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Book online «Finders Keepers Edie Baylis (phonics readers .TXT) 📖». Author Edie Baylis

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of millions of pounds worth of goods wasn’t a great idea? The name ‘Pointer’ would undoubtedly be fixed in their mind for eternity.

Fuck, fuck, fuck it.

Refusing to start hysterically laughing at his own stupidness, Heath stood up and extended his hand. ‘Pleased to meet you, Sir. I’m Heath. I run Assure Productions, a record company. We’re looking for suitable venues to host our elite signing parties and,’ he glanced towards Lena, ‘your lovely wife-to-be has been confirming some dates for me.’

Quickly shaking Heath’s hand, Jonah nodded abruptly. ‘I’m glad you find my club to your satisfaction. Now, if you’ll excuse me.’ Giving Heath a cool glance, Jonah moved to the door. ‘A word please, Lena?’

Thirty Four

JONAH SCOWLED AT SAUL. That his brother had the audacity to sit there with a smug condescending look on his face wasn’t doing anything to help his mood. ‘Finally decided to show your face?’

‘You think the reason I haven’t been around is purely because someone’s trying to stir shit between us?’ Saul snapped. ‘I’ve heard what’s been said.’ He’d see if Jonah owned up to what his tramp of a girlfriend had trapped off about before he decided how to retaliate.

Jonah folded his arms. ‘And what shit might that be? Would you care to enlighten me?’ Who had run to Saul and told him? It could only be Gwen or Nero. Or Lena herself... That was unlikely, but then he’d have hardly thought Gwen and Nero would have said anything either. He frowned, fast running out of knowing who to trust.

Saul leant back, bending the backrest of the leather desk chair at a worrying angle. Staring Jonah in the eye with a look that matched the viciousness of the one he was receiving, he sneered openly at the irritation on his brother’s face. ‘Yeah, I’ve heard all about what the daft tart you think you’re marrying has been spouting. And do you know what? I won’t lower myself to even bother denying the ridiculous allegations.’

Jonah was ready for this. He wouldn’t give Saul the satisfaction of letting him know that Lena had stirred shit – not that she’d admitted it. ‘Exactly what am I accusing you of by asking you where you’ve been these past few days?’

But he knew what he’d have said if he’d run into his brother before Nero had the sense to put things into context. At least that was a small mercy. ‘I’d also appreciate it if you didn’t talk disrespectfully about Lena. As I’ve said, what I choose to do is not your business.’

Saul’s eyes narrowed. That’s what Jonah thought, but he’d keep schtum for now. He had a plan where that tramp was concerned and if she didn’t make the correct decision, then she’d be joining the stupid bitch at the flat. The trouble was, Lena would probably enjoy it, which would defeat the fucking object.

His eyes glinted with malice. Lena would be exposed soon enough if she didn’t fuck off from his hard earned business. ‘And how’s the wonderful ‘pregnant’ fiancée? Still glowing?’

Ignoring the blatant attempt to rile him, Jonah instead changed tack. ‘Contrary to your opinion of what goes round my head, I’ve been expecting an update from you about the police investigation, but I’ve heard nothing. What’s going on, Saul? We had an agreement.’

Saul lurched forward, the back of the spring-loaded chair rebounding noisily. ‘What the fuck is that supposed to mean?’

Jonah sighed. ‘It’s not difficult to understand. You were supposed to be digging with your contacts, but since then,’ he clapped his hands together sharply, ‘there’s been sod all – nothing! And furthermore, both you and Keith are rarely around.’

Thinking quickly, Saul rose to his feet. ‘I take it Keith didn’t pass on the information I instructed him to give to you?’

Jonah frowned. ‘I haven’t heard anything?’ Nero had brought him up to speed that he’d tailed Keith to one of those flats, but he wouldn’t mention that. He’d wait and see if Saul mentioned anything... ‘Forget Keith. Why haven’t you told me? Why have you been thin on the ground lately?’

Saul paced around in agitation. He’d best make this sound good. It would give him a bit of cover at least, especially since Keith had made it clear he wasn’t happy with his way of doing things. Well, fuck you Keith! It’s none of your damn business. ‘If you must know, the reason I haven’t been around is because I’ve been sorting out turf war shite that’s recently cropped up at the flats.’

Saying nothing, Jonah folded his arms and waited to hear what bull would come out of his brother’s mouth.

‘You know our flats the other side of town?’ Saul continued, ‘There’s been some shit with cheap arse ponces moving in to pimp on some of the girls there.’ His mouth formed a menacing scowl. ‘The fuckers started putting the heavy hand on some of the tarts, so I’ve been, shall we say... addressing the situation.’ There, that was reasonable enough.

Keith would tell Jonah fuck all. Last night he’d put across quite bluntly that if the man didn’t like the way he did things, then he could get the fuck out of his firm for good. He knew the man well enough to know that he lived and breathed the firm and wouldn’t throw away his life’s work over some over-zealous morals he’d suddenly conjured up from God knows where after all this time, the stupid bastard. But if Keith did let him down, then he’d make sure the man didn’t get a decent night’s sleep again in his pointless fucking life.

Saul stared at Jonah, his expression unwavering. ‘And before you ask me why I didn’t tell you, let me remind you that it has fuck all to do with Dulcie Adams. This is my side of the business.’ He sighed dramatically. ‘Don’t think I don’t know that you’ve been presuming I’m up to things behind your back. I agreed we’d work together on this

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