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Line 143.

Not hate, but glory, made these chiefs contend;

And each brave foe was in his soul a friend.

The Iliad of Homer. Book vii. Line 364.

I war not with the dead.

The Iliad of Homer. Book vii. Line 485.

Aurora now, fair daughter of the dawn,

Sprinkled with rosy light the dewy lawn.

The Iliad of Homer. Book viii. Line 1.

As full-blown poppies, overcharg'd with rain,

Decline the head, and drooping kiss the plain,—

So sinks the youth; his beauteous head, deprest

Beneath his helmet, drops upon his breast.

The Iliad of Homer. Book viii. Line 371.

Who dares think one thing, and another tell,

My heart detests him as the gates of hell.[338:2]

The Iliad of Homer. Book ix. Line 412.


Life is not to be bought with heaps of gold:

Not all Apollo's Pythian treasures hold,

Or Troy once held, in peace and pride of sway,

Can bribe the poor possession of a day.

The Iliad of Homer. Book ix. Line 524.

Short is my date, but deathless my renown.

The Iliad of Homer. Book ix. Line 535.

Injustice, swift, erect, and unconfin'd,

Sweeps the wide earth, and tramples o'er mankind.

The Iliad of Homer. Book ix. Line 628.

A generous friendship no cold medium knows,

Burns with one love, with one resentment glows.

The Iliad of Homer. Book ix. Line 725.

To labour is the lot of man below;

And when Jove gave us life, he gave us woe.

The Iliad of Homer. Book x. Line 78.

Content to follow when we lead the way.

The Iliad of Homer. Book x. Line 141.

He serves me most who serves his country best.[339:1]

The Iliad of Homer. Book x. Line 201.

Praise from a friend, or censure from a foe,

Are lost on hearers that our merits know.

The Iliad of Homer. Book x. Line 293.

The rest were vulgar deaths, unknown to fame.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xi. Line 394.

Without a sign his sword the brave man draws,

And asks no omen but his country's cause.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xii. Line 283.

The life which others pay let us bestow,

And give to fame what we to nature owe.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xii. Line 393.

And seem to walk on wings, and tread in air.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xiii. Line 106.

The best of things beyond their measure cloy.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xiii. Line 795.

To hide their ignominious heads in Troy.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xiv. Line 170.

Persuasive speech, and more persuasive sighs,

Silence that spoke, and eloquence of eyes.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xiv. Line 251.


Heroes as great have died, and yet shall fall.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xv. Line 157.

And for our country 't is a bliss to die.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xv. Line 583.

Like strength is felt from hope and from despair.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xv. Line 852.

Two friends, two bodies with one soul inspir'd.[340:1]

The Iliad of Homer. Book xvi. Line 267.

Dispel this cloud, the light of Heaven restore;

Give me to see, and Ajax asks no more.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xvii. Line 730.

The mildest manners, and the gentlest heart.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xvii. Line 756.

In death a hero, as in life a friend!

The Iliad of Homer. Book xvii. Line 758.

Patroclus, lov'd of all my martial train,

Beyond mankind, beyond myself, is slain!

The Iliad of Homer. Book xviii. Line 103.

I live an idle burden to the ground.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xviii. Line 134.

Ah, youth! forever dear, forever kind.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xix. Line 303.

Accept these grateful tears! for thee they flow,—

For thee, that ever felt another's woe!

The Iliad of Homer. Book xix. Line 319.

Where'er he mov'd, the goddess shone before.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xx. Line 127.

The matchless Ganymed, divinely fair.[340:2]

The Iliad of Homer. Book xx. Line 278.

'T is fortune gives us birth,

But Jove alone endues the soul with worth.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xx. Line 290.

Our business in the field of fight

Is not to question, but to prove our might.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xx. Line 304.


A mass enormous! which in modern days

No two of earth's degenerate sons could raise.[341:1]

The Iliad of Homer. Book xx. Line 337.

The bitter dregs of fortune's cup to drain.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xxii. Line 85.

Who dies in youth and vigour, dies the best.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xxii. Line 100.

This, this is misery! the last, the worst

That man can feel.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xxii. Line 106.

No season now for calm familiar talk.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xxii. Line 169.

Jove lifts the golden balances that show

The fates of mortal men, and things below.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xxii. Line 271.

Achilles absent was Achilles still.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xxii. Line 418.

Forever honour'd, and forever mourn'd.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xxii. Line 422.

Unwept, unhonour'd, uninterr'd he lies![341:2]

The Iliad of Homer. Book xxii. Line 484.

