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that seems to be watching them. The already barely visible man notices Dontae’ looking in his direction and suddenly dashes out of sight. Dontae starts towards the elevator, with Jessi following closely behind.  He presses the “1st” floor but notices two round plates in the place of what looks like floors 29 and 30. He looks up, thinking but brushes it off as nothing unusual. The elevator opens, and they walk out. He turns towards Jessi.

“This wasn’t an ordinary suicide.”

“I agree. Why would someone sign your name on the visitor’s log?”

“They wanted me here. I’m homicide; I don’t work suicides. The question is, why me? Why did she block the door? Who was she trying to keep out? That person had to have already been in the building. Which makes no sense.”

“Yea, kind of counter intuitive to run in the building with Jason.” Jessi scoffs. “Oh I know. Maybe it’s like that movie. I made it ma. I’m on top of the world! ahhhh. Splat.“

Dontae cuts his eyes at her, unamused.

“I know. I’m going to hell,” she smirks.

“Come on. You watch too much TV, “he states as he stops by the front desk, where the receptionist happily hands him a stack of discs.

“Here's the footage you asked for,” he says, smiling at Dontae’.

“Thanks,” he takes the discs and hands them to Jessi.

“Don’t skip a frame.”

She responds, confused, “You’re kidding right?”

“Congratulations on making detective rookie,” He laughs.

“Damn,” she exclaimed.

The two detectives walk out of the building and to the car. The sun was now a bit higher in the sky and the area where the body laid just a few minutes ago was all clean. Just like that, everyone else’s life goes on. Would anyone even remember that there was a body here?  When people find out that it was Rochelle, the parking spot might sell at a premium.


The homicide bullpen is no different than those you see on television. Detectives with loose ties fuss over paperwork, make calls following up on leads, suspects handcuffed to chairs either waiting to be interrogated or just finished the process. The smell of stale coffee and cheap cologne fills the air.

A nice sized office with a large emblem of an unfamiliar signature stenciled on the glass sits in the corner of the bullpen. Dontae’ sits at his very neat and tidy desk where everything is stacked perfectly leveled, potentially signifying a need for order in a place filled with chaos. A few feet away, Jessi’s desk blends perfectly with the atmosphere as she manages to find space for her keyboard and mouse to click through the videos from the crime scene. Dontae’ searches the internet and locates a number for Quest Incorporated. He picks up the phone and dials.

“Hi, can I speak to a Mr. Adonis Sterling? “

He pauses.

“He works there.”

He falls silent for a moment, listening to the person on the other end. “Really? okay, Thanks.” He turns his chair to Jessi.

“Mr. Adonis doesn't work for Quest. The clerk couldn't find anything on him.”

“You’re shitting me?”


Jessi grabs her jacket and stands. “What are we waiting for? Let's go pick him up.”

“Slow down, rookie,” he rubs his chin. “Tell me something.”

She sits back down, pouting.

He questions her, “If I’m a superstar, why would I go into a random building and jump out of it?”

“Because you’re crazy as hell? I don’t know. Why?” she countered.

“Now take out the building being random. Now we are left with, what's special about that building?

“It’s Quest so maybe she wanted to update her status. D - E - D. Dead”, she spells the letters in the air with her finger.

Dontae' thinks for a second. “Wait? Oh wow, You're right.”

“As always,” she quips. “About what?”

Dontae’ now excited, “where is her phone? There was no phone found at the scene. Everyone has a phone, right? Let’s go on a field trip. Roland Walsh should be in by now.

Jessi grabs her jacket. “Shit, we’re going to visit a billionaire. I need to touch up my makeup.”

Dontae looks at her.

“What?” she asks with fake innocence. “I’m not going to work up in here all my life!” She pauses. “Damn man. I'm just kidding,” she states with a vicious eye roll.

The team arrives to the site of news crews hovering around the scene. Dontae’ removes his badge from around his neck and places it into his pocket. He nods at Jessi to do the same. She obliges. They walk directly past the crews and into the building unbothered. Now sitting at the desk was a young blond woman who, on the surface, seemed a bit high maintenance. As they approached the counter, she made a face as if she didn’t want to be bothered with “these little people.” Dontae’ removes his badge from his pocket and places it back around his neck as Jessie does the same. The woman’s attitude quickly changes.

“Here to see Roland Walsh,” Dontae’ states with high demand.

The woman darts a fake smile and picks up the phone. “I got two police officers here to see Mr. Walsh.” The woman then listens for a bit.

Jessi, a bit annoyed, leans in, “detectives.”

Dontae’ nudges her with his elbow.

“Floor twenty-eight,” she pauses for a slight second, looks directly at Jessi and raises her eyebrows, “officers.”

The woman arrogantly rolls her eyes, intentionally ignoring Jessi’s request to be addressed as “detectives.”

Jessi, now highly annoyed, “we really gon’ do this, huh?”

The woman responds nonchalantly, not making eye contact and picking at her nails. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Dontae’ tugs Jessi away from the desk. They walk to the elevator and wait for the doors to open. When the doors open, they step in. Jessi leans back out, “It’s detective bitch.” Dontae’ tugs her back into the elevator as the doors slide close.


“Professionalism?” He shakes his head.

“She was trying me?”

“Millennials.” He states as he rubs his forehead.

The doors open to a completely different atmosphere. This sight was magnificent in all its glory. Amazing 16th-century paintings lined the gold-trimmed beige walls. The detectives' reflection on the

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