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Book online «When We Were Still Human Vaughn Foster (the kiss of deception read online .txt) 📖». Author Vaughn Foster

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Paris waved for Zadkiel to bring over her wine. With a reluctant sigh, he handed her the glass, then sat down on the arm of the couch. She took a long sip then turned back to Val with the same piercing green eyes as her brother. “Stars are alive. The constellations you see from Earth simply mark the area under our domain.”

“Just get to the point, Polli,” Castor droned.

Paris rolled her eyes. “Cas and I were born as… Cas, what’s the human equivalent?”

“Conjoined twins,” he grunted.

“Yes, conjoined twins, but obviously more complicated. We’re on the same psychic link.. When we took a physical form, we stayed linked and got stuck sharing one body.”

“I guess that makes sense…” Val struggled to keep up. This was insane. Angels, vampires, and now stars? It was too much for one day. She just had to find this Michael, explain her situation, and figure out her next step once she got back to Earth. Of course, she’d still have to figure out the whole ghoul thing, but—”

“It’s nice having you and Avia here.” Paris’ voice broke Val from her thoughts. Vlad blinked and realized the woman had never stopped talking. “I think another woman will do this place good.”

They turned around to see Avia down another large bottle of liquor at the bar. She belched a cloud of blue mist, then strolled over to Vladimir’s loveseat and plopped down.

“Impressive selection,” Wrath said, turning to Zadkiel. “What was that?”

He squinted at the empty bottle. “Some thirteenth century rum laced with golden ivy from Atlantis. Or it could be from the shipment we received last month, enchanted by a witch doctor in the Caribbean. I can’t remember.”

“Wow.” She leaned back into the cushions and stared at the bar. “Either way, you guys are really holding out on us lowly humans.”

“Please.” Vladimir seductively lowered his eyelids. “If you were a mere ‘lowly human,’ you would not be here. The same to you, Val,” he added, shifting his gaze. “You two are remarkable in every way.”

Though Vladimir was hopeless and trying way too hard, Val couldn’t help but smile. He was ridiculous, but seemed like a good guy—more or less. She thought back to the kindness he’d shown less than twenty minutes ago when she was crying into his chest. He gave no indication it ever happened, but it had, and she was thankful.

“Is he always this desperate?” Avia asked, turning to Paris. Paris nodded, then took another sip of wine. Avia laughed and looked back at Vladimir. “Well, Prince of Darkness, you’re not too bad yourself. Maybe one day when you get on my level, I’ll stop by.”

He winked then suddenly turned back to Val. “Oh! Valentina!” She started, afraid he’d noticed her staring.

“My name is Valerie—” she tried correcting, but he kept talking.

“I just remembered, we have to get you set up in your room.”

“He’s right!” Paris exclaimed. She grabbed Val’s shoulders, eyes wide. “There’s a lot we have to do. Right now, it’s just a bed and dresser. We weren’t sure of your style, and we didn’t even know if you were going to be a man or a woman, and—”

Val jumped off the couch and held her hands up. “Whoa, it’s okay.” She stepped back and took a deep breath. “I appreciate the hospitality. I do. But I’m not supposed to be here. I know this Mark or whatever says I’m Gluttony, but I think you have the wrong person.”

“Told you,” Avia sang. Zadkiel raised an eyebrow. “What?” she scoffed. “She barely knows what she is. Tell me I’m not the only one getting that lost puppy/ Dorothy in Oz vibe.”

“Well, maybe I can help with that.”

Everyone turned around.  A man in royal armor stepped through the doorway, red cloak trailing at his feet. Gold trimmed the edges of steel, silver breaking off at points to scarlet mesh. A golden dove rose from his chest, its wings outstretched to his shoulders.

Michael, King of Heaven, first born son of Rein.

Val stared openmouthed at the king as he approached. For someone who had been alive for millennia, he didn’t look a day over fifty. The bits of silver that streaked through blond hair and his short beard were the only signs of age.

“Hey, Michael,” Zadkiel said as the king joined the group.

“Sorry I was late.” Michael motioned to his armor, then laughed. “I decided to give Gabriel a hand in training your new recruits. Wasn’t expecting such a workout.”

“It’s like you said, we only take the best, ya know?”

Michael smiled then turned his attention to Val and Avia. “Good morning, Val, Avia. I’m Michael.”

“Hi,” Val squeaked. She glanced at Avia, shocked that the other girl actually seemed intimidated. Wrath sat eerily still, wide eyes locked with the king’s.

“Your highness?” Val asked hesitantly.

“Yes?” His warm golden eyes met hers and she shivered.

“Can you explain what's going on here?”

Michael laughed and sat in the empty armchair. He studied her for a moment, then looked to Vladimir. “One of the runes is crooked.”

“Yeah…” Vladimir sheepishly scratched his neck. “She was moving around a lot, and my hand slipped at the end.”

Michael shook his head and smiled. He walked over to Val and placed his palm on her forehead. Whatever had been buried inside her skull now lay naked on the surface for her to see. Jewish telepaths psychically lifting bricks for the pyramids. Ogres moving the blocks of Stonehenge. Gods and angels coming to earth. Dragons and knights ruling together. People, places, runes, spells. She could see the castle, and Earth, and the parts of Earth that no one knew existed.

Michael pulled his hand away and stepped back. “All knowledge from the Mark is accessible. Things might trickle in slowly, but everything should work.”

Val leapt back from him, terror and malice twisted in

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