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Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
  rocky, hilly, mountainous with
  some boggy, undulating plains

Faroe Islands
  rugged, rocky, some low peaks; cliffs along most of

  mostly mountains of volcanic origin

  mostly low, flat to rolling plains interspersed with lakes
  and low hills

  metropolitan France: mostly flat plains or gently rolling
  hills in north and west; remainder is mountainous, especially
  Pyrenees in south, Alps in east
  French Guiana: low-lying coastal plains rising to hills and small
  Guadeloupe: Basse-Terre is volcanic in origin with interior
  mountains; Grande-Terre is low limestone formation; most of the
  seven other islands are volcanic in origin
  Martinique: mountainous with indented coastline; dormant volcano
  Reunion: mostly rugged and mountainous; fertile lowlands along coast

French Polynesia
  mixture of rugged high islands and low islands with

French Southern and Antarctic Lands
  Ile Amsterdam (Ile Amsterdam et
  Ile Saint-Paul): a volcanic island with steep coastal cliffs; the
  center floor of the volcano is a large plateau
  Ile Saint-Paul (Ile Amsterdam et Ile Saint-Paul): triangular in
  shape, the island is the top of a volcano, rocky with steep cliffs
  on the eastern side; has active thermal springs
  Iles Crozet: a large archipelago formed from the Crozet Plateau is
  divided into two groups of islands
  Iles Kerguelen: the interior of the large island of Ile Kerguelen is
  composed of rugged terrain of high mountains, hills, valleys, and
  plains with a number of peninsulas stretching off its coasts
  Bassas da India (Iles Eparses): atoll, awash at high tide; shallow
  (15 m) lagoon
  Europa Island, Glorioso Islands, Juan de Nova Island: low, flat, and
  Tromelin Island (Iles Eparses): low, flat, sandy; likely volcanic

  narrow coastal plain; hilly interior; savanna in east and south

Gambia, The
  flood plain of the Gambia River flanked by some low hills

Gaza Strip
  flat to rolling, sand- and dune-covered coastal plain

  largely mountainous with Great Caucasus Mountains in the
  north and Lesser Caucasus Mountains in the south; Kolkhet'is Dablobi
  (Kolkhida Lowland) opens to the Black Sea in the west; Mtkvari River
  Basin in the east; good soils in river valley flood plains,
  foothills of Kolkhida Lowland

  lowlands in north, uplands in center, Bavarian Alps in south

  mostly low plains with dissected plateau in south-central area

  a narrow coastal lowland borders the Rock of Gibraltar

  mostly mountains with ranges extending into the sea as
  peninsulas or chains of islands

  flat to gradually sloping icecap covers all but a narrow,
  mountainous, barren, rocky coast

  volcanic in origin with central mountains

  volcanic origin, surrounded by coral reefs; relatively flat
  coralline limestone plateau (source of most fresh water), with steep
  coastal cliffs and narrow coastal plains in north, low hills in
  center, mountains in south

  mostly mountains with narrow coastal plains and rolling
  limestone plateau

  mostly level with low hills in southwest

  generally flat coastal plain, hilly to mountainous interior

  mostly low coastal plain rising to savanna in east

  mostly rolling highlands; low coastal plain; savanna in south

  mostly rough and mountainous

Heard Island and McDonald Islands Heard Island - 80% ice-covered, bleak and mountainous, dominated by a large massif (Big Ben) and an active volcano (Mawson Peak); McDonald Islands - small and rocky

Holy See (Vatican City)
  urban; low hill

  mostly mountains in interior, narrow coastal plains

Hong Kong
  hilly to mountainous with steep slopes; lowlands in north

  mostly flat to rolling plains; hills and low mountains on
  the Slovakian border

  mostly plateau interspersed with mountain peaks, icefields;
  coast deeply indented by bays and fiords

  upland plain (Deccan Plateau) in south, flat to rolling plain
  along the Ganges, deserts in west, Himalayas in north

Indian Ocean
  surface dominated by counterclockwise gyre (broad,
  circular system of currents) in the southern Indian Ocean; unique
  reversal of surface currents in the northern Indian Ocean; low
  atmospheric pressure over southwest Asia from hot, rising, summer
  air results in the southwest monsoon and southwest-to-northeast
  winds and currents, while high pressure over northern Asia from
  cold, falling, winter air results in the northeast monsoon and
  northeast-to-southwest winds and currents; ocean floor is dominated
  by the Mid-Indian Ocean Ridge and subdivided by the Southeast Indian
  Ocean Ridge, Southwest Indian Ocean Ridge, and Ninetyeast Ridge

  mostly coastal lowlands; larger islands have interior

  rugged, mountainous rim; high, central basin with deserts,
  mountains; small, discontinuous plains along both coasts

  mostly broad plains; reedy marshes along Iranian border in
  south with large flooded areas; mountains along borders with Iran
  and Turkey

  mostly level to rolling interior plain surrounded by rugged
  hills and low mountains; sea cliffs on west coast

