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he grabbed his cordless phone and pushed the dog off the couch. He dialed Sadie’s number and felt the familiar sensation of fear race through his heart. Just the thought of little sister carrying some overgrown bastard’s baby enraged him. He would kill him, who ever he was. Kill him dead as a…

“Hello,” Sadie said watering her houseplants.

“Sadie, it’s Madison.”

“I know. I figured you be calling soon. Just got the message, huh?” Sadie was over her initial shock, and now it was time to help him.

“Yeah. What the hell is going on down there? I told you that those kids should have moved with me.”

“So, what…she could get pregnant by some jarhead?”

“Is she there?” Madison wanted to speak with Ivy not the Grinch who stole every holiday.

“No, she’s headed back to her place.”

“Well, what’s the story? Who is the other guy?”

“A policeman. That is about all that I can tell you. She wouldn’t elaborate much more than that. And I didn’t want to push too hard. You could tell it was pretty painful for her to come out with it. But she was trying to be strong.”

“There you go giving me half the story and trying to reassure me that everything is fine; so I’ll leave you two alone. Not this time. I want to be a part of whatever type of shit storm is headed that way. As a matter of fact, I’m headed there for a while in just a second. I’m taking my leave.” He was determined to be a part of Ivy’s life during her pregnancy, and he wasn’t about to let Sadie get in his way.

“No one is trying to keep you out. Just like always, you’re making this about you. Leave it to know it all, ladies man Maddy.”

“Madison.” He said correcting her about his name.

“Maddy. You’ve been Maddy for over twenty-eight years and you’re going to stay Maddy until the day I die.”

“I can arrange that, you know.” He hated despising and loving the same woman at the same time.

“Anyway, when are you headed this way, so that I can make arrangements for you?” She almost looked forward to playing petty games with her ex-husband. It was their way of rekindling old flames.

“I don’t know for sure. I’ll find out. Within the month though. I’ll call you, but I’m gonna call her now. So, I’ll talk with you later.”

“That’s fine.”

“Bye,” he said yawning.

“Bye,” Ms. Winters said hanging up the phone. This was going to be a long six months.


Ivy had expected her mother to react totally different then she had about her pregnancy. She knew that at first she would blow up and that eventually Madison would receive a call, but she hadn’t expected the advice that her mother had given or the love and comfort that came after the opening confusion and disappointment.

Tucking her pillow comfortably behind her back, Ivy read her essay paper over for the third time to ensure that there were no grammatical errors. Even in the middle of morning sickness, a new apartment, new bills and family drama she had still managed to stay on top of her studies.

Interrupted by the phone ringing, she looked at the caller ID to see the name Dr.Madison Winters. Her mother must have talked with him.

“Hello Madison,” Ivy said sitting up in the bed.

“You know that I’m mad at you, right,” Madison said pouring General’s dog food in his pail.

“Yeah, I know. But in my defense, I didn’t even know about the baby until after our lunch date. Cut me some slack.” Ivy was sure that her father would not be too dramatic about the situation.

“Sadie called. You know she gets a kick out of finding out about things with you two first. I never get the first call. I’m always the last to know. Your mother likes it that way. I wish just once, you would call me before calling her. Let me break news to her about something drastic. She’d probably have a heart attack, but just the same, I wish once…just once.” He finally took a breath. He didn’t even seem angry about the news of the baby.

“I’ll keep that in mind the next time something horrible happens in my life, ” she said sarcastically.

“Wait now. This isn’t horrible. It’s untimely and a definitely unplanned, I hope. But new life is always precious. You’ll learn about that after your baby is born. You’ll see. The minute you two meet face-to-face, no one else in this world will matter more.”

“Did you feel that way about me?” Ivy loved to hear her father talk about when she and Emerald were kids.

“Oh yeah.” There was a brief silence. “Emerald stole my heart and you stole my soul. I don’t believe I was ever the same after that. I loved…love you guys.” He never had a problem expressing himself to his only daughter; it was only with his son that he struggled.

“We love you, too,” she said sensing his loneliness. She always could.

“So, tell me about this man I have to kill. Who is this cop? Shaft in training?” It was time to get the information his ex-wife wouldn’t give him.

“No, he’s not exactly Shaft in training. Truthfully, I don’t know a lot about his character. He’s responsible from what I can tell and honest. He seems to have no problem with confrontation.” She tried to find words to describe him truthfully.

“Wait, something sounds funny. You sound funny like when you’re failing to tell me something really important.”

“Like what, Madison?”

“I don’t know. You tell me.”

“He’s not military, which I know is one of your prerequisites of a perfect man.”

“Is he educated?”

“Yes. He has his MBA.”

“Where’s he from?”


“What is he doing up here?”

“He came here in college to play football.”

“What’s his last name? Any children? Ever been married?”

“Agosto. No. And no.”

“Agosto?” Madison scratched his head. “Is he a Caucasian?” He hadn’t heard anything else.

“Yeah. Well his father is Italian and his mother is Irish.”

“That’s what I said, White.”

“Whatever. Don’t tell me you’re

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