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Book online «The Lying, the Witch, and the Werewolf (Down & Dirty Supernatural Cleaning Services Book 4) Kate Quinn (read this if txt) 📖». Author Kate Quinn

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“Saving your unworthy cheating ass,” I tell him.

We get to the hall and I take the charm off my own neck and put it on his, thinking of the first face that comes to my mind. Nico.

It’s the normal version of Nico, eyepatch, dark hair. I take his hand and in this form, I’m not repulsed. He leans in to me. “Paige. I’ve missed you. I desire you so much.”

I push him against the wall as the first of his women runs past us. She glances our way but since Brent currently looks like Nico, she just keeps going. Brent puts an arm around my waist and I step away.

“Look, just because I don’t want you to die doesn’t mean I’ve forgiven you for almost killing me, and being just a horrible person. I don’t desire you. I don’t want to be with you. I barely want to stand next to you.”

“But you’re the only person I’ve ever truly loved,” he tells me. It’s so strange to have those words—Brent’s words—coming out of Nico’s mouth.

“That’s the chocolate talking,” I tell him as several more women rush by.

Finally Giselle comes striding out. “Find him,” she shouts, then glances at us.

“What are you two doing here?” she asks.

“I…” But I don’t have to explain because Brent, looking exactly like Nico, steps forward and punches Giselle right in her pretty little face. She falls backward, her limbs askew. I should feel satisfied with Giselle being punched, but I’m just disgusted.

I grab the charm from around Brent’s neck and the glamour disappears.

“That asshole stole Nico’s face!” comes a familiar high-pitched shriek from behind me. I turn to find Shauna glaring at Brent...from a distance. He has a magic spell to keep her from getting close enough to do him harm.

But I don’t. Figuring one good slug deserves another, I ball up my fist and put all my muscle into a swing that ends right on Brent’s nose. There’s a cracking noise, which I think is partially his cartilage, but maybe also some of the bones in my hand. I don’t care, though; it’s totally worth it to hear him cry out and then see the blood spurt out like a water fountain.

“If I were you, I’d hide,” I tell him. “You have twenty women out for your balls.”

He steps forward, blood gushing from his nose. “But you saved me, Paige. You must still love me.”

I let him get close to me and when he leans down I whisper in his ear. “Get this through your selfish, scheming head. I do not love you. Even if I could forgive you trying to kill me, and all the lying, and even you being a bigot…” I take a step back. “I can’t forgive you for killing my best friend’s brother.” I use all the strength I have and kick Brent right in his dick.

Shauna whoops. “That’s for Kit, you turd-burger!”

Brent slides to the ground and I am beyond caring if he’s found by his many lovers. I did what I could. I warned him.

Done with this asshole—hopefully for good—I turn to Shauna.

“What are you doing here?”

“Well, I turned on the TV and—” Shauna stops and bounces around happily. “By the way, Darron bought a new TV and he built this plexiglass surround to keep it safe, although it does make the picture a little blurry. You get used to it, though—”

“Shauna,” I interrupt. “What did you see on TV?”

“Oh lots. Darron and I had a real housewives marathon this weekend. Wow, there are so many real housewives, I had no idea. Then we got sick of those dramatic bitches and switched to—”

Cutting in once more, I try for greater specificity this time. “What did you see on TV that brought you here?”

Shauna puts her hands on her tiny hips. “If you would stop interrupting me, then maybe I would tell you.” She huffs for a moment and then with a shake of her pink pigtails, leans into me with a twinkle in her eyes. “People are having sex in the street. And the TV news people were saying it had something to do with Together We Come. So I turned to Darron and said, ‘I bet you a kabillion dollars Paige is down there too.’ And he said, ‘Honey, only an idiot would take that bet’.” Shauna gives me a bright smile. “Also he said to give you his love and tell you he missed you, but he had to go to work and he’ll catch up with you later.”

“I missed you guys too,” I say and realize that I mean it. Somewhere along the way, Shauna and Darron have become my family. “Please tell me Vanna is nearby,” I add. “I’m ready to go home.”

“Yep,” Shauna confirms. “I double parked her, but told her to skadoodle if it looked like someone was gonna ticket her.”

“Okay, let’s hurry then,” I say.

We head out the back doors, trying to avoid the crowds out front. When I get home, I’ll text Nico and make sure he got out okay, but I’m pretty sure he can take care of himself.

As we walk along the little alley behind the convention center Shauna suddenly darts ahead and picks something off the ground. It’s one of the chocolate bars. Someone must’ve thought better of eating theirs.

“Shauna, put that down,” I say in the same voice I use with Shit. Unfortunately, much like Shit, she ignores me. Bringing the bar to her nose, she inhales deeply.

“It’s okay,” she says. “I don’t eat sugar anymore, but sometimes I still like to smell it.” Even as she’s telling me this, her fingers tug at the wrapping, pulling the chocolate free.

“Shauna, no!” I yell while running toward her, reaching for the bar.

She zips away, shoving the candy into her little mouth as fast as she can. “Oohmuhgawds, soooguuud,” she moans around the thick wad of chocolate.

I say nothing. It’s too late to stop her; now all I can do is wait to find out what she

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