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Book online «Mountain Secrets Elizabeth Goddard (life changing books to read .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Goddard

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continued to try to get away from him. He took his hand off her mouth.

“I have my own car.” Like she wanted to go anywhere with this thief. She’d had enough of falling for the bad boy to last a lifetime.

She pulled free of him with so much force that she fell headlong into the pool. Cold water enveloped her. Strong arms grabbed the back of her collar and pulled her to the surface.

“Now for sure he’s heard us,” said Mel.

She gasped for air and reached for the edge of the pool. Mel let go of her and ran toward a door. He returned with a large towel, which he tossed toward her.

“You can’t go outside like that. You’ll freeze,” he said. “Do these people have clothes here?”

The concern for her physical well-being gave her pause. But if he wasn’t a thief, what was he doing here? She pulled herself to her feet as water dripped off her. “I can’t wear a client’s clothes.” She picked up the towel.

He grabbed her at the elbow. “You’re going to have to.”

She was not keen on going anywhere with this man, but it felt like she was on a runaway train trying to stop it by dragging her feet.

Glancing around nervously, he led her through a door back out into the living room.

Her heart sank when she saw the broken vase and the mess in the entryway. Everything in this house was probably valuable. She spotted the contents of her purse on the floor, but not her phone. It must have been kicked out of view in the struggle with Mr. Knife.

“Where are the clothes?”

“Can’t we just call the police?” She still didn’t know what this guy’s game was.

“That’s a bad idea.”

Her steps faltered. “Why?” What if this was a trap? He’d pretend to be helping her and then what? Kill her so he and Mr. Knife could finish the job they’d come to do?

“Trust me. We don’t want the police here.”

Isabel felt that familiar tightening in her stomach. Trust him? She didn’t even know him, and so far almost everything he did made her suspicious.

He grabbed her elbow and led her up the stairs. “Which room?”

Noise rose up from a side room on the main floor. She hurried toward the master suite. Glancing over the balcony as they slipped behind the door, she caught a glimpse of movement down below. Mr. Knife was still looking for her on the main floor.

Mel searched the huge room. “That closet is the size of my apartment. Change in there. I’ll keep watch.”

She slipped into the closet and slid the door shut. How was she going to explain wearing a client’s clothes to her boss? She grabbed the least expensive-looking shirt and pants she could find. As if that would make a difference. Even telling the truth about what had gone on would sound crazy, like she was trying to cover up her strange actions with a fantastic story. Because of her history with the law, she had a fear of not being believed.

Though her brain ached over what might happen, she knew she needed to focus on the now. Getting away from Mr. Knife and maybe even Mel. For sure, he wasn’t some concerned official from the county. What was his game?

She buttoned up the shirt and then grabbed a sweater to put over it. Actually, this closet was bigger than her apartment. Her boss had been kind enough to rent her the studio apartment above the Sun and Ski office. She changed quickly and grabbed a pair of boots. Victoria Wilson was half a size bigger than she, but the boots would keep out the cold. Not sure what to do with her wet clothes, she put them on a hanger to dry. Another crazy action she’d have to explain. She looked around for a coat but couldn’t find one.

Mel knocked on the door. “Hurry.”

She slid the closet door open. Mel peered through the slightly ajar bedroom door out into the hallway.

He glanced in her direction, his expression tense. “He’s upstairs. Is there another way out of here besides down the stairs and through the front door?”

She still didn’t know what to think of this man. Friend or foe? “I suppose we could leave by way of the balcony.” She pointed. Through the sliding glass doors, she saw that the snowfall had increased. The lazy flakes that had fallen out of the sky when she drove up here had turned into slashing swords.

Mel shut and locked the bedroom door. He stepped across the room and slid the balcony door open, signaling for her to follow. She hesitated.

The doorknob wiggled and then there was a thump against it.

Her heart seized up as she looked from Mel to the door.

“Come on, Isabel.”

She had told him her name when she answered the door. But when he spoke it, something sparked inside her. Warm feelings aside, she still didn’t know what Mel was up to. Why didn’t he want to call the police?

A body thudded against the door again. And then she heard clicking noises. Mr. Knife was picking the lock.

Mel was the one without the knife. Maybe her odds were better with him. She darted through the open sliding glass door. Snow stung her skin. The cold hit her with full force, but the heavy wool sweater cut out much of it. Her wet hair seemed to freeze instantly, turning into hard straw-like strands.

“I’ll lower you down. Hurry,” he said.

She darted to the edge of the balcony and slipped through the wide railing. He grabbed her hands. His grip was like iron. He held on and eased her down.

The ground below her loomed closer. She looked up into Mel’s blue eyes.

His expression was strained, face tight, teeth showing from the exertion. His body hung off the edge of the balcony at a dangerous angle. He strained. “I’m going to have to let you go.”

She nodded. She fell through space, landing hard, her knees buckling. Mel slipped off

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