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Book online «Primary Valor Jack Mars (miss read books TXT) 📖». Author Jack Mars

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have to goand strap his own jump pack on. For now, he made a triangle with Ed and Bowles,in a spot where both of them could hear him.

He hatedto do this. But it was too late. There was no turning back.

Lukelooked at Bowles, then looked at Ed. He paused for a moment. Not bringing Edgave him second thoughts about this whole mission. Going with Bowles gave himsecond thoughts.

Ed waswatching him. It was almost as if he was waiting for this.

“I gotbad news.”

Edraised an eyebrow. “What’s that?”

NowBowles’s eyes opened. With his face painted, his eyes opening were like twoalbino frogs appearing out of the mud.

“It’sjust me and Bowles this trip, man. I’m sorry.”

Ed shook his head and smiled. “What’sthat supposed to mean?”

“You’re not coming. You’ve beenoff your feed. You have a baby on the way, you’re distracted, you’ve beentaking chances I don’t agree with. I don’t want to get hurt out there, and Idon’t want to see you get hurt. You’re on the bench.”

Ed’s eyes flashed anger. “Stone.”

“It’s my decision to make, man. Youknow that. I’ve been thinking about this all day. You’re a game time scratch. That’sthe deal.”

Ed shook his head. “I’moverruling. I’m coming anyway. You’re going to need me, you’ll be sorry youdecided this, and it’ll be too late to change it by then. So I’m just going tocome, and we’ll forget we had this conversation.”

“Sorry,” Luke said. “You can’t dothat.”

Now Ed really looked at him. Ed’sbig right hand curled into a gloved fist.

“What are you going to do? Forbidme from jumping? How will you stop me?”

“I anticipated this,” Luke said. “Ialready stopped you.”


Bowles was staring at Lukeintently now. He hadn’t said a word since he opened his eyes.

“I cut your chutes while you weresleeping. Primary and secondary, so you wouldn’t be tempted to…”

Without warning, Ed was up andacross the space at him. His right came fast and hard. Luke’s arm was up,blocking it and knocking it away. But Ed’s left came around in a hook. Luketried to slip it, but there was nowhere to move.

Ed’s big left hand caught Lukeacross the jaw.

Luke’s head turned hard with theimpact. He let his entire body go with the momentum of the punch, then spunaround and away. It rung his bell, but an instant later, he knew he was stillin the fight. He looked and Ed was right there, following him. Luke bouncedback, out of reach. Ed was immensely strong, but Luke was faster.

Except there was nowhere to movein this plane. It was too cramped. And Ed was too big. He could cut off anyescape routes.

“Guys!” Bowles shouted. “Guys!”

Luke didn’t even look at him. Neitherdid Ed.

Ed moved in.

Luke took another step back, hishands up.

“You better watch it, big man. Ipromise you’re gonna lose.”

Luke had no idea how to back upthat statement.

Ed shook his head. “No.”

“I’ll fire your ass.”

Ed stopped. His shoulders slumped.“Is that really how you think you’re going to play this? You’re going tosideline me for no reason, and take this punk with you instead?”

He gestured backwards at Bowles.

“Then you’re gonna fire me becauseof a decision YOU made? That’s how it’s going to work?”

Luke thought about it, but onlyfor a second. “No. You’re right. I’m not going to fire you. Take your bestshot.” He supposed he owed Ed that much. And you never knew. Luke mightsurprise him. He’d surprised a few guys Ed’s size before.

“Let’s do this.”

Ed nodded. “Good. Because I’lltell you, if I’m fired I have no reason not to kill you.”

Ed circled in. It was close. Therewas no room.

Luke watched those hands.

“Hey! Dummies!”

It was Bowles. Luke ignored him. Eddid the same.

“Stop or I’ll shoot.”

This time Luke did look at him. Bowleswas in a two-handed shooter crouch, gun in hand. Now Ed turned to look.

“We’re supposed to jump in a fewminutes,” Bowles said.

“What are you going to do?” Edsaid. “Shoot us?”

Bowles didn’t waver. He held the gunpointed at Ed’s body mass. “No. I’m going to put you both on report, and getyou suspended from your jobs. We work for the same agency, you idiots. I’mabove you. Technically, this isn’t even your mission. It’s mine. And you’reboth jeopardizing it with your schoolyard behavior.”

Ed turned to look at Luke. Hiseyes were on fire. “This won’t stand. It’s wrong. I need redress.”

Luke shrugged. “We can do itanother time. I need to get ready.”

Ed looked at Bowles again. He hadn’tput the gun away yet.


Bowles shook his head. “They toldme you were both crazy,” he said. “But they didn’t tell me you were this crazy.”

Ed shook his head. “Said the manwho pulled a gun on his co-workers, while inside an airplane.”

He looked at Luke again. “It’s abad move. I’m telling you. Rethink it.”

“What’s done is done,” Luke said.“I want you alive, happy, and healthy for your many descendants.”

“Even if you’re dead,” Ed said.

Now Luke nodded. “Even if I’mdead.”

Ed turned his and gave Luke hisbroad back. “It’s dumb,” he said over his shoulder. “Bush league. You’ll neverlive it down.”

“It’s crazy,” Bowles said again,holstering his gun.

Luke stopped and looked at themboth. “Call it whatever you want. As long as everyone realizes it’s my decisionto make.”

“If that was true, you wouldn’thave sabotaged my chute,” Ed said.

Luke didn’t have an answer forthat. But there was no time to argue. Now Luke and Bowles moved quickly,checking and gathering gear.

Luke looked at Bowles. “You knowthis already, but once we’re out, no lights, nosound. Keep your eyes open. It’s going to be dark out there. Got it?”

Bowlesnodded. “Got it.”

“Isla deJabalies should be directly below us, so it’s a straight shot. Buzz Mac will besheltering in the southwest corner of the island, away from any prying eyes onSt. Simon’s. He said there’s a small strip of pebbly beach there. If we loseeach other, make for that southwest corner.”

Bowlesnodded again. His helmet was on. His pack was on. He was strapping guns to hisjumpsuit. “Got it, Dad.”

“We’reat about eleven thousand feet,” Luke said. He eyed Bowles closely, a newsuspicion darting through his mind like a furtive rabbit. “You’ve done thisbefore, right, Bowles? Night jump, rendezvous, clandestine extraction? Possiblehostile encounter?”

Bowlesraised an eyebrow. “1st Special Forces,

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