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Book online «The Ties That Bind Us: (The Ties Duet Part One) Danda K. (dark academia books to read TXT) 📖». Author Danda K.

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down on the counter with a splat, turns towards me, and if looks could kill, I’d already be cremated.

“I tried! You think I didn’t try?! All she did was insult me and tell me she wouldn’t leave the yard until she spoke to you! Regardless of the cold and the fucking baby in her arms!” Her hands meet her hips. “I told her you weren’t home, and she should come back when you were, but she refused. She told me you’ve been talking on the phone. Talking, Jaxon?”

She slaps a hand against her chest. ”Am I here blaming you?!” She steps towards me, her hands at her side again. “I’m not, am I? She told me that baby was yours the first chance she got. After ten minutes of her tantrum, Emersyn began shivering. All I could think was, ‘What if this is Jaxon’s baby? Am I gonna let his little girl freeze?’ Do you think I’d let any baby freeze outside in the cold regardless if their despicable parent could control it?!”

Sounding sadder now, likely because she’s been on the receiving end of a despicable parent, she adds, “Of course not. So I let them both in. Not that it helped at all because it’s colder in this fucking house than it is outside!” She’s out of breath from her rant, angry, and I’m sure exhausted after her encounter with the devil in red.

“That’s when I texted you that you needed to come home right away, but you never answered. So I just waited, unsure of what the hell to do.”

Checking my phone, I see the text she sent me earlier for the first time. Shit.

Goosebumps spread across my arms and neck as the chill in the house finally catches up to me, and I realize she’s right; it’s fucking cold in here.

“First of all, we did not talk. She’s been calling me nonstop, and I’ve been avoiding her. A couple times, she called from a random number, and I accidentally picked up.” Thinking back to the temperature situation, I ask, “Why didn’t you turn the heat on?” I’m genuinely curious, but her eyes look like they’re about to explode.

“Really? I did put the heat on! It’s broke!” I turn to go check the thermostat, as she follows behind, stomping her feet. Pointing to the little square box on the wall, she shouts, “See! It’s on!”

I look closer at the thermostat, understanding the problem instantly. “That’s the AC setting, baby. You turned on the cold air.”

Cameron throws her arms up before dropping them at her sides, turning to walk away. She shouts over her shoulder, “Well, I guess this isall my fault then, isn’t it?!” She marches into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

Sitting down at the kitchen table, I rest my head in my hands.

I need a minute to collect my thoughts. It wasn’t fair for me to blame Cam for anything. This is on me. I just can’t wrap my head around the fact I may be someone’s father—a father to a beautiful little girl.

I’ve imagined the moment I’d watch my first child be brought into the world before, and this is not at all how I pictured it. I don’t even know where Cameron stands on having kids. How can I expect her to step up for a kid that’s not even hers?

Pinning my thoughts on the future with Cameron, I Google some paternity clinics in the area. I need to know if Emersyn’s mine. There’s no point in arguing over this or stressing out over something that might not even be an issue. I open the phone app and dial the number to a local office, taking the first step in finding out what my future holds.

What our future holds.



I can’t believe he has the nerve to put any blame on me. How is this my fault? Other than putting the wrong setting on the thermostat, I didn’t cause any of this. I didn’t screw the twisted red bitch in the shower at his friend’s house and knock her up!

I can’t help the pang of jealousy that hits me now that I can put a face to the name of the ex he shared so many parts of himself with, including a kid.

Jaxon can get every paternity test done in every damn facility possible, and it wouldn’t be necessary.

That baby girl is his.

When her mom changed her diaper on the couch, and I saw her beautiful blonde curls and ocean blue eyes, it was as if I was looking right at Jaxon. I don’t need science to tell me his beautiful genes make that baby girl as perfect as she is.

I’m filled with nothing but fear for where I’ll stand. If Emersyn is his, then she deserves to be his number one priority. I won’t get in the way of that with my basket full of issues.

I love Jaxon too much to add any more stress to his plate.

I know he didn’t mean it when he put the blame on me. It hurts, but I’m sure he’s feeling blindsided. It’s gotta be hard knowing there’s a chance your child’s been without you for almost two years. Especially for someone like Jaxon, who has an uncontrollable need to help people. And was abandoned as a baby.

I’m five more chapters into my book when the door creaks open, and Jaxon steps inside as if he’s walking on thin ice.

He stops by the foot of the bed with his hands in his pockets. “I just got off the phone with a facility that can see Emersyn and me tomorrow.” He looks down, rocking back and forth on his feet.

I stare at my book, pretending to read it. “That’s great, Jaxon. I hope you get some answers quickly.”

“I paid extra, so I can get the results faster. Should be under 48 hours until I know.”

I take off my glasses and look up at him. I close the book and place it on my lap. “But you do know Jaxon,

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