Isle of Man
  hills in north and south bisected by central valley

  Negev desert in the south; low coastal plain; central
  mountains; Jordan Rift Valley

  mostly rugged and mountainous; some plains, coastal lowlands

  mostly mountains, with narrow, discontinuous coastal plain

Jan Mayen
  volcanic island, partly covered by glaciers

  mostly rugged and mountainous

  gently rolling plain with low, rugged hills along north coast

  mostly desert plateau in east, highland area in west; Great
  Rift Valley separates East and West Banks of the Jordan River

  extends from the Volga to the Altai Mountains and from
  the plains in western Siberia to oases and desert in Central Asia

  low plains rise to central highlands bisected by Great Rift
  Valley; fertile plateau in west

  mostly low-lying coral atolls surrounded by extensive reefs

Korea, North
  mostly hills and mountains separated by deep, narrow
  valleys; coastal plains wide in west, discontinuous in east

Korea, South
  mostly hills and mountains; wide coastal plains in west
  and south

  flat fluvial basin with an elevation of 400-700 m above sea
  level surrounded by several high mountain ranges with elevations of
  2,000 to 2,500 m

  flat to slightly undulating desert plain

  peaks of Tien Shan and associated valleys and basins
  encompass entire nation

  mostly rugged mountains; some plains and plateaus

  low plain

  narrow coastal plain; El Beqaa (Bekaa Valley) separates
  Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon Mountains

  mostly highland with plateaus, hills, and mountains

  mostly flat to rolling coastal plains rising to rolling
  plateau and low mountains in northeast

  mostly barren, flat to undulating plains, plateaus, depressions

  mostly mountainous (Alps) with Rhine Valley in western

  lowland, many scattered small lakes, fertile soil

  mostly gently rolling uplands with broad, shallow
  valleys; uplands to slightly mountainous in the north; steep slope
  down to Moselle flood plain in the southeast

  generally flat

  mountainous territory covered with deep basins and
  valleys; three large lakes, each divided by a frontier line; country
  bisected by the Vardar River

  narrow coastal plain, high plateau and mountains in center

  narrow elongated plateau with rolling plains, rounded hills,
  some mountains

  coastal plains rising to hills and mountains

  flat, with white sandy beaches

  mostly flat to rolling northern plains covered by sand; savanna
  in south, rugged hills in northeast

  mostly low, rocky, flat to dissected plains; many coastal

Marshall Islands
  low coral limestone and sand islands

  mostly barren, flat plains of the Sahara; some central

  small coastal plain rising to discontinuous mountains
  encircling central plateau

  generally undulating, with deep ravines and ancient volcanic

  high, rugged mountains; low coastal plains; high plateaus;

Micronesia, Federated States of islands vary geologically from high mountainous islands to low, coral atolls; volcanic outcroppings on Pohnpei, Kosrae, and Chuuk

  rolling steppe, gradual slope south to Black Sea

  hilly, rugged, rocky

  vast semidesert and desert plains, grassy steppe, mountains
  in west and southwest; Gobi Desert in south-central

  highly indented coastline with narrow coastal plain
  backed by rugged high limestone mountains and plateaus

  volcanic island, mostly mountainous, with small coastal

  northern coast and interior are mountainous with large areas
  of bordering plateaus, intermontane valleys, and rich coastal plains

  mostly coastal lowlands, uplands in center, high plateaus
  in northwest, mountains in west

  mostly high plateau; Namib Desert along coast; Kalahari
  Desert in east

  sandy beach rises to fertile ring around raised coral reefs
  with phosphate plateau in center

Navassa Island
  raised coral and limestone plateau, flat to
  undulating; ringed by vertical white cliffs (9 to 15 m high)

  Tarai or flat river plain of the Ganges in south, central hill
  region, rugged Himalayas in north

  mostly coastal lowland and reclaimed land (polders);
  some hills in southeast

Netherlands Antilles
  generally hilly, volcanic interiors

New Caledonia
  coastal plains with interior mountains

New Zealand
  predominately mountainous with some large coastal plains

  extensive Atlantic coastal plains rising to central
  interior mountains; narrow Pacific coastal plain interrupted by

  predominately desert plains and sand dunes; flat to rolling
  plains in south; hills in north

  southern lowlands merge into central hills and plateaus;
  mountains in southeast, plains in north

  steep limestone cliffs along coast, central plateau

Norfolk Island
  volcanic formation with mostly rolling plains

Northern Mariana Islands
  southern islands are limestone with level
  terraces and fringing coral reefs; northern islands are volcanic

