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Book online «Star Crusades Michael Thomas (speld decodable readers .TXT) 📖». Author Michael Thomas

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shattered the enemydefences. Eighty percent of our first strike ground forces are nowon the surface, and as I speak are encircling and defeating theenemy in detail. It is now imperative that each of you…”

He stopped, and for a second itappeared that his transmission had been lost, or perhaps partiallymissing.

“Get him back,”said First Lieutenant Meredith.

“There’s no problem with thetransmission. It’s still live.”

All attention turned back to theGeneral who still looked as stunned as before. He spoke to officersnearby, and then pulled on his jacket to straighten it. Atthe same time, an image of the Admiralappeared. She looked exactly as before, smart, stern, and incomplete command. She had the look of a woman who never oncedoubted her ability.

“Our long-range sensors havedetected something coming this way at high speed. It matches the mass of the ship that escaped EpsilonEridani.”

The Captain quickly turned to her tactical officer.

“Maybe this fight isn’t all over afterall. Scanners to maximum, I want no surprises.”

She then looked to her XO.

“Take us to actionstations.”


Captain Regina focused ahead oncemore as her eyes ran over the various ships in formation. At thesame time, the bridge of the frigatetransformed in a matter of seconds, as the men and women ofNautilus prepared for what was to come.

“I don’t like this,” she said suspiciously, “Why returnnow?”

“We’ve fallen back to lick our wounds,” said the XO, “And oursoldiers are in the middle of landing on the surface.”

“Nearly all of our ships are here,clustered around their world.”

Both senior officers moved to the front of the viewing area andlooked out to the assembled ships. Seventy percent in the systemwere now near the planet, with the majority in high orbit. ANSHarbinger II, the newer of the two heavy warships waited alongsidethe cruisers, as numerous drones moved about them conductingrepairs. ANS Triumph was further away, its engines burning away asit moved away from the planet. Four other ships joined the ship,while the ships of the Interstellar Assault Brigade remainedrelatively close to the transports. More ships continued to breakformation, though there was no obvious reason why some moved andothers did not.

“Where is the Admiral going?”

She looked to her XO.

“Is it me, or is part of the fleetpulling back?”

“Both battleships and one of the battlecruisers are movingaway.”

She rubbed her chin as the long streak of light extended outfrom behind the ships.

“The newest ships only.Everything else is staying with us.”

Captain Regina snorted andmoved back to the tactical station whereLieutenant Zimmer was still working.

“Talk to me, Lieutenant. What iscoming, and where is it going?”

He lifted up his hands andshrugged.

“Captain. Our scanners simplyaren’t powerful enough. I need input fromthe heavy destroyers. They have the best arrays in…No…wait. Data iscoming in from ANS Triumph. The command network is buzzing withdata.”

He looked to Captain Regina andswallowed awkwardly before continuing.

“They have the best scanners inthe…”

“I’m well aware, Lieutenant.Now…report.”

“No way. The target is coming in fast. ETA, nineminutes.”

Captain Regina’s eyes opened wide insurprise.

“Where is it going?”

“The data here is too vague topin it down. Give me a second. I’m coordinating with our otherfrigates. Together we can create a virtual array with a capacity close to…”

He stopped and then smiled.

“That’s it. I have one point ofapproach data, two more. It looks like…Uh…It is coming righthere.”

A grid appeared on the primaryforward projection that hovered in front of the bulbousobservation bubble. It showed colouredicons over the friendly ships, as well as smaller indicators forlanding craft, fighters, and other craft. The grid was much toowide, but then shrunk down until it encompassed all of the areaoccupied by the ships in orbit over the planet.

“Wait,” said First LieutenantMeredith, “You’re saying the approachingvessel is coming here. Right on top of us?”


Captain Regina snorted and reached forthe intercom.

“I want the Admiral!”

She lifted a hand as she spoke.

“Do not take no for ananswer.”

It took amoment, and the gaunt face of the Navalofficer reappeared.


“Admiral. We are detecting a massiveobject entering this system.”

“Yes, I know. I am moving heavyassets ready to deal with it. We wiped out their primary fleet, and the same fate awaits the approachingvessels.”

“Vessels? We need to fall back, and fast.”

“My orders stand. IAB will remainover the planet with the infantry and transports. I have left youwith escorts and a few capital ships to protect you.”

She then feigned a smile of concern,and that, perhaps more than anything angered Captain Reginagreatly.

“But you’re withdrawing your…”

“You have your orders, Captain.It is critical our military operation continues unhindered.Thousands of lives on Ekati Alpha dependon us, on all of us.”

The image cut, leaving Captain Reginashaking her head.

“Tactical, check and confirm thedestination data.”

“I already have, Sir. It’s coming righthere.”

“It’s more than one ship,” shesaid angrily, “I don’t know about you,but something stinks.”

She looked to her officer, and then to the ships pullingback.

“Well…Screw that. I want to speak withthe rest of the captains. Put me on with any ships still inposition over this damned rock.”

“You’re through,” saidthe communications officer, “But you don’t havelong. They will arrive in four minutes.”

She took the intercom and spoke calmlyand clearly.

“This is Captain Regina of theNautilus. Enemy vessels of significant mass are approaching ourposition. I suggest we fall back to asafer distance. It is…”

She was cut offby the sound of a familiar voice. It wasthe General.

“Captain. My information from theAdmiral is that enemy vessels are approaching a waypoint morethan a hundred thousand kilometres fromhere. You’re saying otherwise?”

Captain Regina knew she was aboutto consign her career to the trashcan ofhistory, but as she looked into the eyes of her officers, she knewshe had to speak.

“The Admiral is keeping somethingfrom us. I cannot in all honesty allowthis to…”

“Captain. Send me your data, andstandby.”

She waited in silence, and thoseseconds turned to almost a minute. Thento her surprise the General agreed.

“Your assessment is correct. Get out ofhere now. I will speak with the Admiral.”

Her throat felt dry, and she could barely speak as she gave a signalto her XO. She passed on the orders immediately, and right away theship began to move away. Other ships did the same, with even thetransports activating their main engines to try and pullaway.

TheGeneral’s voice returned.

“Enemy forces are moving on ourposition at high speed. All ships withdraw

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