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Book online «Flora's Lot Katie Fforde (ebook reader macos txt) 📖». Author Katie Fforde

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plans. Oh! Annabelle! I nearly forgot. She asked me about you.'

‘Ithought she'd done all the checking out and I came out with top marks.'

‘Youdid! That's the point. She wants you to paint her portrait.'

‘Oh?A commission? That's nice. We were talking about it a bit the other night, but I didn't realise it was aportrait she had in mind.’

Florafrowned. 'What did you think, then? Beautiful as it is, Idon't think she can be after you for your body. She's engaged to my cousin.'

‘The estimable Charles. Well, if you sayso.'

‘I dosay so! Annabelle is just not the type to cheat, it would all be far too messy for her. She wants a portrait as a weddingpresent for Charles, which I think is a very nice idea.'

‘It is.'

‘Theonly problem is, I forgot to get her mobile number to give you, but Ican get it tomorrow.'

‘Hmm. I wonder what sort of portrait shehad in mind.'

‘Oh,very conventional, I should imagine. Possibly like the old photos they used to put in Country Life, when they looked naked but for their pearls.'

‘Thatwould be a good choice for Annabelle. She has lovely arms and shoulders.’

Personally,Flora thought Annabelle's arms were on the largeside, but she didn't comment. 'You'd be happy to do it, then?’

At the office, everyone was very buoyantabout the previous day's activities,especially Geoffrey. 'Charles is talkingabout me doing a bit of selling. I've done it before, of course, yearsago, but it's been a while.'

‘AndVirginia's daughter is going to put the better items up on the website,'said Louisa. 'When she's created it, ofcourse. But she says it won't take too long because she'd done a bit ofwork on it before.'

‘Ican't think why you haven't had a website long since, Charles,' said Flora, feeling a bit flat in the face ofeveryone else's optimism.

‘It'shardly been worth it up till now. We're just a small country auction house, after all,' said Annabelle, deputing herself to speak for her fiancé. 'But wegot some good stuff in yesterday,didn't we, Charles?' She paused.

‘Yes.One old lady had about a dozen carrier bags of silver. All completely black, but Georgian, some of it.'

‘Andthere was that wonderful Art Deco tea set with triangular handles that Eric valued. He was really enthusiastic.Are you OK, Flora?’

Florahadn't been aware that she'd been less than sparky. Honestly, first William and nowAnnabelle thinking she was miserable - shemust remember to smile more. 'I'm fine!'

‘Youjust seem a little . . . flat. Doesn't she, Charles?’

Flora didnot want to have to listen to Charles speculate onthe state of her spirits. 'I'm fine, really, it's just that William - you know, from the dinnerparty?’

Charles nodded. Flora didn't look atAnnabelle. 'Well, he's been staying with meand he's going today.’

Shelaughed, hoping she didn't sound shrill. 'I'll be fine on my own, of course, but he'scompany and a great cook.'

‘Oh,' said Annabelle.

Floraregarded her and wondered if her low spirits had instantly affected Annabelle.

‘Can I have a word, Flora?' Annabelleasked.

Florasuddenly remembered about Annabelle's mobile phonenumber not being in William's possession and why.Luckily she knew of a portrait painter in London she couldoffer as a substitute for William, if one was required.She followed Annabelle out of the room, taking her handbag with her.

‘So? Did you - um - manage to giveWilliam my number?' Annabelle asked, sounding anxious.

‘No.Unfortunately, I didn't have it. I suppose we both thought I already hadit. But I hadn't.’

Annabelletutted with irritation. 'You'd better put it in your mobile now.’

Floraproduced her phone and Annabelle recited the numbers.When Flora had them stored she said, 'I'm not quite surewhen I'm going to be able to give it to him, but don't worry, I know a portraitpainter in London, who'sreally good and not expensive.’

Annabelleconsidered. 'I would feel happier sitting for someone I knew, even if only alittle.'

‘He'sonly gone for about a week.' William had been slightly less specific, but Florathought a week's delay might be considered bearable.

‘Youdon't understand! Portraits take ages. He'll have to start very soon ifhe's to get it done.'

‘I did tell him about you wanting aportrait.'

‘Oh? What did he say?'

‘He was keen. He said you had lovelyarms and shoulders.'

‘Really?' Annabelle's expression becamealmost dreamy. 'That's so nice. So, he hadn't left yet?'

‘No.He was going to wait for it to stop raining.'

‘Right. OK,then.' Annabelle swallowed. 'Um . . . I wonder ifyou could give me the keys to the Land-Rover? I've got togo and deliver something to a farm and will need it. My car isn't awfully good inmud.’

Floraclutched her handbag to her. She thought of the Land-Roveras hers. 'Are you likely to be long? It's choir tonight. I want to get away on time.'

‘Takeyour car then. It's fixed and it's just sitting in the yard waiting foryou.'

‘Butthe lane! I won't be able to get my car up and down it. It isn't awfullygood in mud, either.'

‘Oh,Flora, I'll bring it back in plenty of time. I'm only going to be acouple of hours.’

Reluctantly,Flora burrowed about in her bag and handed over the keys. 'You will becareful, won't you, Annabelle?’

Charlesopened the door. 'What are you two gossiping about?'

‘We'renot gossiping!' Annabelle was very indignant. 'I'm just getting the Landy keys from Flora. I'm going up toStringers Farm, and then I might pop in on Mummy.'

‘Oh. I was going to do that. They've gota pair of rather fierce collies, don't forget.'

‘I'llbe fine! I'm not frightened of dogs. Bye, you two!' Flora felt all this was a bit odd, but as Charlesseemed to think it was perfectlynormal, she supposed it must be.


At fiveo'clock there was still no sign of Annabelle. 'I'm sosorry, Flora,' said Charles. 'I'll run you home now, and pick you up in the morning.'

‘That'snot necessary, really. It's choir tonight. I'll pop across the road and get a sandwich, and workuntil it's time for choir. If youcould leave the Land-Rover keys somewhereobvious, I'll just pick them up and drive home.' She smiled brightly. Ever since the roadshow, when he'd tried to drag her along to the dinnerparty he was going to withAnnabelle, Flora had decided that nowhe no longer hated her, he felt a bit sorry for her.

‘That doesn't sound much fun.'


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