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Book online «Finders Keepers Edie Baylis (phonics readers .TXT) 📖». Author Edie Baylis

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should be agreed by both of them and even then, out of courtesy, expecting updates wasn’t unreasonable, but he’d had no updates from anyone – including Keith.

Lena dropping it on him last night that she’d got the wedding brought forward was a shock too. He knew she’d wanted it sooner, but what was the issue? As far as he was concerned, she was already visibly pregnant, so what difference did a few more weeks make?

It had made all the difference to Lena as she’d been overjoyed by the date change. From his side, now he’d resigned himself to marrying the woman and being able to physically see why, the prospect wasn’t quite as offensive as it had been, so realistically, the date change didn’t matter. If it made Lena happy, then fine, but he could do without this extra distrust between him and Saul.

Jonah looked back at Nero. ‘When was the last time you saw them?’

‘I saw Keith this morning, but I haven’t seen Saul since, oh it must have been the day we had the West Ham function.’ Nero glanced up at the ceiling to kick start his memory. ‘Yes, it was because I remember thinking I hoped they didn’t drink all the champagne before the thing started!’

‘Keith and Saul were drinking champagne?’ Jonah frowned. Keith hated champagne and he knew for a fact his brother wasn’t a fan either.

‘Nah.’ Nero shook his head animatedly. ‘Lena and Saul.’

Jonah stiffened. Wasn’t that when Lena said Saul had tried it on? He’d broach this carefully, reluctant to let Nero know how much of a mess things were with his family. ‘What was Saul doing in the VIP suite?’

Nero shrugged. ‘Lena was checking the stock and Saul wandered in and poured them both champagne.’

Jonah forced himself to laugh. ‘Drinking the club champagne, eh?’

Nero laughed too. ‘Lena looked like all her Christmases had come at once! She loves her champagne, that one.’ Seeing Jonah’s face cloud, he realised in hindsight that he probably shouldn’t have said that. He kept forgetting Lena’s new standing as Jonah’s fiancée. ‘Sorry, I...’

‘It’s not a problem,’ Jonah lied. So Lena had been chugging the champagne? ‘I hope they didn’t leave stocks short for the function?’ Come on Nero, what happened. Did you see anything?

‘I was checking the security barrier at the top of the stairs, so I doubt they even noticed me. Saul didn’t hang around long anyhow,’ he grinned. ‘I think your Lena scared him off!’

A nerve twitched in Jonah’s neck. ‘Scared him off?’

Nero laughed heartily. ‘Oh, you know what she’s like – ever the showgirl. Saul couldn’t get out of there fast enough when she all but shoved her cleavage in his face!’

‘She did what?’

‘That didn’t come out quite right,’ Nero countered. ‘I didn’t mean she got her tits out or anything like that, but... that top she had on... well, she kept leaning over and your brother was directly in line!’

Anger travelled up Jonah’s arms to pound relentlessly in his chest. ‘Did he touch her?’

Nero raised his eyebrows. ‘Touch her? No? Why would he have done that? They were just chatting.’ Creeping dread that he’d inadvertently started something became apparent. ‘What’s happened?’

Jonah shook his head, his jaw tightly clenched. ‘Nothing.’ And that was the crux of it. Nothing had happened, so why the fuck had Lena made out otherwise? His jaw tightened further. Was this another one of her games?

‘Shit, I can tell by your face that I’ve said something out of turn. I didn’t mean to insinuate that Lena was...’

‘You haven’t,’ Jonah held his hand up and looked at Nero. ‘I’m just on edge. First time fatherhood and all that.’ He had to explain his questions before the whole firm got wind there was bad blood between him and Saul. And it wouldn’t be long before everyone knew about the baby just by looking at Lena.

Nero’s eyes widened. Standing up, he masked his shock by extending his hand and shaking Jonah’s heartily. ‘Congratulations. I didn’t realise.’ He eyed Jonah cautiously, the strain behind the man’s eyes clear. Now he really was roped to that woman for all eternity.

Jonah forced his face into a smile. ‘Thanks. It’s a new thing for me, but it’s not common knowledge, so I’d appreciate it if...’

‘I won’t say a word,’ Nero said, watching Jonah pour two shots of whisky.

Facing away, Jonah closed his eyes in utter frustration. Why was Lena trying to drive a wedge between him and Saul? Wasn’t there a big enough one there already? Turning around, he handed a whisky to Nero. ‘There’s something I want you to do.’

Taking the glass, Nero leaned forwards. ‘Whatever you need.’

‘I want you to find out where Keith and Saul are going. They’re absent a lot and I need to know why.’

Nero nodded slowly. ‘You think there’s a problem?’

‘I don’t know, but I need to find out,’ Jonah sighed, sitting down heavily. ‘You remember last time it was discussed and Saul was supposed to be getting info as to whether anything’s still being dug into with Dulcie Adams before we move forward? Well I’ve heard nothing.’

Nero frowned. ‘You think he’s acting alone?’

‘I fucking hope not, but I guess that’s what I’m thinking.’

Twenty Seven

ROBERT STARED AT THE CONTENTS of the wooden box, barely able to believe what he was seeing and even less able to get his head around what his mother was saying. ‘But you haven’t explained how you happen to be in possession of these.’ His eyes tracked back to the collection of jewels that his mother had unwrapped. Now, he was no jeweller, but he had a fair idea these were worth a substantial amount of money.

‘I’ve already told you these belonged to your father. He gave them to me to keep for when he returned but...’ Dulcie looked down sadly. ‘As you already know, he didn’t return...’

Robert’s eyes remained locked on the sparkling jewels. ‘Yes, but where did he get them from? What are they anyway?’ He knew

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