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Book online «Dmitry's Royal Flush: Rise of the Queen Nelson, S. (best finance books of all time TXT) 📖». Author Nelson, S.

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have grown so soft that I would just let another man come in a steal you? I am still the same man I was when you met me. I have not changed who I am, just my tactics." He looked her in her eyes as he spoke with authority and sheer anger.

"Am I supposed to be impressed with that?"

"I would kill him. I would kill anyone who dare got in my way, even Davyd or Anatoly. And I would enjoy it."

Royal gasped. He was a monster!

"I'm not as strong as you, Royal. I couldn't take it if you cheated on me or left me for another man. I could not allow it."

"I didn't cheat," Royal said again with tears in her eyes. "I have never cheated on you. Why are you so insecure?"

"I don't know." Dmitry let her hands go and deflated against her. "I felt in my heart that something inappropriate had happened. I could not control my rage."

"Don't you think I know by now that you're crazy? Why would I even do that to another person—put them in a position to have to deal with you? I delivered a damned dress. He changed his mind. I left. No big deal."

"It is very big deal to me."

"Everything is a very big deal to you," her voice was soft. Royal put her hands on his head.

He bent over and rested on her stomach, sighing as he did so. He just couldn't bring himself to tell her that he had put her in harms way again.

"Dmitry, you're heavy," Royal said, pushing his concrete body up off of her. "Get up."

He raised his head a little and grunted, then ran his large hands down her torso to the button of her skirt.

Royal looked down as he moved quietly. She felt her clothes being pulled off. Her skirt. Her stockings. Her shoes.

He stood on the side of the bed and pulled her body to him. Without uttering a word, he picked her hips up off the bed and tasted her.

"Dmitry, I need to take a shower," she protested, trying to pull away. Though the feeling was all pleasure, she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassment. Every woman liked to shower first.

Dmitry ignored her. He focused, apologizing through his silent actions.

Royal looked up at the ceiling in a daze as she finally gave in to his kisses. Her long black hair spilled like oil across the bed as her body convulsed slowly against his tongue.

She bit her lip and curled her fingers as his hot breath brushed her skin. His mouth nearly covered her mound. The suction created a warm flutter from within her. Like petals blooming in spring, she began to open up. Approvingly, he continued to move at an erotically sensual pace.

"I'm… " she tried to breathe. "I'm… " The words refused to form on her tongue as she climaxed.

She heard Dmitry's pants hit the floor and felt her body shift. With one move, he had her on her knees in the soft bed. With another move, he buried himself deep inside of her. The extreme impact caused goose bumps to form on her body. So heavy, so big, so good. Her mouth watered as she heard him give a deep growl. As he pulled away, she let out a grateful sigh. Then with an angry thrust, he returned to the depths of her. She cried out.

"I'm sorry," he whispered in her ear as he held her close. "I didn't want tonight to be like this, my love."

Royal didn't answer. She couldn't. She clenched her teeth together and held on to the bedpost as a warm wave started to come over her again as he moved in a rhythmic motion back and forth.

He moved her hair out of way and kissed her neck. Closing her eyes, she moaned. Reaching back, she grabbed his vein-filled, muscular arm gripping her waist and pushed back into him.

"Yes," he said as he felt her pressure.

Opening her legs wider, she did it again.

"Yes," he said in a more strained baritone.

She finally opened her legs as far as they could separate, lifted her hips, pulled away and bucked against him as hard as she could for several minutes. He countered every stroke with his own.

"Fuck," Dmitry bit out in strained voice, spilling his seed into her. He pulled her close into his powerful embrace and pushed deep into her.

His potent thrusts were almost too much for Royal, even after many years of being his wife. She grabbed the comforter as her body jerked. Closing her eyes, the wave of heat that she tried to fight off, came back, this time more powerful than ever. Her body began to shake as she climaxed again. She finally screamed out loud enough to hear down the hallways.

"Oh, Dmitry!"

Chapter 19

After dinner with Anya, Dmitry, Davyd and Anatoly that evening, Royal slipped into her study and called Victoria.

Before Royal left the condo earlier that day, Victoria had given her two pills that she promised would incapacitate Davyd until they were out of the country in the morning. She only hoped their little plan worked.



"Yeah. It's me. Did you get in trouble?"

"Sort of. I could have sworn that he knew, but he thought that I was cheating."

"Guilt, I guess."

"Yeah. Are you sure these pills are going to work?"

"Oh, they'll work. Just open them and pour them into Davyd's coffee in the morning. Hell be out like a light."

"I don't want to hurt him."

"You won't. They're harmless in moderation."

"Okay. Well, I'll call you in the morning right before I give them to him. I called Brigitte when I got home. Shell pick you up and make sure you get inside the gate."

"Okay. I'll be waiting."

Royal hung up the phone

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