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Book online «A Starlit Summer Kate Frost (best romantic novels to read txt) 📖». Author Kate Frost

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on the kitchen table.’

The weeds and brambles took the brunt of her frustration and it wasn’t long before she managed to untangle the rose and she had a mountain of brambles piled next to her. She retrieved two large bags from the tumbledown shed and snipped the brambles into smaller pieces, compacting it down into the bags before going back to detangle the next rose.

Thump, thump, thump.

Jenna looked up, put her hands on her hips and stretched, her back sore from bending over for too long. The thumping was coming from the living room and Jenna imagined Finn bashing away at the ugly 1960s fireplace. Alongside the cottage’s beamed ceiling and sash windows, the concrete monstrosity was completely out of place. Jenna had wanted to take a lump hammer to it when she’d first visited the cottage with her parents. Apart from needing a break, she was desperate to see what would be revealed once the concrete was ripped away. Plus it was an excuse to talk to Finn. She dropped her gloves and secateurs on the grass and headed inside.

Finn’s T-shirt was covered in dust. He had a mask over his mouth but the rest of his face gleamed with sweat and his hair was grey with dirt. He grasped a lump hammer in his hands and rhythmically hit it against the fire surround. His arm muscles took the strain every time he smashed the hammer down. Fine dust and bits of chipped concrete flew from the fireplace, scattering over the floor and on to the sofa and armchair covered with old sheets. It was a messy and back-breaking job, but she did wonder if he was venting more anger on the fire surround than was necessary.

He caught sight of her, swung the lump hammer into the surround and then stopped. He dropped it to the floor with a thud and wiped the back of his hand across his face.

Jenna moved further into the dust-covered room. ‘Are you likely to find anything behind it?’

Finn pulled the mask down from his mouth. ‘It’ll definitely reveal the old brickwork, not sure what the surround will be like though. But it’ll open it up and once it’s repaired it’ll look a hundred times better. Are you going to put a wood burner in or have an open fire?’

‘Not sure; if the place is going to be rented out I imagine my parents will go for a wood burner.’

With the sun pouring through the windows highlighting the dust dancing in the light, it was hard to imagine a wood burner pumping out heat in the middle of winter. Although it had returned to normal British summer temperatures after the July heatwave, Jenna was still hot from working on the garden in the hazy sunshine. She also felt heat rising to her cheeks at the thought of the conversation she knew they had to have.

Finn picked up the hammer again.

‘Can we talk?’ Jenna asked.

‘I don’t think there’s anything to say.’

‘That’s because you’ve ignored my texts and phone calls.’

‘With good reason.’

Jenna rubbed her fingers across her forehead. With his fist tense around the lump hammer and clenched cheeks, anger simmered off him. How could she make him believe that she was telling the truth? She folded her arms. That was exactly what she needed to tell him, the truth. So what if Milo was desperate to hide who he really was and she was taking a risk by telling Finn. With no other option it was all she could do.

‘The funny thing about the situation – and it’s not actually funny, I know that, is Milo is more likely to want to shag you than he would me.’ She met his eyes.

Finn dropped the lump hammer on the floor and folded his arms.

‘What the hell are you talking about?’

‘Do I really have to spell it out?’ Jenna raised her eyebrows, but Finn stood his ground, his frown not shifting. ‘He’s gay. Somehow it’s managed to be the best kept secret in the film world. I think a few people know but pretend they don’t. He has a hell of a lot of influence and is determined to keep who he is a secret. I don’t think anyone would actually risk spilling the beans. He used me as a cover story, that’s all it was. All it is.’

Finn began to slow clap. Dust puffed into the air each time his work gloves connected. ‘I got the feeling you’d be a good actress, but you’re fucking awesome.’

He pulled the mask back over his mouth, lifted the hammer and swung it at the fireplace.


Concrete tumbled to the floor in a dust cloud.

Jenna wanted to scream. She was telling the truth and yet he still didn’t believe her. What the hell did she have to do to prove her innocence? She breathed deeply. He was too angry to talk to her right now. Maybe taking it out on the fireplace was the best thing he could do. Perhaps he’d be more amenable later. Wishful thinking, Jenna thought as she retreated back outside to continue taking her own frustration out on the brambles.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Hot Now Magazine had a new photo on the cover. The pristine white walls of the hotel and one of its balconies was instantly recognisable. The people on it were familiar too: Milo and Heidi. Kissing. The headline read MILO BLAKE’S LOVE TRIANGLE. Jenna’s heart sank as she thumbed through the magazine and found the four-page spread detailing the ins and outs of Milo’s supposed love life. The photos jumped out; another grainy one of Milo and Heidi snogging, this time in his hotel room with the doors and curtains conveniently left open; another of her and Heidi animated and angry out on the hotel’s terrace; plus, one of Jenna getting in a taxi late at night looking worse for wear.

She read the article with an increasing tightness in her chest. The love triangle was meant to be between her, Milo and Heidi. They’d made it look

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