  glaciated; mostly high plateaus and rugged mountains broken
  by fertile valleys; small, scattered plains; coastline deeply
  indented by fjords; arctic tundra in north

  central desert plain, rugged mountains in north and south

Pacific Ocean
  surface currents in the northern Pacific are dominated
  by a clockwise, warm-water gyre (broad circular system of currents)
  and in the southern Pacific by a counterclockwise, cool-water gyre;
  in the northern Pacific, sea ice forms in the Bering Sea and Sea of
  Okhotsk in winter; in the southern Pacific, sea ice from Antarctica
  reaches its northernmost extent in October; the ocean floor in the
  eastern Pacific is dominated by the East Pacific Rise, while the
  western Pacific is dissected by deep trenches, including the Mariana
  Trench, which is the world's deepest

  flat Indus plain in east; mountains in north and northwest;
  Balochistan plateau in west

  varying geologically from the high, mountainous main island of
  Babelthuap to low, coral islands usually fringed by large barrier

  interior mostly steep, rugged mountains and dissected, upland
  plains; coastal areas largely plains and rolling hills

Papua New Guinea
  mostly mountains with coastal lowlands and rolling

Paracel Islands
  mostly low and flat

  grassy plains and wooded hills east of Rio Paraguay; Gran
  Chaco region west of Rio Paraguay mostly low, marshy plain near the
  river, and dry forest and thorny scrub elsewhere

  western coastal plain (costa), high and rugged Andes in center
  (sierra), eastern lowland jungle of Amazon Basin (selva)

  mostly mountains with narrow to extensive coastal

Pitcairn Islands
  rugged volcanic formation; rocky coastline with

  mostly flat plain; mountains along southern border

  mountainous north of the Tagus River, rolling plains in

Puerto Rico
  mostly mountains with coastal plain belt in north;
  mountains precipitous to sea on west coast; sandy beaches along most
  coastal areas

  mostly flat and barren desert covered with loose sand and

  central Transylvanian Basin is separated from the Plain of
  Moldavia on the east by the Carpathian Mountains and separated from
  the Walachian Plain on the south by the Transylvanian Alps

  broad plain with low hills west of Urals; vast coniferous
  forest and tundra in Siberia; uplands and mountains along southern
  border regions

  mostly grassy uplands and hills; relief is mountainous with
  altitude declining from west to east

Saint Barthelemy
  hilly, almost completely surrounded by
  shallow-water reefs, with 20 beaches

Saint Helena
  the islands of this group result from volcanic activity
  associated with the Atlantic Mid-Ocean Ridge
  Saint Helena: rugged, volcanic; small scattered plateaus and plains
  Ascension: surface covered by lava flows and cinder cones of 44
  dormant volcanoes; ground rises to the east
  Tristan da Cunha: sheer cliffs line the coastline of the nearly
  circular island; the flanks of the central volcanic peak are deeply
  dissected; narrow coastal plain lies between The Peak and the
  coastal cliffs

Saint Kitts and Nevis
  volcanic with mountainous interiors

Saint Lucia
  volcanic and mountainous with some broad, fertile valleys

Saint Pierre and Miquelon
  mostly barren rock

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  volcanic, mountainous

  two main islands (Savaii, Upolu) and several smaller islands
  and uninhabited islets; narrow coastal plain with volcanic, rocky,
  rugged mountains in interior

San Marino
  rugged mountains

Sao Tome and Principe
  volcanic, mountainous

Saudi Arabia
  mostly uninhabited, sandy desert

  generally low, rolling, plains rising to foothills in

  extremely varied; to the north, rich fertile plains; to the
  east, limestone ranges and basins; to the southeast, ancient
  mountains and hills

  Mahe Group is granitic, narrow coastal strip, rocky,
  hilly; others are coral, flat, elevated reefs

Sierra Leone
  coastal belt of mangrove swamps, wooded hill country,
  upland plateau, mountains in east

  lowland; gently undulating central plateau contains water
  catchment area and nature preserve

  rugged mountains in the central and northern part and
  lowlands in the south

  a short coastal strip on the Adriatic, an alpine mountain
  region adjacent to Italy and Austria, mixed mountains and valleys
  with numerous rivers to the east

Solomon Islands
  mostly rugged mountains with some low coral atolls

  mostly flat to undulating plateau rising to hills in north

South Africa
  vast interior plateau rimmed by rugged hills and narrow
  coastal plain

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
  most of the islands,
  rising steeply from the sea, are rugged and mountainous; South
  Georgia is largely barren and has steep, glacier-covered mountains;
  the South Sandwich Islands are of volcanic origin with some active

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