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Book online «Hive Knight: A Dark Fantasy LitRPG (Trinity of the Hive Book 1) Grayson Sinclair (book recommendations website .TXT) 📖». Author Grayson Sinclair

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Warning! Inducing mild coma to repair damage!

Alert: All mental faculties within acceptable parameters.

Alert: Anti-cheating program in effect.

Alert: Outside interference logged.

Alert: Level reset due to cheating.

Alert: Hidden quest “One of Us” accepted.

Alert: ”One of Us” completed.

I read them all in rapid succession and pulled up my character screen.

Character Name: Durandahl

Level: 1

Race: Hybrid (Hive)

Class: Hive Knight

Reputation: Wanted Criminal

Bounty: 300 Gold

Stats (-)

Strength: 0 (10)

Constitution: 0 (10)

Endurance: 0 (10)

Agility: 0 (10)

Wisdom: 0 (10)

Luck: 0 (30)

Charisma: 0 (10)

Sub-Stats Not Available

I stared at my screen for the longest time. In less than a day, I’d lost everything. My levels, my abilities, my stats. All of it’s gone. I’m a level one player again. Though with several significant changes.

Hybrid was something completely new. Only three races were available to players. Human, vampire, and werewolf. That was it. Hybrid was something I’d never come across before.

A sudden thought came over me, and I bolted out of bed and into the bathroom, running over to the mirror and analyzing my features.

I looked like my usual self and heaved a sigh of relief. Changing race usually involved some characteristics of your appearance changing. Vampires got the pale skin and blood-red eyes, werewolves sometimes increased in muscle mass and took on more animalistic attributes.

I turned to head back into the bedroom when my ears caught my eye.

They’d elongated. Not to the degree Eris’s were, but longer than any humans. I look more like an elf now.

After inspecting my newest feature, I washed my face. The cool water helped to abate my chaotic emotional state. I guess I don’t mind the ears so much, though I won’t look entirely human to anyone who looks closely. I didn’t look like an elf—too much facial hair and rugged features—plus, I didn’t have the correct bone structure. I just hope the tips won’t stand out when my hair is tied back.

Eris hadn’t moved one inch from her spot on the bed. I went over and knelt to look her in the eye. Her dark gaze sat unblinking, waiting for my judgment of her.

I wanted to be angry, wanted to scream, and break things. I should’ve been furious at what had been done to me...but I wasn’t. It’s not her fault. It’s whatever entity took over her body, and I will have my recompense for what they took from me.

“I’m not angry at you,” I said.

Immediately all the tension in her melted away, and she wrapped her hands around my neck, nuzzling against me. “You promise?”

“I promise.”

We sat beside each other in comfortable silence after that, my left-hand tracing over her hand and up her arm in ambient boredom while I sorted through my new class.

When I pulled it up for the first time, I couldn’t stop my rage and guilt boiling up again. Years spent chasing down every scrap of a lead to reach blade master. All of that work gone. Alistair lost his life helping me, and what do I have to show for his sacrifice? Nothing. I’d lost nearly all of my abilities.

Holy Blade was gone, along with Aura of Might. That was a devastating blow. I couldn’t get those back, not after what I’d done to acquire them. My aura and abilities from the rogue class had also been taken. I’m ruined. Without those auras, my build is useless. I could still raise my base speed to the point where I could be faster than most any other warrior, but without my auras, it was pointless.

By some miracle of the gods, I still held possession of Dance of the Immortal. It seemed I’d kept every ability not directly tied to a class. Dance, as well as Aura of the Antimage, were universal abilities. Twice Critical was still in my list as well since it was one of the starter abilities available to everyone, but it was next to useless without my speed. I just need to remove it.

Delete Ability: Twice Critical?



As it stood, I was effectively crippled. I’d lost eight of my abilities. This new class better be fucking worth it. I opened the Hive Knight class tree and was greeted with the general overview and description.

Only the strongest and most loyal are allowed to serve as handpicked honor guards to the Monarch of the Hive. As such, they are expected to give their lives for the Hive Kingdom. Rejoice, Hive Knight! For you have been chosen.

All Main Stats receive a bonus (+10) when in proximity (Thirty Feet) of the Monarch of the Hive.

All Main Stats receive a penalty (-20) when further than one hundred feet of the Monarch of the Hive.

You are now soul bound to the Monarch of the Hive.

Reading through the flavor text didn’t tell me anything specific except for the fact that if Eris died, my life would be dragged down right along with hers. While disconcerting, I didn’t plan on letting anything get close enough to her to try. She’s mine!

I shook my head. Where did that thought come from? My heart was beating fast, and anger flared up in my chest. The hell is going on? I didn’t have an answer to that, but I was letting myself get distracted from the task at hand.

Since I was level one again, I could only use one of the abilities I still had left to me. I chose Dance, and immediately Aura of the Antimage grayed out.

Being level one terrified me for a solid minute until I took a second look at the notifications I’d received.

What the hell’s a hidden quest? I’d never heard of such a thing, but I wasn’t going to curse my good fortune. Though I scratched my head at the influx of new and crazy information, feeling like I’d stumbled into something

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