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Book online «The Vanishing Gary Brown (booksvooks TXT) 📖». Author Gary Brown

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He peered around the corner and watched his family and friend reach the end of the path and disappear into the woods. Soon they would be out of harm’s way, tucked safely away in the mountainside cabin under Reisa’s watchful eye.

The pain in his leg flared to life again. Virgil pressed his fingers around the pulsing area, massaged the wound. Not now, dammit! He unwound the compress, released the pressure on the gash. The bleeding had resumed. The light-headedness he had suffered earlier had returned. He sat down, allowed himself a few seconds to rest, and once again battled the desire to slip into unconsciousness. He took a deep breath, braced himself for the searing pain to come, reapplied the compress as tightly as he could bear...

“Virgil? Virgil? Are you all right?”

The voice belonged to a young woman kneeling beside him.

Aroused from the darkness, Virgil realized he had passed out from the pain. He sat slumped against the wall of the building.

“It’s me, Amanda.” Amanda looked at the unraveled, blood-soaked compress on his leg. “You’re hurt,” she said. She put her arm under his shoulder, helped him to his feet. “Come inside. Let me look at that leg.”

“No… time.” Once more the darkness threatened to envelop him. Virgil struggled to keep it at bay.

“No time for what?”

“You’re in danger, Amanda. So am I. We need to get out of here. I was coming to help you.” Virgil looked down at his leg. “Now it looks like it’s your help that I need.”

“Help me? What are you talking about? We’re perfectly safe here. You know that.”

Virgil shook his head. “I wish that were true, but it’s not. I can prove it. But you have to help me. You need to come with me. To the supply shed.”

“You’re obviously not well, Virgil,” Amanda replied. “You’re in no condition to be going anywhere. Come inside and rest. I’ll get Sky and tell her you’re hurt. We’ll get you back to your room.”

“Blessing and Sky have left the compound. Reisa, too. They’re not coming back.”

“What do you mean?”

“What I’ve been trying to tell you all along. We’re in danger. I need you to come with me, Amanda. Now!”

“I’m not going anywhere with you, Virgil,” Amanda said defiantly. “Not until you tell me what’s going on.”

“I will, soon. I promise. But right now, we have to get to the supply shed.”

“What’s so important about the supply shed that we have to go there this very second?”

“That’s a question I’d also like to know the answer to, Mr. Lutt.”

Fallon and Prophet stood at the corner of the building.

“Virgil, Virgil, Virgil,” Fallon mocked. “I’m surprised at you. You struck me as an intelligent man, but it seems I was wrong. You just couldn’t leave well enough alone, could you? Had to stick your nose in where it didn’t belong.”

“Let the girl go,” Virgil said. He hobbled in front of Amanda. “She knows nothing. It’s me you want.”

“How heroic,” Fallon scoffed.

“It’s too late for that, Virgil,” Prophet said.

“Will somebody please tell me what’s going on?” Amanda said.

“There’s no easy way to tell you, Amanda,” Virgil said. “Prophet killed your parents. I don’t know why, but he did. Now they’re afraid the authorities will come looking for you.”

“Don’t be silly,” Amanda laughed. “Joseph would never do that.”

“Joseph?” Virgil replied.

“You didn’t know?” Amanda said. “Virgil, Joseph is my husband.”

Fallon walked over to Virgil, leaned forward, and whispered in his ear. “That’s right. Her husband. And you know what? A wife can’t testify against her husband.”

“Maybe not,” Virgil replied. “But I sure as hell can.”

“Only one small problem with that,” Fallon said. He leaned over and pressed his thumb deep into Virgil’s wound. “Dead men can’t testify.”

Virgil screamed in agony and crumbled to the ground.

“Take your hands off him!” Amanda cried as she tried to push Fallon away. Fallon grabbed her by the back of her neck, twisted her hair until she screamed, then threw her into Prophet’s arms.

“Put your dog on a leash, Joseph!”

“How dare you touch me!” Amanda screamed. She tried to strike out at Fallon.

“Shut up!” Fallon yelled. Prophet held her back. “You made this mess, Joseph!” he said. He pointed his finger at Amanda. “Clean it up. Once and for all.”

Fallon pulled the semi-automatic from his waistband, chambered a round, and forced the gun into Prophet’s hand.

“I tried to tell you, but you wouldn’t listen!” he raged. “She’s a fucking liability! Cap the bitch right now and be done with it!”

Amanda turned to Prophet. “What are they talking about?” she asked. “What did you do to my parents? Tell me this isn’t true. Tell me they’re lying.” She sobbed. “Look at me, Joseph. Tell me, please!”

Prophet stood before her in silence.

“What’s the matter, Prophet?” Virgil asked. His breathing had become heavy, labored. “Too much blood on your hands? It’s a little late to be developing a conscience, isn’t it? The girl wants an answer to her question. What are you waiting for? Tell her the truth, if you’ve got the guts.”

“Shut up, Lutt!” Prophet yelled.

Virgil pushed himself to his feet. “You know why he won’t tell you the truth, Amanda? Because he’s afraid you’ll see him for the murderer he really is.” He turned to Prophet. “You took advantage of all of us. You and your lackey. Everyone believed you. But it was all a lie, wasn’t it? Well, it’s over. I’m leaving, and Amanda is leaving with me.”

Prophet tossed the weapon on the ground. “I’m sorry, Amanda,” he said.

“So what Virgil is saying is true?” Amanda cried. “You killed my parents? You son of a bitch!”

Fallon picked up the gun. “Enough of this bullshit!” he yelled. “If you don’t have the balls to do it, then I will.”

“No!” Prophet cried. He pushed Amanda to the ground, forced Fallon’s arm into the air. The two men struggled for control of the weapon.

“Amanda, run!” Virgil yelled. “The woods! Run for the woods!”

“I can’t,” she cried. She tried to stand. Fear held her down.

“You’ve got to! Run. Don’t look

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