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Book online «H.M.S Valor: Treachery And Triumph: A war time adventure on the high seas Cal Clement (free ebooks for android txt) 📖». Author Cal Clement

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also, are you well?”

“I am Sir. Well enough, mine was grazing really, no debris remains lodged in my wound Sir, I should recover in a day or two according to our ship’s doctor.” Pike answered. Elliot noticed his bearing was there, he was a navy man to make the King himself proud.

“Very well son, show me to your Captain.” Sharpe commanded, following Will below deck, “Who is your ship’s surgeon?”

“Doctor Crowsner Sir,” Will replied.

“Ah. I feared as much.” Elliot replied with a scowl, he turned to a lieutenant that had come across with him from the endurance. “Run back to the Hunter, have them send over a compliment of carpenters and their surgeon, straight away lad.”

“Aye Sir,” the lieutenant said snappily turning to execute the directive.

“Apologies Sir, the Captain is out of sorts. He isn’t in condition to receive a flag officer properly,” William warned as he opened the cabin door.

Elliot could see immediately the dire condition Johnathan was in. The light settled into the cabin softly from the aft windows and he saw Captain Grimes laying shirtless in his hammock. Pale as a ghost, drenched through in sweat. As soon as he stepped in Elliot’s senses were assaulted by the smell of the Captain’s wound, corrupted flesh has putridity matched by few other odors. Johnathan turned his head; aware someone had entered his cabin.

“Admiral?” Grimes spoke a growl almost too faint to hear.

“Yes lad. Keep where you are. Let me see that wound.” Elliot instructed softly.

Captain Grimes lifted his head slightly, struggling to make his arm obey for a second to lift the dressing covering his wound. Admiral Sharpe could see where he was trying to lift and assisted him removing it. Elliot could see the wound, a six-inch stitched laceration with several smaller wounds around it, it was a deep purple in color with a web of pale yellowish streaks leading away toward the mottled gray skin surrounding. He could see pus coming from the stitches and the odor under the bandage was foul, it smelled of death.

“I hate to inform you boy.” Elliot began, pausing when he could see Johnathan knew exactly what he was about to say.

“I know Sir. I won’t survive this.” Johnathan interrupted.

“I was going to say likely; you won’t likely survive this. However, I believe your presumption is correct. I warned you about Crowsner, what a poor excuse for a surgeon. I warned you about that damn Scotsman, far too often in his cup and he consorts with a manner of pagan practices. I warned you Johnathan and I see like the stubborn mule you are you have ignored my heeding, likely to your death. My surgeon aboard the Endurance would’ve had every bit out and the wound cleaned proper, you’d be right to sail in a week.” Sharpe scolded. “But no use for it now. Johnathan, you sent signal for tea. I assume your inquiry alluded to the order involving East India Company ships.”

“Yes Sir. Do you know anything Sir?” Grimes asked a sudden spark entering his composure.

“You there, you are the First Lieutenant am I right?” Sharpe asked to an onlooking William who seemed to snap out of some melancholy state hearing the Admiral address him.

“Yes Sir, I am, Lieutenant William Pike, Sir.” Will replied.

“Very well. Johnathan, if you are to perish, do you have any qualms relinquishing command over to this lad?” Elliot asked flatly.

“None Sir, he will make a fine master and commander.” Grimes said looking over at Will almost smirking at the dumbfounded expression on the young officer’s face.

“Right then. Listen closely Will, your lot has joined the fleet at a precarious time. Now the order to remain a minimum of four cables distance from every company ship was given to my fleet four months ago. I received it from Governor Alton in Kingston, though I am unsure if it originated there. If you received the same orders from England, I doubt Alton is the only one involved.” Sharpe said sitting onto a stool in the cabin.

“Involved in what Sir? What ends could these orders possibly serve?” William spoke up.

“I have reason to believe the East India Company is operating a slave smuggling operation in defiance of both parliament and crown. I myself lead a landing party inshore from the cove where the Endurance is currently at anchor. We came upon a prison camp and were thusly engaged by the men guarding it. I lost some of my marines in the exchange and one is still missing, taken prisoner I assume. It is purely suspicion at this point; however, I believe Africans are being taken by the company and shuttled here, then distributed from the camp I just mentioned.” Elliot said looking intensely at Will.

“The governor is involved Sir? Are you sure?” Will asked. The situation seeming more and more formidable as the Admiral listed his suspicions.

“I am sure of nothing Lieutenant. I have my suspicions. What I am sure of is that there is slave trafficking through seas I am responsible for. If it is in fact the company, if the governor is involved, if anyone in London is aware, I cannot prove. What I can prove only makes me more suspicious. What I need right now is my fleet, upright and battle ready. How soon can you sail Lieutenant?” Elliot asked.

“It will be two more days Sir; the foremast needs to be replaced. We’ve repaired the rail and mended what we can of the gun ports. The lion’s share of the larboard battery is good only for ballast at this point and any provisions we had that were not destroyed by the water taken on in the storm are now ruined. We are in desperate need of a proper refit in port Sir.” Will replied reviewing their condition.

“I suspected as much and fortunately enough; my next destination will be Kingston. However, when we get there, I will require every able marine you have on ship. You will have twenty-four hours to take on what you need

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