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have. I want to exhaust every possible avenue. I think it’s worth a search of Bobby’s trash.”

“So do I.” Jo slid an apologetic glance toward Spence before shifting forward on the sofa. “What time should I meet you?”

I felt Spence’s gaze burning the side of my face. “The quickest route to Bobby’s house is past yours, so I’ll meet you at your house by four.”

“In the morning? Wow. That’s early.” Jo started to raise the fingernails of her right hand toward her teeth.

I shook my head to stop her. “The earlier we get there, the less of a chance someone will see us.”

“Good point.” Spence straightened, bracing his feet beneath him. “I’ll meet you there.”

“Oh, no you won’t.” I waved both of my hands, palms out. “You’re too well-known in the community to come dumpster diving with us. If Jo and I are seen, no one will think twice. If you come with us, everyone will want to ask about your mother.”

Jo chuckled. “That’s true. But don’t worry, Spence, we’ll call you to let you know what’s going on.”

I grinned as I realized she’d used his words on him.

Spence shook his head. “All right. But if I don’t hear from you by six, I’m going to check on you.”

Great, another deadline.

Chapter 24

When my brother’s name popped onto my cell phone’s caller identification screen Thursday night, I wondered if he’d somehow known we’d been talking about him.

“Hi, Dre. How’re you?” I swung my legs off the sofa, where I’d curled up to re-read parts of Fiona’s book. Phoenix was grooming himself on the other end.

“I’m great. How’re things in Coconut Coast?” My brother had delusions of comedic genius.

I refused to humor him. “You know that’s not what it’s called. Have you and Kay figured out how to videoconference me in to Mom and Dad’s anniversary party?”

Dre had been married to Kaylee Jones-Harris for almost six years, and she was still laughing at all his jokes. It must be love.

Thankfully, Dre dropped his standup routine and focused on the matter at hand. “We’re going to bring my Smart Tablet to their house Sunday afternoon. There’s no way we can sneak the software program onto either of their computers without them getting suspicious.”

“Good point. Mom and Dad may not be that technologically savvy, but they’re not clueless. They’d notice new software on their computers. Bringing your tablet is the best solution.” I sighed as another pang of longing hit me.

My parents were celebrating their fortieth wedding anniversary two days from now, Saturday. This would be their first anniversary that I wouldn’t be physically with them. Each day, the realization became harder to accept. I knew I’d miss my family when I’d left New York. I hadn’t realized how much.

“What time do you want Kay and me to conference you in?” There was a hesitation in Dre’s voice. He’d always been attuned to my moods.

I tried to inject more joy into my voice. There was no sense in bringing him down with me. “Whatever time works for you.”

“We should be able to get to their house by seven, after the Saturday evening Mass.”

“Great! Then you can conference me in at five minutes after seven.” The pang of regret was even stronger this time. In the past, we’d attend Mass as a family on my parents’ anniversary. It was an unofficial Holy Day of Obligation.

“We’ll get as close to that as we can.” Dre didn’t even chuckle at my joke. “Now that we’ve settled the time for Mom and Dad’s anniversary surprise, tell me what’s bothering you.”

“What’s bothering me is I’m going to miss our parents’ fortieth anniversary.” For the second time tonight, I stood to pace my living room. “I’m not married, but I realize what a big accomplishment forty years of marriage is.”

“You won’t be here physically, but thanks to technology, you’ll still be able to see them and, even more importantly, they’ll be able to see you.”

“I’m sorry to keep repeating this conversation. I just wish I could use my vacation time.”

“But you can’t, because you’ve started this job. We understand that.”

“Videoconferencing is great, but it’s not the same.” I stopped in front of my bookcase and absently took in some of the titles, many of which my parents had bought for my birthday or Christmas gifts. I loved getting books for Christmas.

“I know it’s not the same, and I’m sorry about that, Marvey.” Dre’s voice was subdued. The change wasn’t easy for him, either. We’d been friends and co-conspirators our entire lives. Age and his marriage hadn’t changed that. Distance was trying to.

I made another effort to sound happy. “I appreciate all the extra effort you and Kay are making to include me.”

“Of course. Now tell me what else’s on your mind.”

I hesitated. I should’ve realized my big brother wouldn’t be so easily duped. After all, he’d known me for twenty-eight years. Still, I tried to Bogart it out. “I’m fine, Dre.”

“No, you’re not. Tell me what’s wrong, or I’ll tell Mom you’re homesick, and she’ll be on the next plane to Pineapple Coast.”

I sighed. “You know that’s not its name.” A cold sensation traveled down my spine. “Do you think a horrible sense of humor is hereditary? Is Clay in danger?”

“Have you considered maybe you’re the one with the bad sense of humor, and that’s why you don’t get my jokes?”

I ignored his premise as improbable. “Mom and Dad each have a wonderful sense of humor, so maybe the condition skips a generation and Clay will be spared.”

“Tell me what’s bothering you.” Dre’s gusty sigh was meant to end the discussion.

“All right.” I braced myself for his reaction. Spence’s warning wasn’t far off the mark. “I’m helping a friend prove her innocence in a murder investigation.”

“You’re what, now?” Dre’s response held a wealth of shock and disbelief, and a pinch of temper.

I filled him in on Fiona’s murder, starting with her body being found in To Be Read’s storage room. I included everything, even this evening’s runaway car

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