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Book online «The Alpha Protocol: Alpha Protocol Book 1 Duncan Hamilton (affordable ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Duncan Hamilton

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way beyond anything we can comprehend by now. I have to wonder if there might be something of great value down there, something these hostile aliens are looking for. Something they don’t want anyone else getting their hands on.’

‘Interesting theory,’ Wright said. ‘Still, I don’t think we can dismiss the idea that there may be a connection between the two just yet. Have you considered the possibility that the ship might be a human design no one’s seen before?’

‘I have, sir. If someone’s been taking tech out of that city for a few years, there’s no reason they couldn’t have built up a ship taking advantage of some of it. I think we should keep that possibility open going forward.’

Wright nodded, and Samson reckoned he was taking those ideas on board.

‘The alien vessel has, in both instances, gone after objects that appear to have been created by an alien society,’ Wright said.

Samson nodded, curious to see where Wright was going.

‘What if this place has some sort of sentimental significance for them? A religious site, or a mausoleum of some sort. What if we’re trespassing on ground they consider sacred?’

‘It’s a reasonable conclusion to draw on what we have so far, sir,’ Samson said, ‘and one I’d considered. I don’t think we can rule it out, but I hope it’s not the case. I don’t like the idea that we might have been trampling over another race’s beliefs, but it doesn’t excuse them destroying a patrol vessel without any dialogue. You can return looted artefacts, and apologise for offence caused through misunderstanding, but you can’t bring dead sailors back to life. If that theory holds up, their response was disproportionate. In my opinion, sir.’

Wright let his focus drift out to the distance, then snapped back. ‘Well, one way or another, we’re going to have to get to the bottom of it all.’

The depot’s intercom crackled to life with Harper’s voice. ‘Sir, we’ve received a distress signal from Dobson.’

‘Dobson?’ Wright said.

‘Oculus 414-B,’ Samson said.

‘Looks like our hand may have been forced,’ Wright said.


‘I should have seen this coming,’ Samson said, as the viewscreen came to life. ‘I thought the alien ship was more likely to come after us than attack the population on Dobson. There’s no one living near the ruins anymore.’

The signal was garbled and it was difficult to make out the person’s face and voice. Two things were clear, however: They were terrified, and they were under attack. Samson’s first instinct was to order everyone down to the Bounty and make all speed for Dobson, but it wasn’t his decision anymore. How quickly one became accustomed to the power of command…

‘How long ago was this sent?’ Samson said.

‘Hard to tell for certain, sir.’ Harper said. ‘There’s no time stamp, but it wasn’t sent through the Nexus, so it’s been several days at least.’

‘Just after we left the planet then,’ Samson said. The alien ship must have turned back for Dobson as soon as it had broken off pursuit of the Bounty.

‘I think it was to be expected,’ Wright said. ‘The Navy’s responded as quickly as we can. We can’t throw away the few resources we have out here on futile gestures. In any event, by the time we get there, whatever this was will be long finished. All there’ll be for us to do is pick over the remains, and the enemy may be waiting to ambush us. When we encounter this ship, it will be at a time and in circumstances of our choosing.’

Samson felt torn. They might not be able to stop the attack on Dobson, but there were likely to be survivors and injured, all of whom would need help. To sit on their hands struck Samson as cowardly. Even with just the Bounty, he and the others had gone back into the Oculus system, willing to face whatever awaited them there. The Peterson was twice the ship the Sidewinder was, at least, yet her captain was unwilling to take the risk to help. That stuck in Samson’s craw.

‘Permission to take a volunteer crew to Dobson, sir,’ Samson said. ‘I can understand why you don’t want to risk the Peterson, but we might be able to save some of the colonists, and as you say, the Bounty isn’t an important asset out here.’

‘You know what you’re risking?’

‘I do,’ Samson said. ‘I’ve been there before, and gotten away from the alien vessel. We can try to sneak in under low power and pick up any survivors. There aren’t many colonists registered there.’ And Samson suspected there were far, far fewer than the official number now. ‘The Bounty should be able to manage.’

‘I’m not going to try to stop you if you’re determined to go, Lieutenant Commander,’ Wright said. ‘I’ll spread the word among my crew. If any of the medical personnel are willing to join you, they have my permission.’

‘Thank you, sir.’

‘Gather up what survivors you can and get back here fast,’ Wright said. ‘I’m sure I don’t need to tell you to avoid the alien vessel at all cost. If it comes down to a choice between the survival of your crew and that of the colonists, pick your crew.’


Two of the Peterson’s physician’s assistants and two of her engineer’s mates had volunteered to join the Bounty on their rescue mission. It didn’t seem to be quite as popular a plan as Samson had thought. The prospect of facing down an alien vessel appeared to be more daunting to most than it was to Samson. He wondered if there was something strange about him in that.

By the time they arrived in the Oculus system, Samson had formulated something of a plan. He’d been mulling over their encounters with the alien ship, and it had occurred to him they’d only shown interest in ships that were carrying artefacts from the alien ruins. Without any alien artefacts on board, he was hopeful the Bounty wouldn’t attract the attacker’s attention—if it was still in the system.

To be

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