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very annoyed when people come in with sticky hands and start touching everything.”

Chloe wiped her hands, then held them up for inspection. “Can I go in now?”

“Yes,” Scott said, “but don’t touch anything until we get in there, okay?”

“Yeah, yeah.” The girl disappeared through the door, making the bell over it jingle.

“She is such a tomboy.” He shook his head, smiling.

“She’ll outgrow it. Trust me.”

“Oh?” He looked at her. “Do you speak from experience?”

“No, I was never a tomboy, but I see the way she looks at pretty things. She just doesn’t know what to think about all the changes going on inside her. Growing up is scary business.”

“Yeah, it is,” he said quietly.

“What were you like growing up?”

“You done with that cone?”

She cocked her head, wondering why he always changed the subject if she asked him anything the least bit personal. At first she’d thought it was part of the rules, to not get too close, but a disquieting current had started flowing just beneath her contentment.

Peter had been equally evasive, never wanting to open his whole life to her. Except... that’s what she wanted with Scott, wasn’t it? So why did it bother her?

Rather than push, she polished off the cone, then dug out two more hand wipes. She didn’t need to know Scott’s entire past history to enjoy his company for the next week. And that’s all they had left. Just a little over one week.

With a sigh at how quickly time could speed by, she headed through the door Scott opened for her. The scents of old books and aged wood greeted them.

They spent nearly an hour rummaging through stalls of antique clothing and jewelry, furniture, books, and collectibles. Allison was at the counter in the center of the shop, visiting with some of the people she used to work with, when Paige came through the front door.

“Thank goodness I found you!” Paige said, hurrying toward her.

“What?” Allison felt the blood drain from her face. “What’s happened?”

“Adrian called to say Rory’s in labor. Chance just took her to the birthing center an hour ago, but apparently it’s progressing really fast.”

“Is something wrong?” she asked. “Is Rory okay?”

“I assume she’s fine. Adrian didn’t say,” Paige explained as Scott joined them, carrying a stack of rare books. “He just told me you were down here on The Strand and for me to find you. He’ll meet you at the center. He’s already called your friends the McMillans to have Betsy watch the inn. Do you want me to give you a ride?”

“I’ll take her.” Scott deposited his books on the counter and reached for his wallet. “Just give me a moment to check out. Chloe, come on. We’re going.”

Chapter 19

Scott watched Allison from the corner of his eye as he drove. She sat with her hands clasped tightly in her lap, leaning forward, as if willing the car to go faster. “Alli, relax. We’ll get there in plenty of time, I promise. These things take somewhere between forever and infinity.”

She nodded, but didn’t say anything.

“I remember when Chloe was born. My sister was in labor for at least a week.”

“She was not,” Chloe protested, but Allison paled.

“That was a joke.” He reached over and covered her clenched fists, startled by the chill of her skin. “Hey, she’ll be okay.”

Allison kept her eyes trained straight ahead as she gave instructions on how to get there. When they reached the birthing center, Scott parked between Adrian’s motorcycle and Chance’s blue BMW. The one-story building looked like a cross between a house and a doctor’s office.

“You don’t have to come in,” Allison assured him.

Scott stared at her, trying not to laugh. “Alli, you’re a nervous wreck. Let me get you safely to your brother, then Chloe and I will get out of your hair. Promise.” He went around the car to open Allison’s door, since she made no effort to get out on her own. “Ready?”

She took the hand he offered, and he helped her from the car.

“I thought men were supposed to be the jittery ones at times like these,” he teased, but even that didn’t get a reaction from her. Frowning, he squeezed her hand. “Let’s go find your brother.”

The front room had been set up as a reception area, with a desk and chairs. Since no one was around to greet them, Scott stepped through a door on his left and found what looked like an apartment living room complete with a kitchenette. Adrian sat on a sofa, reading a magazine.

“Looks like we found the place,” Scott said, pulling Allison in behind him.

“Hey, sis.” Adrian put the magazine aside. “You made it.” He gave Scott a surprisingly cordial nod. “Thanks for bringing her.”

“Not a problem.” Scott nodded back.

“How’s Rory?” Allison asked.

“Doing great. You want to see her?”

Allison paled further as she glanced toward a door that stood ajar. “Is it all right?”

“Sure, come on.”

She hesitated, gripping Scott’s hand. He tucked a stray curl behind her ear. “Why don’t Chloe and I wait here while you say hi to your sister?”

She nodded, then released his hand to follow her brother.

“Will it really take hours?” Chloe asked.

“ ‘Fraid so.”

“Do you think we can stay for a bit, just in case it happens faster? It’d be cool to see the baby.”

“Let’s play it by ear. We don’t want to interfere with family.”

“What was it like when I was born?”

“Well”—Scott took a seat on the sofa and Chloe sat beside him—“I was your mom’s labor coach, so I was there the whole time. Got to see you scream at the world the very first time. And boy, were you loud.” He tugged on his ears.

Chloe frowned in thought, and he waited for her to ask why her father wasn’t Diane’s labor coach. He’d never discussed the details with her, but maybe she’d already learned her father had been in Aruba with his playmate du jour at the time. Diane wasn’t exactly discreet when complaining about her

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