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think straight.

God, help me!

“Where. Is. It?”

“Where is...what?” she squeaked.

“Don’t play dumb now. I want the information you have.”

Dandy’s notes! Giving them up wouldn’t save her.

“I don’t have it.” She couldn’t even manage a garbled cry.

“Liar. I’m gonna shut your mouth for good and I’ll find it myself. Put an end to this and you.”

She clawed at his hands, but he wore gloves. She thrashed like a fish out of water, but to no avail as spots dotted her vision.

The world grew dim as her oxygen dropped, weakening her fight.

Georgia was going to die.

Not without a fight.

Georgia kneed him in the groin. His groan roared and his grip loosened. Sucking in precious air and taking her shot, she scrambled out from under him and bolted. Screaming bloody murder, she hightailed it away from him, but out here...who would hear her? Help her?

God, make a way to help me!

Georgia headed for the house, but he cut her off. She zigzagged and turned toward her half-mile drive that led to the main road. Her lungs burned like red-hot lava, but adrenaline kept her legs pumping.

Behind her, gravel crunched as he gained on her.

Colt turned on the long gravel road that led to Georgia’s house. Lights glowed. She appeared to be home.

His stomach knotted as he approached. After all these years, would it be awkward?

His headlights shone on a figure. Running. Wait. A woman. He hurriedly turned down the podcast. Screaming.

“Help me! Help!”

Georgia! Colt sprinted into action and bolted from his truck, racing toward her. Not far behind was another figure. Taller. Bulkier.

She plowed into Colt, nearly knocking him down. “Help me, please!”

Behind her, the man veered right, heading for the woods. “Go get in my truck and lock the doors!” He didn’t give her a chance to respond. He chased the figure toward the tree line.

“Freeze! Police!” Colt bellowed and entered the woods, but it was pitch-black and he had no light. He kicked a fallen branch, irritated the man had gotten away. He should have brought a light, a cell phone, something.

He turned around and jogged back to his vehicle. Georgia had listened to him and was inside the truck with a couple of furry dogs.

“You’re safe now,” he said as he approached, hoping to put her at ease.

She stepped out into the darkness. Time had filled her out and shortened her blond hair to her collarbone. “I’ve been thanking God. I’m sure He must have sent you.”

He finally approached, and the interior light of the truck gave him access to better see her features. Dainty nose. Full lips.

“Well, you know what the Bible says about all things being possible.”

She blinked as if trying to focus, then recognition hit, and she collapsed against him, wrapping her long arms around his back. “Colt? Oh, Colt. I’m so glad you’re here.”

Yep, it was awkward. For him. But he returned the embrace, feeling the softness of her body and the fearful shaking.

“Why are you here?” She drew back and frowned. “I mean, yay and all but...” Her knees buckled, and he caught her, moved a hair from her eyes.

“Didn’t you already answer that?” He smirked. Humor was way easier than any other emotion that accompanied seeing, touching or hearing her.

“I did?” She seemed confused. “Oh.” She laughed at her earlier remark, but it was fear-laced and wobbly. “Right. Well, I definitely prayed for help.”

God had a sense of humor sending Colt, but right now Georgia was safe and alive, so he was okay being used in any way God saw fit. “Get in. Let’s get on up to the house.”

Once he parked next to her car and opened the door, the dogs bounded up the porch. “Can you tell me what happened?” he asked as he helped her into the spacious living area that opened into the kitchen. A stone fireplace nestled between two windows, and open wood beams lined the ceiling. Hardwood floors were dotted with colorful rugs. Yes, this was most definitely Georgia. Colorful, cozy and down-home. All the things he’d loved about her in the past when he’d felt gray, cold and out of place.

He guided her to the brown leather sofa and draped a multicolored quilt on her lap. Her hands shook, and she placed her head over her knees and breathed.


“Need...a minute.” She continued even breathing, then deliberately raised her head. “I almost died, Colt.”

What if he had turned around? Georgia would be dead. Now he was the one who needed some deep breathing. “Tell me what happened. Take your time.”

She explained how she’d been attacked because she’d stuck her nose where it didn’t belong.

Same reason he was here. But how did the attacker know Georgia was the podcaster? “Who all knows you’re Christi Cold?”

“Just Susan Towers at the moment. Remember her?”

“Volleyball captain. She missed a serve and nailed me in the head during a game. Pretty sure on purpose. You and I were fighting and she did a good job holding grudges for you.” He chuckled and rubbed his head as if it still hurt.

“It was on purpose, but I’m sure she’s over it now.”

“Let’s hope so. Anyone else? Could she have told someone?”

“Nah. How did you know it was me?”

“I didn’t.” He explained who he worked for and what his analyst did to link Georgia’s IP address to her physical address. It would take some computer hacking skills to do it. Would anyone who may have killed Jared fifteen years ago have those skills or know someone who did?

“Oh. Well, guess you’ve unmasked me.”

“Yes, and it appears you’ve been a meddling menace.” He smirked as the Scooby-Doo reference came naturally.

“Thanks, Fred.”

He’d forgotten to miss this banter. “No problem.”

“How long have you worked for the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation over in Batesville?”

“About four years. Was in Jackson before that.” An awkward silence ballooned in the air. He turned direction. “Are you sure you couldn’t identify your attacker? Even his voice?”

Georgia closed her eyes and after a few moments responded. “No. It happened so fast and it was pitch-black

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