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parents. Brandon started freaking out every time he saw me. I know we’ve been avoiding each other, but this was just weird. He’d run down the corridor in the other direction the moment he saw me. So, I cornered him at his locker and asked what was going on. He kept looking around all nervous, like he expected someone to appear out of nowhere and beat him up. That’s when he told me that Dad threatened him.”

Marston scraped back the braids hanging in her face. “Dad promised Brandon if he ever came near me again, he would use his influence to get Brandon’s scholarship to Georgetown revoked. The director of admissions and Aunt Dana are close friends. They were roommates at Brown.”

Eliot had always been fierce when it came to defending and protecting his children. He’d been enraged when she’d told him what happened with Marston, but Alicia thought he’d been able to control himself. Now he’d just added threatening teenagers to his list of offenses.

Eliot’s sister Dana was co-anchor of The Morning Edge, a popular network television show. She was well respected in the industry and had won an Edward R. Murrow Award, a prestigious honor that recognized excellence in journalism. Her influence went a long way. Eliot’s threat was serious.

“Brandon deserved much worse after the way he treated you, Marston.” An unapologetic Lily pulled a face. “Props to Dad for having your back.”

“Too bad he didn’t do the same for Mom,” Marston said. “Cheating is bad enough, but with Kat? What was he thinking?”

“He wasn’t,” Lily mocked. “Not with his brain, anyway.”

“Watch your mouth, Lily,” Alicia admonished. “He’s still your father.”

“Yeah, some father. I can’t even look him in the face. I don’t think I’ll ever forgive him.” Then she stood up and walked out of the family room.

Alicia considered going after her but thought better of it. The happy and secure family life her daughters had grown accustomed to had shattered right before their eyes. Each girl would deal with the fallout in her own way. There was little Alicia could do to ease their pain. And that was the worst feeling of all.

She turned to Marston and squeezed her hand. “If I could take away the pain, I would. Just remember your dad loves you very much. That hasn’t and will never change.”

“So, we’re just supposed to forget what he did, act like it never happened?”

“No, Marston. Be true to your feelings. But your dad will never abandon you or your sister.”

Marston shook her head slowly. Then she said, “No. I don’t believe you, Mom. He was going to leave us for Kat. It was only a matter of when. Did you confront either one of them?”

“Now is not the time to discuss this, Marston—”

“You confronted Kat, didn’t you? That’s what they’re talking about on the news. She was mean to you. And Dad lied when you asked him about it.”


“While you guys were away, it became obvious that she had a thing for him. Now we know why. They were already involved, so she got angry that he took you to Paris and not her.” Marston continued shaking her head in disbelief. “I can’t... I just can’t anymore.” Her voice cracked. Then, she too stood up and walked out.


The door flew open without warning as Arnie Tillerson stormed into Eliot’s office, red-faced and blustering. “We were blindsided. You blundering fool! You put the firm’s reputation at risk. Imagine how embarrassing it was to learn this from the news media. Now, we have to put out a statement, all because you couldn’t keep it in your pants. What do you have to say for yourself?”

He wouldn’t back down or flinch. Arnie was one of the two managing partners of Tillerson Brenner and technically Eliot’s boss, but he wouldn’t allow the man to treat him like a wayward child in need of scolding. There was always a chance Eliot would lose Arnie’s respect and that of his colleagues. He didn’t have time to dwell on that possibility, however. More serious matters demanded his attention.

Sitting at the edge of his desk, he said, “It’s true. Katalina and I were involved. I regret the decision. I showed poor moral judgement and a lapse in ethics. Alicia and I were working things out privately. We had no reason to believe they would splash our marital problems all over the media and turn us into murder suspects.”

Arnie sat down, his face flushed with anxiety. “Talk to me, Eliot. What’s going on? It’s bad enough we lost Katalina so tragically, now this.”

“We were set up, Alicia and I.” Eliot explained the confrontation in Katalina’s office and McBride’s hint at the affair. Eliot chose his next words carefully. He didn’t want to appear as though he were placing blame elsewhere to avoid taking responsibility.

“Who set you up?”

“Detective McBride. It’s the only explanation that makes sense. He hauled Alicia in for questioning once he uncovered the confrontation and the affair. He insinuated that Alicia caused Katalina’s death, but Alicia is innocent and saw through his ruse. That didn’t sit well with him, so he leaked information to the media, knowing full well how they would spin it.”

“He hoped that the scrutiny and pressure would get to you, force a confession or a stupid move?”

“Precisely. Delia did some digging and came up with some additional information about the case.” He provided Arnie with the highlights and included the pregnancy. No point in holding back.

Arnie rubbed the back of his neck, then blew out a long breath. “I’m sorely disappointed in you, Eliot. How could you do something so reckless, jeopardize everything you’ve worked for, put Alicia and now your daughters through hell? I thought I knew you.” His body sagged. “Why didn’t you come to me?”

Arnie was more than Eliot’s boss. As their relationship blossomed into one of mutual respect and admiration, Arnie had become a father figure of sorts to him. Eliot had shared with Arnie his

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