Grief tears his heart, and drives him to and fro

In all the raging impotence of woe.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xxii. Line 526.

Sinks my sad soul with sorrow to the grave.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xxii. Line 543.

'T is true, 't is certain; man though dead retains

Part of himself: the immortal mind remains.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xxiii. Line 122.

Base wealth preferring to eternal praise.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xxiii. Line 368.

It is not strength, but art, obtains the prize,[341:3]

And to be swift is less than to be wise.

'T is more by art than force of num'rous strokes.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xxiii. Line 383.

A green old age,[341:4] unconscious of decays,

That proves the hero born in better days.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xxiii. Line 929.


Two urns by Jove's high throne have ever stood,—

The source of evil one, and one of good.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xxiv. Line 663.

The mildest manners with the bravest mind.

The Iliad of Homer. Book xxiv. Line 963.

Fly, dotard, fly!

With thy wise dreams and fables of the sky.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book ii. Line 207.

And what he greatly thought, he nobly dar'd.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book ii. Line 312.

Few sons attain the praise

Of their great sires, and most their sires disgrace.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book ii. Line 315.

For never, never, wicked man was wise.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book ii. Line 320.

Urge him with truth to frame his fair replies;

And sure he will: for Wisdom never lies.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book iii. Line 25.

The lot of man,—to suffer and to die.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book iii. Line 117.

A faultless body and a blameless mind.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book iii. Line 138.

The long historian of my country's woes.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book iii. Line 142.

Forgetful youth! but know, the Power above

With ease can save each object of his love;

Wide as his will extends his boundless grace.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book iii. Line 285.

When now Aurora, daughter of the dawn,

With rosy lustre purpled o'er the lawn.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book iii. Line 516.

These riches are possess'd, but not enjoy'd!

The Odyssey of Homer. Book iv. Line 118.

Mirror of constant faith, rever'd and mourn'd!

The Odyssey of Homer. Book iv. Line 229.

There with commutual zeal we both had strove

In acts of dear benevolence and love:

Brothers in peace, not rivals in command.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book iv. Line 241.

The glory of a firm, capacious mind.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book iv. Line 262.

Wise to resolve, and patient to perform.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book iv. Line 372.

The leader, mingling with the vulgar host,

Is in the common mass of matter lost.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book iv. Line 397.


O thou, whose certain eye foresees

The fix'd events of fate's remote decrees.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book iv. Line 627.

Forget the brother, and resume the man.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book iv. Line 732.

Gentle of speech, beneficent of mind.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book iv. Line 917.

The people's parent, he protected all.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book iv. Line 921.

The big round tear stands trembling in her eye.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book iv. Line 936.

The windy satisfaction of the tongue.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book iv. Line 1092.

Heaven hears and pities hapless men like me,

For sacred ev'n to gods is misery.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book v. Line 572.

The bank he press'd, and gently kiss'd the ground.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book v. Line 596.

A heaven of charms divine Nausicaa lay.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book vi. Line 22.

Jove weighs affairs of earth in dubious scales,

And the good suffers while the bad prevails.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book vi. Line 229.

By Jove the stranger and the poor are sent,

And what to those we give, to Jove is lent.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book vi. Line 247.

A decent boldness ever meets with friends.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book vii. Line 67.

To heal divisions, to relieve th' opprest;

In virtue rich; in blessing others, blest.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book vii. Line 95.

Oh, pity human woe!

'T is what the happy to the unhappy owe.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book vii. Line 198.

Whose well-taught mind the present age surpast.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book vii. Line 210.

For fate has wove the thread of life with pain,

And twins ev'n from the birth are misery and man!

The Odyssey of Homer. Book vii. Line 263.

In youth and beauty wisdom is but rare!

The Odyssey of Homer. Book vii. Line 379.

And every eye

Gaz'd, as before some brother of the sky.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book viii. Line 17.

Nor can one word be chang'd but for a worse.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book viii. Line 192.


And unextinguish'd laughter shakes the sky.[344:1]

The Odyssey of Homer. Book viii. Line 366.

Behold on wrong

Swift vengeance waits; and art subdues the strong!

The Odyssey of Homer. Book viii. Line 367.

A gen'rous heart repairs a sland'rous tongue.

The Odyssey of Homer. Book viii. Line 432.

Just are the ways of Heaven: from Heaven proceed

The woes of man; Heaven doom'd the Greeks to bleed,—

A theme of future song!

The Odyssey of

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