more. Emma managed to move herself an inch or two to the left so she’d be in Marc’s line of vision and did her best to wait patiently. He threw his head back, shaking his hair out of his eyes and took a step back. The lighting changed from red to a soft yellow. His gaze tracked over the front of the crowd…and then landed on her.

The grin he gave her pumped up her heart rate, and she smiled back at him.

“Later,” he mouthed. “Don’t leave.”

And then they were into the next song, and Emma was caught up in it just like everyone else.

She could hardly believe when the set was over. Marc leaped over the edge of the stage but before he could reach her, he was stopped by a couple who obviously knew him. Then it was a group of guys. Then the same stupid redhead—what was her name? Oh, yeah. Lacey. Queen of the groupies—who acted as if she wanted to drag her Guitar Man off to a corner. This time Marc’s anger with her was obvious. Emma was seized by an insane desire to grab the woman and yank her away by her hair.

Ohmigod. Is that me?

She swallowed a giggle.

She watched Marc edge tactfully but steadily away from the two females until he was beside her, touching her arm.

“Let’s go outside or we won’t have a minute to ourselves.”

Emma was aware that the redhead gave them the death stare of hate as they moved toward the door.

“You have a lot of fans,” she commented when they were out in the parking lot. “They seem very enthusiastic.”

“Yeah.” One corner of his mouth turned up into a lopsided grin. “Sometimes too enthusiastic.”

“Especially one of them.” Great, Emma. Sound like a jealous bitch much?

Marc twisted his lips in a grimace. “That’s Lacey. Nobody I’m at all interested in. Or ever have been,” he added quickly.

“I’ve seen her the last few times trying to corral you.”

Marc cupped her cheeks with his warm palms. “Forget Lacey. She’s nothing to me. And never has been. You’re who I want to be with. Believe me.”

As if to prove his point, he pulled her into his arms, his eyes searching every inch of her face before his mouth brushed against hers. The light contact ignited sparks in her bloodstream and sent her pulse points throbbing. He ran his tongue gently over the closed seam of her mouth, sending shivers skating along her spine. His warm hands slid up the length of her arms to her shoulder, then along the column of her throat until he at last cradled her head between his palms.

“I’ll never get enough of your taste,” he murmured just before licking every inch of the surface of her lips and plunging his tongue inside her mouth.

Emma clung to him as everything faded away—the jammed parking lot, the people standing outside smoking, other couples doing their own thing—until she and Marc were just an island in the sea of darkness. The kiss was endless. He turned her head this way and that seeking a better angle, all the while his tongue stroked hers and tasted every inner surface.

Her nipples hardened painfully, and the pulse beating at her core echoed throughout her body until she was sure he could sense it. Feel it. She pressed him, rubbing herself against the obvious bulge of his erection and moaning softly.

“Jesus, ML,” he gasped when he broke the kiss. “I hope we don’t go up in flames just standing here.”

She gave an unsteady laugh. “Me, too. Although I was afraid we might.”

He tucked a strand of hair behind one ear. “I missed you, Music Lady. Wondered what you’d been up to. I think about you a lot, you know.”

“I-I think about you, too.”

Was this the moment to ask him, why her? Why not any of the other women throwing themselves at him? But she wasn’t sure she’d like the answer so she just nodded.

He took a step back, and his gaze traveled the length of her body and up again. “You look damn fine tonight, Music Lady. Sharp outfit. I hope you picked it out just for me.”

She knew she was blushing. She’d have to remember to thank Annie for another great shopping trip. “Thank you. I-I did.”

“Listen. I’ve got a lot of stuff to tell you but you know we have one last set to do. Will you stay?”

She gently bit her bottom lip before answering him. “Okay.”

“Will you come home with me again tonight? Please?”

Another hesitation on her part. She was glad he didn’t take it as a given. That the choice was always hers.

“Yes. I will.”

“Good.” He kissed her again, brief but not less incendiary, and took her hand. “Let’s go back inside, and I’ll get you another beer. The band has a tab. You shouldn’t have to pay.”


“No buts. Come on.”

She wanted to ask him how many other women he bought drinks for, but squelched the nasty worm of jealousy trying to burrow its way into her system.

Enjoy it. Just enjoy it.

Again, as they worked their way to the bar, people stopped Marc. Talked to him. Joked with him. All the while he held tightly to her hand. They glanced at her questioningly, but she stayed quiet. Marc was warm and friendly to everyone, taking care of the people who paid to see him perform. It was obvious he was sending two signals to her at once—I respect your anonymity so I won’t introduce you or put you in a position where you’d have to give your name, but I’m going to keep you close and let everyone know you’re mine. Yes, mine.

The idea was at once both thrilling and frightening to Emma. Another step forward into this new world. But Marc’s touch was reassuring.

It seemed to take forever until he managed to get the beer for her and lead her back to her usual spot.


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