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Book online «The Ghost Greyson, Maeve (reading an ebook .txt) 📖». Author Greyson, Maeve

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gave her skin the glowing luster of a pearl. Unable to resist, he leaned over and kissed the pair of dimples tucked in the small of her back, each of them nestled on either side of her spine.

With a soft snort, she wiggled deeper into the softness of the feather ticking and buried her face in the pillow.

He almost laughed out loud but contained it. She gave him such joy. He had always heard that when two souls meant to be together finally met, they would experience rare contentment. Never had he believed it. He figured it a silly legend made up by washerwomen bored with their chores. But now he knew better. The adage was true.

“Why are ye staring?” she mumbled as she cracked an eye open.

“Because I am a greedy man, m’love.” He leaned over again and nibbled a trail of kisses along her shoulder and down her back. “I will never get my fill of ye.”

She shifted beneath his ministrations, her sleepy groan sounding like a muffled purr. “Such a fine husband, ye are.”

“And blessed with an even finer wife,” he murmured as he pondered which part of her to enjoy next. Mind made up to start at the top and work his way down, he feathered nibbles along her jawline and gently pulled her closer.

With another purring sigh, her brow puckered the slightest bit. “I wish ye had waited ’til daylight to stare yer fill rather than relighting all the candles. They’re too bright.”

That drew a laugh that he couldn’t hold back. “There’s nary a candle lit in this room, my precious one.” He leaned across her, cupping her luscious buttock and squeezing while he peered out the window. “I canna see the exact slant of the sun from here, but from the shadows on the floor and the hollow feeling in my wame, I would guess it to be some time after midday.”

“What?” She pushed him aside and uprighted herself, squinting against the day’s brilliance. “Are ye telling me we’ve slept away the day?”

“Aye.” Clasping his hands behind his head, he rolled back into the pillows, enjoying the view of his wife’s front as much as he had enjoyed her rear. Perhaps even more. “Dinna tell me ye’ve already forgotten how little we slept last night?”

Her pinched look softened, and she gifted him with a suggestive smile. “Never will I forget our wedding night.” Mischief and so much more danced in her eyes. “And I shall tell our daughters to be sure to find a man willing to rub their feet, as well as other places.”

With a hearty laugh, he dove forward and pinned her underneath him. “And what shall ye tell our sons, my wife of such great wisdom?”

“That the surest way to win a lass is to rub her feet!”

Never would he get his fill of this wondrous woman. They had loved away the night. Why not love away the day? His empty wame growled in protest at being ignored. Loudly.

Brenna exploded with a belly laugh, but then her stomach growled, too. “Perhaps, we should find some food to keep up our strength, aye?” Hand to her heart, a guilty look creased her brow. “And I must see to Keigan to be sure he fared well enough last night. This is the first time he’s been away from me since…”

She didn’t finish, and for that, Magnus was grateful. He gave her a sound kiss, then retreated. “Aye, m’love. We have the rest of our lives together to enjoy our loving. Perhaps we best emerge from our sanctuary.”

With an impish gleam in her eyes, she followed his retreat, pushing him back into the pillows as she straddled him. “I wasna trying to shoo ye away, mo chridhe,” she stressed with a suggestive flexing against him. “Ye ken, I’ll never deny ye.” Her eyes closed as she seated herself with a rocking wiggle that threatened to spill his seed before he had done right by his lady love.

He swallowed hard, struggling to maintain control. Hands encircling her waist, he bucked beneath her. “I pray ye never deny me,” he groaned. “For I love ye with a fury I canna explain.”

She increased the pace of her ride, holding fast to his shoulders and treating him to a delicious shudder. “I will never deny ye, my love.” Her eyes flew open, and she treated him to a wicked grin. “Of course, I will thank ye to give me a wee bit of rest whenever I’ve just birthed one of our bairns.”

“I am yer servant, m’love. Whatever ye wish is yers.” And then the ability to speak left him. All he knew was sweet agony and blessed release. Brenna joined him, crying out her pleasure.

“Are ye all right, Auntie?” Keigan called from the other side of the bedchamber door. “Greer and me brought ye some food since ye and Da didna come down to break yer fast, nor show yerselves to take the midday meal.” He paused, obviously waiting for an answer.

Magnus grinned and wiggled beneath her. His breathing hadn’t yet settled back to normal, and neither had hers. “Are ye no’ going to answer him, mo chridhe?” he whispered, unable to resist teasing her.

She poked him in the chest and failed at assuming a stern scowl. “Yer da and I shall be right out, my thoughtful lad. Give us a moment, aye?”

Muffled murmurings came from the other side of the threshold. “Aye, we’ll clear away the food carts whilst we wait for ye. Greer said yer both probably still naked and trying to catch yer breath after trying to make a bairn—judging by the sounds ye was making afore ye knew we were here.”

“Keigan!” The young maid’s horrified scolding came through the closed door loud and clear.

Brenna covered her mouth, her laughter hissing out from between her fingers. Magnus didn’t try to hold back. His hearty laugh echoed throughout the room. Hell’s bells, he never thought he could love life so.

“We best make haste before Keigan has

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