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Book online «Jonny's Redemption (Gemini Group Book 7) Riley Edwards (ebook reader screen .TXT) 📖». Author Riley Edwards

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and she took him in. Top to toe and back up to his face. Jonny didn’t miss her sigh of relief he was uninjured.

“What’s going on?”

What was going on was Bobby was now in danger because of him. And it seriously made him fucking angry that the only way for him to protect her was to tell her the truth.

“That was Dick Dillinger at the door,” Jonny started but got no further.

“What? But you hate him. Why would he come to your house?”

“Yeah, Bobby, you could say I hate him. He came by to warn me to stop looking into Anderson’s disappearance.”

“Warned you,” she breathed, and that pissed him right the fuck off, too.

Now she didn’t only look freaked, she sounded it, too. An overwhelming urge to pound his fist into Dick’s face came over Jonny. However, he didn’t have time to succumb to the volatile emotions swirling around in his head. He had to keep his shit together, call Nix and get Bobby to the office.

“Everything’s gonna be okay. I need to hurry and get ready while I call Nixon.”


“Ten minutes, Bobby. We have to get to the office.”

“Ten minutes?”

Bobby’s question came out as half shriek, half disbelief. He knew on a normal day his request was an impossibility—the woman took an age to get ready. But they didn’t have time to dally. He also didn’t have time to argue with her. So it was time to lay it out for her.

“It seriously fucks me to say this, but Dick’s warning was about you. Candy, McKenna, and you.”

“But ten minutes? Jonny, that’s impossible.”

Jonny’s body locked and he felt a neck twitch.

“Baby, did you hear me? He wants me to back off investigating Anderson and he’s using you to get me to do that.”

“I heard you, Jonny. But you’re not gonna back off. A man is missing and you’re gonna find him. His wife deserves to know what happened—good or bad—she needs to know. And if there’s a chance Anderson is out there still alive he needs to be found. Either way, you’re gonna find him. I don’t care what that asshole Dick says, he can threaten me all he wants. I know you won’t let anything happen to me and I know Nixon won’t let anything happen to Micky and I know all of you will make sure Candy’s okay. What I do care about is having ten minutes to make myself presentable. So go make coffee, call Nixon, and get dressed yourself. I’ll hurry, but it ain’t gonna be ten minutes. I’m not leaving this house naked.”

Jesus fuck.

For the life of him, Jonny couldn’t force his muscles to work. He wanted to pull her close and kiss the fuck out of her. He wanted to tell her how much her trust meant to him. He wanted to howl like an animal. But none of that could happen because Jonny’s entire being was suspended. Not only did she trust him to protect her, she believed in him. Believed he would find Anderson.




Jonny took in the woman in front of him. Really took her in. She no longer looked freaked. She didn’t look scared. She knew her man would protect her so she was free to worry about goddamn makeup.

Fuck, yeah, she believed in him and that felt damn good.


“You know I don’t leave the house without my face on.”

Face on. The woman was cute. Bobby didn’t need makeup, she was a natural beauty. But he knew any time spent in an effort to convince her of this would be fruitless. He’d also come to like that the first thing she did when she got home was wash her face clean of the armor she applied every morning. That when they were home just the two of them, she knew she didn’t need it.

Jonny’s gaze went over Bobby’s shoulder and landed on the explosion of makeup and hair products littering her side of the vanity. Her side. She hadn’t slept at her place for a month. Her clothes were in his closet and in his dresser. Her shoes the same, save the dresser add the floor. They hadn’t made the move official but it was time to do that.

But first, he needed to get their day started and call Nixon.

Now that some of the tension had ebbed and he could move, Jonny tagged Bobby around the waist and pulled her close. When she was in his arms he said, “You get ready and I’ll make my calls.”

“You got this, Jonny,” she whispered. “Dick coming here is a good thing. He tipped his hand and confirmed he’s involved. And he’s all kinds of dumb criminal to give you a heads up he’ll come after me, Micky, and Candy. Now he’ll never get to us. I mean, really, that wasn’t smart. If he wanted to harm us he should’ve just done it.”

Dick wasn’t a dumb criminal. He was a cocky asshole who thought a warning was sufficient to scare Gemini Group into backing off. But Bobby was right—he was a dumb fuck thinking that would work.

“No, baby, he will not get to you.”

“I know.”


Jonny dropped his mouth and the moment his lips touched Bobby’s she opened and slid her tongue against his. He held her tighter but kept their kiss light. Unfortunately, it was also short.

Fucking Dick Dillinger—cockblocking motherfucker.


One could say the men of Gemini Group were rabid in their protection of women. And if you happened to be a woman they cared about, that extreme need to take care of you turned violent and then was exacerbated tenfold.

I knew this of course. I’d had a front-row seat when Gemini Group was hired to handle Evie’s stalker. And I witnessed the change from bodyguards to caring for the woman Chasin loved. I also watched it happen with Charleigh. Though they were all straight-up crazy-protective over her and Faith from the beginning. And when Bent almost beat me to death, I reaped the benefits of that goodness and was surrounded by their

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