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psychic medium. Sometimes, we call him when we have a tough case and need help communicating with spirits, especially with poltergeists. He’s helped us with a lot of cases in the past. We trust him, and he is always willing to help us.”

“Poltergeists? That’s a real thing?” Lexi asked. But before anyone could answer, she continued, “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to sound dumb. I thought Poltergeist was only a movie.”

“The term was popularized by the movie,” Trey answered. “But a poltergeist haunting is very much a real thing. It’s the German word for noisy ghost. It’s when a spirit is able to move objects, even people. It’s an intelligent spirit that can make loud noises by moving objects or banging on walls. That’s not a dumb question at all,” Trey stated. “Most people don’t know or understand the different types of hauntings, and that’s how misconceptions are started.”

“Thank you.” Lexi nodded at Trey before looking back down into the open box. “Always feel free to ask us if you have a question. We’re happy to answer them.”

“I will,” Lexi stated while tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

“We should keep setting up. Trey, let us know what Dave says.”

“I will.” Trey pushed the button on his phone to call the psychic medium. Luke cleared an area where they wanted to dig. Liam carried the box they had discovered and opened, while he, Emily, and Lexi moved back upstairs to finish setting up camera equipment.

Hours later, Emily and Lexi were reading through the documents when Emily called out to Liam. “You should take a look at this page.” She handed the open journal that Charles kept to Liam.

Liam read the journal entry and stared at the page in disbelief. “This was written by Charles. He explains what happened to Banks and how he inherited the property.” Liam paused and strode to the front door. “Guys,” he shouted for his teammates. Moments later, Trey and Luke entered Emily’s flat.

Liam stood in the middle of the room and read the journal entry.

April 25, 1870

I buried Robert today. The sickness finally took over his body. Despite the sadness of the situation, I feel nothing but relief. The sun shone brightly at the cemetery. The house has never felt as warm as it does.

May 1, 1870

The spirit, of whom I am sure is Robert, has been haunting the house. I feel he’s angry at my inheritance of the property. Though, he should be angry at himself since he never named another next of kin in his will. I’ve sent for a seer woman to come and help me communicate with him. Rumor is she is a powerful witch. I feel my family is in danger now. I received word today that Robert’s closest men died in a tragic accident. No one knows how. It seems they dropped dead for no reason. They were the only ones, besides myself who knew what Robert had done.

May 3, 1870

My wife and I were both dragged out of our beds last night by unseen hands. Little Phillip has been seeing a “Shadow Man.”

“Oh my god,” Emily said, pressing her hands to her mouth.

“I bet Banks was the cause of his men’s deaths,” Trey said.

“Trying to hide his secrets, even from the grave,” Luke added.

“There’s more,” Liam continued reading.

May 10, 1870

They seer visited last night. She saw everything that Banks had done. The walls of the house vibrated and rumbled as she spoke, revealing his sins. She was unable to remove him from the home. Apparently, he refused to move on and believes he can continue ruling with an iron fist from the grave. She placed a spell on him, binding him to the confines of the house. 

While she looked into her crystal ball, the future showed itself to her. Her vision showed that James and Abigail will return one day. Until that time, my family and I have been tasked with guarding this house, ensuring that the truth is revealed when the time comes.

May 13, 1870

I had James and Emily’s bodies moved to the cemetery today, and the room they were buried in sealed shut. The house has remained quiet since the seer visited. I only hope it stays that way. I have no intention of breaking my promise. I’ll remain here and do whatever is necessary to make sure James and Abigail can return to this place and learn the truth.”

“That’s the end of this journal,” Liam said as he closed it and sat on Emily’s sofa. She took a seat next to him, her arm around his shoulders.

Trey spoke, “Liam, if Charles moved the bodies, we might not be able to find them.”

“Why’s that?” Emily asked. Her brown drawn together in question.

“Because in the early nineteen hundreds, San Francisco passed a law, prohibiting any further burials in the city. And in 1914, it passed another law that any bodies in cemeteries within the city limits needed to be relocated. They were all moved to Colma, just south of here. That’s why there are so many cemeteries there. It was meant to be a Necropolis. Any bodies who weren’t claimed in cemeteries in San Francisco were buried in mass graves in Colma. And the old cemeteries in the city were destroyed for housing development.”

Liam sat, holding the journal while he listened to Trey speak. “Right. So, unless Charles paid to have the bodies moved, they would have been relocated to a mass, unmarked grave. Can we try to find out?”

“It would be nice to know if they were buried properly a third time.” Emily looked from Liam to Trey as she spoke.

“I’ll do everything I can to try and find out where they are,” Trey assured.

“Alright. Let’s keep going. Lexi, thanks. This information is really helpful. You have no idea. We’re not stopping now.  We keep going and dig anyway. Just to be sure they aren’t still here.” Liam turned his attention to Trey. “Did you get a hold of Dave?”

“Yep,” Trey answered. “He promised he’d

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