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Book online «The Galaxy, and the Ground Within Becky Chambers (books to read to get smarter .txt) 📖». Author Becky Chambers

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you,’ she said, sticking the chip in her pocket. ‘This is … thank you. Really.’

The Laru beamed. ‘I’m just so happy I could help.’ She moved her face closer, confidentially. ‘And I’m glad it doesn’t have to be Kopi. He’s rather boring.’

Pei laughed at this, her cheeks freckling a bit of genuine green. ‘Well, then I’m glad, too.’ She glanced around at the snacks and sundries. ‘Uh, one more question.’

‘Of course.’

‘Do you sell anything to drink?’

‘Oh, goodness, yes. We’ve got water, plenty of mek powder, plenty of fizz—’

‘No, no,’ Pei said. She looked Ouloo square in the eye. ‘Something to drink.’

Daily 238, GC Standard 307


Received message

Encryption: 0

From: GC Transit Authority – Gora System (path: 487-45411-479-4)

To: Ooli Oht Ouloo (path: 5787-598-66)


This is an urgent message from the Emergency Response Team aboard the GC Transit Authority Regional Management Orbiter (Gora System). As both standard ansible and Linking channels are currently unavailable, we will be communicating via the emergency beacon network for the time being. We ask that you leave your scribs locked to this channel until proper communications are restored.

We are now able to provide a firm estimate of 240/307 for the restoration of safe travel conditions. We know this comes a day later than our previously stated estimate, and we apologise for the inconvenience. As this situation is ever-changing, we have been unable to provide travellers with information that meets our typical standards for accuracy.

We are pleased to report that we will be deploying a small, temporary fleet of communications satellites throughout today, 238/307. Restoration times will vary depending on your location, and we cannot provide an estimate for your specific area. As this stop-gap network is limited in capacity, it will not be able to support the same user load as Gora’s standard network. To ensure that everyone has the ability to use comms as required, we ask that all calls and messages be limited to emergency needs, or matters relating directly to your travel plans.

We will be contacting you with your updated tunnel queue details as soon as comms are available.

Thank you for your patience. We are all in this together.

Node identifier: 3541-332-61, Gapei Tem Seri

Data source: external info chip

Hello, future mother! From all of us at the Rin creche, we wish you heartfelt congratulations on your shimmer, and we hope you’ll consider us to be your child’s fathers.


Ethiris is a beautiful planet, and we’re proud to call it home. Sapient settlements here are located on the north coast of the equatorial continent, which makes for mild winters, gorgeous summers, and easy transitions in between.

Our town is Kestrith, a multispecies community anchored around fibre farming and textile manufacture. We have easy access to beautiful beaches, and sunny hillside hikes are just a short shuttle trip away. Though Ethiris falls within Aandrisk territory, there is a large Aeluon population here, and your child will feel right at home. Colour panels can be found on every public sign, and our sapient neighbours are very familiar with our customs. Shimmerquick is arguably the most publicly celebrated holiday here, even more so than Kish Kesh Kep. If you’re hoping for your child to grow up with a strong connection to Aeluon tradition and the benefits of a cultural melting pot, Kestrith offers the best of both.

Our Kids’ Home

Above all else, we want our kids to feel safe and comfortable here. Our creche includes:

– Cosy sleeping quarters (including temperature-controlled pods for little ones who haven’t grown out of hibernating yet)

– Indoor and outdoor play areas

– Warm saltwater swimming pool (with a slide, of course!)

– A sim room for older kids

– A wildflower garden where kids can observe native wildlife up close (our settlement has no large predators or venomous creatures of any kind)

– A HUGE kitchen and aquaponic greenhouse (our kids help grow and cook everything)

– An at-home study hall for our hard-working students and curious thinkers

– Two quiet rooms for kids who need some time alone

– The best steam bath in the system (or at least, we think so)

Your Special Retreat

Having fathered twenty-six kids (and counting!), we know that shimmering can be as stressful as it is special. Having to drop everything is not easy, and as excited as you may be, it’s also okay if you’re feeling overwhelmed. All of the fathers here at the Rin creche understand, and we want to do everything we can to make this time as pleasant and peaceful as possible for you. We value our mothers’ contentment every bit as much as we do our children’s well-being.

You probably also have questions about coupling with us – learning about it in school isn’t the same as going through it for the first time! We’re happy to discuss everything in as much detail as you need to feel comfortable about being intimate with us. We’ll go over all your sexual preferences beforehand, and if you’re joining us from off-planet, you can write to, or call us as often as you like on your journey here, any time of day.

For you, we offer the following:

– Your choice of private sleeping quarters or shared quarters with any of the fathers

– Top-of-the-line medical exam facilities

– Your own private soaking tub (aside from being relaxing, a hot soak helps with the mild discomfort that can arise as your egg’s shell begins to harden)

– All the massages, naps, and dessert you want

– An open invitation to spend as much time interacting with our kids as you’re interested in. Some mothers like to be able to picture what her child’s life will be like; others want some distance from that. We’re used to both, and will accommodate either.

– A high-quality incubation pool, where your egg will be monitored day and night until hatching

Meet the Fathers


– Special training: medicine, physical activities, egg care, first aid, tutoring (math, science)

– Favourite activities: swimming, playing mystery sims

– Favourite thing about parenting: watching them do something I taught them better than me


– Special training: cooking, gardening, visual art, egg care, first aid, tutoring (colour control, art)

– Favourite activities: arranging

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