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Book online «Monster Mansion 2 Dante King (korean ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Dante King

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up toward Kyrine’s chest.

“Ah, yeah,” she growled, “put it there, right between my breasts.”

I did as she asked. The core was about the size of my fist and shaped like a big cut diamond. I laid the flat surface of one of the core’s faces against her warm skin, my other hand coming up to take a handful of her breast.

“Now,” she moaned. “Now we can do this…”

She began to ride me even harder, and it was all I could do to keep from finishing first. Then her wave broke, and she came with a wild yell of ecstasy that tipped me over the edge too. I surged inside her, and as we came together, I felt a sudden heat flash through the creature core and it began to melt into a whirling vortex of dust. The dust swirled for a moment between my hand and the center of her chest, formed into two interlinking spirals like a DNA helix, then vanished straight into the center of Kyrine’s chest.

“Yes!!!” she groaned. “Oh, yes!”

As the core was absorbed, I felt the creature enter the dungeon’s summoning sphere through my connection with Kyrine. It was a very satisfying feeling, and I fully understood now why she was so keen to absorb more cores. Coupled with our simultaneous orgasm, the feeling of absorbing the core was mind-blowing.

We held there, riding the wave for a long moment before she fell forward, panting and laughing and wrapping her arms around me as she covered me in kisses.

“Oh, Jeremy,” she laughed. “That was amazing. I’m so glad you’re my Keeper.”

“Hey, I’m pretty happy about it too,” I said. “That was the best thing that’s happened to me all day.”

“Silly,” she teased. “You’re day’s only just begun.”

With a sudden twist, I flipped her over and laid her out on the bed. Kyrine squealed and cackled as I kissed down between her breasts, down her belly, and down past the neatly trimmed mound of hair between her legs. Her laughter turned to a moan as I found the center of her pleasure with my tongue and began to work on her with my mouth. After a moment, I felt her hands wrapping in my hair as she started to buck and grind against me.

When I’d brought her to her second climax, she fell back on the bed giggling and groaning. I flipped a blanket over her, and she pulled it up to her chin, her eyes closed.

Naked, I got off the bed and looked around the room.

In the morning light, there was more detail than I had noticed the night before. A comfortable reading chair sat by the window, and there was a bookcase filled with old-looking volumes near it.

There was a walk-in wardrobe in one corner, and in another corner near the fireplace, there was a rack that held bottles and glasses. Wine, by the looks of it, and some kind of golden spirit, possibly whisky or brandy. I picked one of the bottles up and looked at the label. It was in a language that I’d never seen before, written in a flowing script.

When I walked to the bookcase, I found that the books were in the same language.

“It’s Old Eosorean,” Kyrine said from the bed. I looked round. She was sitting up, the blanket pulled up over her breasts. I placed the book back on the shelf.

“Old Eosorean?” I asked.

Kyrine shrugged. “In the mansion, I can only manifest things I have blueprints for. I gain blueprints either by absorbing a specific item, or by combining blueprints to create new ones. The combinations—that’s difficult, and I can only do that with the guidance of a Keeper.”

I raised my eyebrows, gesturing round the room. “So you mean everything here is a copy of something you’ve absorbed at some point?”

She nodded, looking proud of herself. “In the old days, back on Eosor, before the Fateweaver came, the dungeon adventurers would bring me items to absorb as tributes.”

“Dungeon adventurers…” I had heard of the concept before. These were groups of people who worked together to conquer virtual reality programs together, programs that simulated the kind of dungeon run you might find in an online multiplayer game, or in a D&D session. With the help of magical enhancement, these VR dungeons could be a lot of fun, but there was never any real risk to the safety of the adventurers. Somehow, I figured that would not be the case if adventurers were running dungeons created by Kyrine.

Kyrine looked wistfully out the window. “Yes, dungeon adventurers used to covet the opportunity to come to my mansion,” she reminisced. “Those were good days. The adventurers would level up their abilities fighting against my monsters and traps, and I would gain power from their expended mana. Every now and then, one would die, just to keep it interesting, but mostly they got away uninjured and with a great deal of loot. Yes, back then the dungeons of Kyrine were held in high esteem by all the peoples of Eosor. How things can change.”

She looked suddenly sad, and I went over and gave her a hug. “Hey,” I said, “there’s no point regretting the past. You’ve a new Keeper now, and together, we’ll ascend to new heights together, I promise. The dungeons of Kyrine will be famous again.”

Kyrine grinned. “Thanks, Jeremy. You’re right. I’m sure we’ll do great things together.”

“Come on,” I suggested. “Why don’t you show me the rest of these rooms? I can tell there’s more to this than the bedroom alone.”

“Ooh, much more!” she laughed, pushing the covers back and jumping out of bed. “Yes, I’d love to show you. I think you’ll like it, and if there’s anything missing, perhaps you can bring it into the mansion so that I can absorb it and create my own?”

“Sure,” I said, with a smile,

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