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Book online «The Warlord Gena Showalter (primary phonics TXT) 📖». Author Gena Showalter

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cracking. “Finish me,” he commanded. A prophetic statement? Did this woman mark his end?

When she pumped him harder, faster, he couldn’t bring himself to care. He fed a finger into her mouth, undone as she sucked. His mind wiped clean. Anything he’d hoped to say got lost as he panted. The rightness of this. Of having Taliyah attend to him, after being attended to by him. He was...he was... Yes, yes!

“Just like that, Taya. That’s the way.”

Pumping up and down. Sucking. Pumping and sucking. Biting. Roc existed in a world of pure sensation, his blood like fire, his every nerve ending humming a siren’s song. He hovered between utter bliss and torturous hell. The two remained at war, locked in a final battle to the death.

He rocked his hips in time to her strokes, pressure continuing to build. Too much... He pulled his fingers from her mouth and slapped his palm against the wall. Rocked. A wonderful madness took hold. If Erebus himself had dared to ghost into the stall, Roc wasn’t sure he’d galvanize the will to fight. Nothing mattered but release.

Leaning into Taliyah, pressing her back against the wall, he plunged two fingers into her core and bit the tendon running between her neck and shoulder. She hurled into another climax and...

Bliss won.

Every muscle tensed as Roc roared, coming and coming and coming against her belly.

“Mmm.” Her panting breaths fanned his throat. “Have I ever told you how good you smell?”

He rested his forehead against the cool wall...until Taliyah reached up and cupped his cheeks. The temptress glided her cherry-red lips up his neck before lifting her head and...giggling? She offered him a drugged—drugging—smile, the shadows fading from her eyes.

“Don’t be mad, okay, but I must have... Didn’t mean to... So sorry... I...I think I’m drunk. Roc? I didn’t suck your soul, did I? I didn’t think I did, despite my hunger, but I must have. Do you ’member?”

Sated from his explosive climax, Roc struggled to make sense of what was happening. He hadn’t felt as if she fed from him. His block remained in place, unaffected. But...

Another giggle escaped her. A giggle. From Taliyah Skyhawk. “Oh! Oh! The room is spinning. Spinning is fun. So is sucking on you, even if you only fed me your finger.” She focused on his length, and he could almost see the gleam of a fork and knife in her eyes. “I want to feed on another part of you. Let me! We should test to find out if I did or didn’t feed on you. That makes total sense, right?” She reached for his shaft, but he caught her wrists.

“Taliyah?” Shock held him immobile. And enthralled. Who was this adorable creature? She must have fed from him, his power too much for her, but...he wasn’t sure.

She pouted, and all he wanted to do was laugh. “You’re playing hard to get. Really hard. Yes... Getting harder by the second.”

“Give me a moment to process this.” The sight of her was maddening him all over again, yes. She swayed and slid to the floor with a laugh, letting him tower over her.

He maintained his clasp on her wrist, keeping her arm lifted. Warm water sluiced over her upper body, raining over her legs.

Languid and sated and rosy, she stretched. “I feel absolutely...wonderful.”

He swallowed. “Do you react this way every time you feed?”

“Nope.” She nibbled on her bottom lip, enchantingly confused, and then brightened. “Roc. Roc. Roc! Guess what?” Not waiting for his response, she climbed to her knees and rushed out, “I think you’re hot. Like, seriously hot. Sizzling. You make me hate the cold.”

How was he supposed to respond to that? He was becoming more charmed by the moment, and he needed it to stop.

Was this a trick?

No. Everything he’d learned about this woman told him she wasn’t attempting to part with her virginity. She wasn’t a woman who admitted information easily or dropped her defenses ever—and never with him. Though she must do so with her friend Neeka, because she trusted the girl enough to brand her.

He curled his hands into fists. No, Taliyah definitely didn’t trust Roc, nor should she. And that...he didn’t like.

Twisting me in knots again. “Stand up for me, Taya.”

To obey, she used his body as a climbing post. “Guess what else?” she said, claws in his chest. “I’m not hungry anymore. Look at me. Look!”

“I’m looking.” He might never look away.

“I’m so full. The fullest I’ve ever been!”

Full? How could she partake enough to overflow, while he remained unchanged? Had his block failed for a second, the slightest sip satisfying her?

“Do you feel sick in any way?” That is your first question, Commander?

“Nope. Roc!” she repeated, clinging to him, and he couldn’t not respond as he turned knobs to shut off the water.

“Yes, Taya?” What would she confess next? He must know.

“Your body is sublime. My most favorite one. Your muscles are so...muscly.”

“I’m glad you think so.” The corners of his mouth twitched as he toweled her off. Amusement now? “You don’t know how not to arouse me, do you?” he muttered. “Fair warning, Taya. We will be repeating this experience tomorrow. We need to learn how you feed.” He ignored the newest round of throbbing in his shaft.

Will never get enough of her.

“You’re smiling so big right now, and I’m living for it.” She giggled again, and he swept her off her feet.

Roc dismissed the posts, carried her out of the stall and set her on her feet, the obstacles between them coming into focus once again. “We should dress.” Despite this...whatever this was, he had a job to do. An altar to craft. To perfect. Precision mattered.

Ignore the rise of tension. Nothing’s changed.

Beads of sweat popped up on his brow. Nothing had changed? He couldn’t lie to himself. Everything had changed.

Soft, so soft, she told him, “There’s a little boy buried inside of you, I just know it.” Features glazed with sadness, she petted his beard. “He has bad dreams. But guess what?

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