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Book online «River of Bones Dan Padavona (amazing books to read .TXT) 📖». Author Dan Padavona

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The air was thick with humidity and evergreen scents. Animals scurried out of hiding and fled.

That’s when he realized he didn’t see the gangster anymore. He’d vanished from his position. Concerned his attacker was headed toward Raven and Darren, LeVar toyed with radioing them and breaking his silence. Too risky. This might be a trick. Staying in the woods, stepping across the soft forest bedding, LeVar was a silent predator. His skin prickled, body coursing with adrenaline. A few steps from the trail, he stopped and moved his gaze through the forest.

The fist exploded out of the dark and caught LeVar’s chin, snapping his head back. Before he reacted, the shadowed figure leapt out of hiding and barreled his shoulder into LeVar’s stomach, sending him backward. His spine collided with a fallen bough. The jagged end stabbed his flesh and drew blood as he scrambled away.

“Think you could walk away?” LeVar recognized the voice. The Kings hadn’t sent Anthony, Lawson, or Kilo. Rev had come to finish the job. “I been watching you for weeks. Waited for this for too long.”

The booted foot caught LeVar’s head and whipped him sideways. He sprawled in the dirt and leaves, fingers clawing at the soil as the forest spun around him. The next kick struck his ribs. Hot agony wrenched his body as he drew his knees to his chest and curled into a ball.

“You were my enforcer? What a joke. I could’ve bled you anytime I wanted, bitch.”

As LeVar crawled to his knees, Rev pounded LeVar with a punch to the face. Blood spurted from his nose. He pushed himself to his feet before his knees buckled, the woods a confusing pattern of whirling motions. He swung blindly, intent on knocking Rev’s head off his shoulders. The blow whipped harmlessly through the air. A low chuckle behind him revealed Rev’s position. Too late for LeVar to react. Hauling LeVar up from behind, Rev snaked his powerful forearms around LeVar’s neck. He squeezed, sapping LeVar’s strength. Rev was going to kill him.

The arms around his throat constricted. LeVar gasped for air and reached out, desperate for a makeshift weapon or something to grab hold of. His hand fell to the sheathed knife. Rev hooked one arm around LeVar’s elbow and pulled back, preventing LeVar from reaching his weapon. The other arm choked his life away as a cracking sound came from LeVar’s neck.

“You’re a nobody, LeVar. You never should have walked away from your real family. Shame. But when a dog goes bad, you gotta put her down.”

LeVar whipped his head back and smashed it against Rev’s face. Bones crunched in the gang leader’s nose. Stunned, Rev’s grip weakened. LeVar swung an elbow and caught Rev in the stomach, driving his attacker back. LeVar sucked air as Rev stumbled through the dark, fighting to regain his senses.

The forest turned red in LeVar’s vision. As his strength returned, he zeroed in on the feared leader of the Harmon Kings. Rev doubled over, one arm wrapped around his stomach as he coughed blood. LeVar thought of the knife on his hip.

No. A quick kill would be too easy. He wanted the sociopath to suffer. Pay for the lives he stole while running Harmon’s streets.

Rev recovered and raised his head a split-second before LeVar launched into him. His shoulder drove through Rev’s midsection. The gangster’s legs flew out from under him. He crashed back-first against the forest floor with LeVar atop him, fists raining down on his face. Rev raised his arms to cover up. But there was no stopping LeVar’s fury.

“You shouldn’t have threatened my friends.” LeVar’s punch snapped Rev’s head backward. Blood flew from the man’s mouth as LeVar smashed his fist against Rev’s cheek. “I knew you were too stupid to leave me alone, Rev. You’re a coward. You never would have survived Harmon without me watching your back.”

Rev snatched the knife off LeVar’s hip. The blade slashed at LeVar’s arm and gashed his flesh. He cried out and fell as the gangster gasped for air and retched. LeVar covered his bleeding arm as Rev found his footing. The gangster stood hunched over, one hand on his knee, the other clutching the knife like a lifeline. A cruel smile twisted his lips. Instead of coming at LeVar with the knife, Rev tossed it aside. It landed somewhere between the trees. For a moment, LeVar thought Rev meant to settle the score with his fists. An unwise decision, even for a hardened criminal like Rev. Then Rev drew the revolver from his pocket.

“It’s over, LeVar. First, I blow a hole in your head. Then I shoot that pig forest ranger you like so much and fuck your sister. I’ll kill you slow, let you watch me rape the bitch.”

A branch snapped on the trail. Rev swiveled his head toward the sound, giving LeVar the opening he needed. LeVar threw himself at Rev as the leader of the Harmon Kings raised the gun. The shot exploded and ripped past LeVar’s skull. Taken by surprise, groggy from the battle, Rev lost hold of the gun. LeVar drove his fist against Rev’s jaw. The gangster stumbled and propped himself against a tree as LeVar converged on him. Somewhere in the night, Raven shouted for LeVar to stop. He couldn’t. Not until he finished Rev and ensured the psycho never threatened his family and friends again.

LeVar lifted Rev like the man was a rag doll. Hoisting the gang leader over his shoulder, LeVar spun and drove Rev against the ground. A gasp escaped Rev’s chest. He lay wide-eyed and defenseless, the breath stolen from his body. He couldn’t defend himself against the punches LeVar delivered. The gangster’s eyes rolled back as LeVar pummeled the man’s face. LeVar was a rabid dog, a force of nature Rev shouldn’t have underestimated.

As LeVar raised his fist for the killing blow, someone dragged him off the unconscious gang leader.

“It’s over, LeVar. Let him go.”

Darren pulled LeVar to his feet, the former police

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