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Book online «City of Fallen Souls: A LitRPG Adventure (UnderVerse Book 3) Jez Cajiao (best color ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Jez Cajiao

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cried out, and Oracle reached out her hand. I felt the draw from our pool increase, and I suddenly understood that, in using Aegis as long as I had, I’d drained too much of myself.

I focused on the spellform being constructing above me, felt its effects beginning as sections reached out, locking onto my body. I felt the white light searing into me, and I heard her as she spoke to me.

“You will not die, my champion! Not without my permission!”

“Jenae…” I whispered, feeling the others shudder at her presence, and the pure white light was suddenly tinged with the red of flames, flames that grew in strength, shifting green and blue, then white again. The woman gasped in shock, shaking violently at the infusion of divine mana, before frantically regaining control of her spell, just before it could tear free and kill her.

I roared as the spell ripped through me, scanning and locating the issues, tearing some sections wider, to make room for regrowth within the deepest, most damaged sections.

It seemed to take forever as cells were rebuilt and weaknesses were purged. I felt impurities being burned out of me, and I knew that what was left behind was stronger.

I endured what seemed like hours of agony, being completely remade, but eventually, the spell finished. With nothing left to repair, it vanished, breaking apart like hoarfrost before the sun.

I sagged in my restraints, my people collapsing around me, and I saw the woman fall, unconscious, as Jenae released her. I felt their collective exhaustion. Shouting arose outside, but when I tried to turn my head, I found that it was too tightly restrained. I settled for just shifting my eyes, and I saw the form of soldiers approaching from outside. More shouting ensued as the door was smashed in.

I swallowed hard. My HP showed that I was healed; it was full, after all. However, my stamina and mana were completely drained, though I still tried to pull up the energy to react, sagging back in relief as Jenae spoke into my mind. Her voice was filled with exhaustion.

“It is the Legion. Do not be afraid, my champion. Amaat brought those he could to you, in your time of need.”

“Thank you, Jenae…” I croaked out, feeling as though every drop of water I’d ever drunk had been torn from me.

“I must rest. Good luck, Jax. I’m sorry; I cannot use the tracking spell to find Thomas now, not for some time, possibly weeks…” she said, sadness and regret clear in her voice.

“I… I understand…” I whispered aloud into the still air. “Thank you, Jenae. I owe you.”

She faded from my mind, and I felt Oracle, shifted back to her small form, clutching my head and sobbing.

“I’m okay, Oracle…” I whispered.

“I know, but that… that thing, that creature…” she moaned, pushing back from me. Planting her feet on my chest to stand over me, she stared down into my eyes. “What was that, Jax?!” she cried out and shook a finger at me accusingly. “Why couldn’t I see it with my magic? How the hell did that thing even get inside you?!”

“Valspar…” I croaked and coughed, trying unsuccessfully to get up, as I was still strapped to the table.

“Here…” whispered Lydia, pulling the strap free on my left arm, and I smiled appreciatively into her red- rimmed eyes. I felt others releasing straps, and I reached up, unlatching the one that held my head down. I slowly sat up, exhausted beyond belief, scanning the dozens of men and women packed into the room around me. Most of them, I’d never seen before. A few, I recognized from the market square, but the majority…

Amaat pushed into the room, coming to a stop in front of me. He clapped his fist to his chest in salute, then stepped back, revealing a bear of a man outfitted in the steel of the Legion. I met the man’s eyes, forcing myself to fight through the exhaustion in order to stay somewhat upright as he pulled off his helmet. A stray part of my mind idly noted that the horsehair plume was doing an amazing job of clearing the cobwebs from the ceiling.

He bowed his head, clapping his fist to his chest in salute, making the steel breastplate ring as his gauntlet hit it.

“Lord Jax, I am Centurion Primus Augustus, second Maniple of the Legion of Himnel Enclave. I was dispatched to see to your safety by the Legion Prefect. I have a full squad outside, but I cannot guarantee your safety here. With respect, my lord, we need to move,” he said firmly, straightening up.

I let out a sigh, and cracked my back, forcing myself upright. The others were all still recovering, save the woman who’d been casting the spells. The healer had clearly been broken by what had happened and was still unconscious on the floor. “My lord…” Augustus started, and I shook my head, forcing out the words.

“I heard… ya, Centurion… Primus Augustus? Was it?” I asked weakly, and he nodded, as angry words rose outside. I saw his eyes dart towards the door before locking back on me, and I swallowed, attempting to stand.

“We need to take these people with us,” I managed to get out, as the room started to spin. I fell forward, only to have him catch me and set me back on the table.

“Yes, my lord,” he said simply, turning to Yen and Tang, who straightened and clapped their fists to their chests in salute to him. “Scouts!” he snapped at them. “Get out there and screen our path back to the Enclave. Second Squad, you’re leading. First Squad! Close protection detail. Third Squad…” He started barking out orders, and I coughed, forcing air into my lungs to speak.

“No… no, Augustus, I need to go back to the Arena… the Cloudring…” I choked out, slumping as Bane caught me.

“Lord, the safest place in the city…”

“Is… of no use to me. I’ll… only make it… more dangerous for the

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