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to speak to him again.

Or had she? Lauren wished she could remember the details from the night she was drunk. Maybe she’d said something that made him think they couldn’t even be friends anymore. Between launching the restaurant and sorting out her feelings for Nick—both of which had left her teetering on the edge of a full-blown panic attack—there was no telling what she’d said.

His silence should have been a relief. This was what she wanted. Then again, if she’d really wanted him out of her life, why had she been a hot mess of longing and loneliness and another l-word she would not remotely entertain for the last ten days?

“Here he is,” Lauren heard Roxie say right before the conference room door closed. Slipping the phone into her pocket, she stood and turned around, saying, “Hello, I’m Chef Lauren Riley.”

“Tell me something I don’t know,” the man said with a wide grin.

Without thinking, Lauren ran into her brother’s arms with tears streaming down her face.

“Hey,” Knox said. “I knew you’d be happy to see me, but what’s all this about?” Lauren hadn’t realized how badly she needed to see a familiar face until that moment. Her brother hugged her tight despite saying, “You’re getting my uniform all wet.”

Not wanting to make a mess on his Army fatigues, she leaned back, sniffling. “I’m just so happy to see you. But how? I mean, what are you doing here?”

“I couldn’t not come celebrate my big sis opening her first restaurant,” he said. “I’d have been here for day one, but this was the soonest I could get leave.”

Lauren couldn’t stop staring at him. He looked so good. So healthy and happy. Then she realized how far he’d traveled to be there.

“But you’re stationed in Kentucky and the closest airport to Anchor is hours away. How did you even get to the island?”

Knox dabbed at her damp cheeks with his knuckles. “We’re in Norfolk for a couple of weeks of training so I just had to rent a car and drive down. I have three days. So when do I get to see this fancy restaurant?”

Flustered, she took his hand. “Now. Of course. We’ll go right now.”

She dragged him out of the conference room to find Roxie sitting on the corner of her desk with a conspiratorial smile on her face. “Surprised you, huh?”

“You had something to do with this?” Lauren asked.

With a jaunty head tilt, she said, “I might have helped a little.”

“I had to find an accomplice if I was going to surprise you.” Knox gave Roxie a fist bump. “The directions were perfect, thanks.”

“How?” Lauren asked.

“Before the restaurant was open for business, the number here was listed on the website. He called, I answered, and a plan was hatched.”

She poked her new friend in the arm. “You kept this a secret from me.”

The younger woman walked around to her chair. “I nearly told you a few days ago when you looked like you needed a pick-me-up, but now I’m glad I didn’t.”

“I appreciate the self-control,” Knox said with a salute.

“Hello,” Will said, entering the building. “How did the interviews go?”

“Good, I think.” She hoped so anyway. Lauren pulled her brother up beside her and made the introductions. “Will Navarro, this is my brother Knox Riley. Knox, Will and her husband Randy own the restaurant.”

Will stopped walking and stared at the newcomer as if she were seeing a ghost. Roxie snapped her fingers in front of her boss’ nose.

“Will, are you okay?”

She shook her head. “Yes. Yes, I’m fine.” Closing the distance between them, she greeted Knox with an outstretched hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Knox. Your sister is doing an amazing job and you should be really proud of her.”

“I’ve always been proud of her,” he said, his eyes on Lauren. “I know better than anyone how good she is.”

The blush warmed her cheeks. “I was just going to show him the restaurant.”

“Could that wait?” Will asked, her eyes cutting to Knox and then back to Lauren. “There’s something we need to discuss.”

Confused, Lauren said, “Right now?”

Will nodded. “Yes, right now.”

She looked at her brother. “Do you mind waiting?”

“No problem. We can head over when you’re done.”

“I’ll keep him company,” Roxie said. “Maybe I can get him to share some stories from when you were kids.”

The stories from Lauren and Knox’s childhood weren’t the type Roxie was likely hoping for. She gave Knox a don’t tell too much look before following Will into the conference room. When her boss closed the door, Lauren’s heart sank to her knees. Had she done something wrong? Were they not happy with the restaurant? Pilar’s had been open less than two weeks. Surely they would give her more time than that before deciding to replace her.

“Have a seat.” Will sat down at the head of the table and pulled an envelope from her bag. Setting it in front of her, she waited for Lauren to sit before saying, “This is for you, but I need to explain something first.”

Lauren’s palms began to sweat and she shoved her hands under her thighs. “Okay.”

“Does the name Van Clement mean anything to you?”

Lauren sat up straighter. “That’s the name of a family my mom worked for when I was a kid.”

“So you know about them?”

“They’re one of the wealthiest families in Boston. Everyone knows about them.”

Will blew out a breath and said, “I’m a Van Clement.”

Struggling to keep her jaw off the table, Lauren said, “You’re a Van Clement?”

“Yes,” she replied. “Though I didn’t grow up with the family. My mother ran away when she was pregnant with me and it wasn’t until I was twenty-five that she told me the truth.”

Who would run away from a life of money and privilege? “Then you’re rich,” Lauren said. “I mean, I knew you were Anchor Island rich, considering you own multiple businesses and you haven’t batted an eye at anything I’ve requested for Pilar’s, but the Van Clements are like, one-percenter rich.”

“I inherited the estate seven

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