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Book online «MAKING MAGICKAL ALLIANCES: A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Novel Leigh Raventhorne (read the beginning after the end novel TXT) 📖». Author Leigh Raventhorne

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sickening crunch before falling to a crumpled heap on the deck. Dorn appeared at the top of the stairs. I watched in horror as he reached down, picked the body up, and threw it over the side. His trident was gone and one arm hung limply at his side, blood trailing down from a wound in his shoulder. He looked down and saw me at that moment. Before either of us had a chance to speak, his eyes slid past me and I whirled around, instinctively throwing a shield up. I ducked automatically as a bullet ricocheted off. A roar sounded and a black form bigger than that of most panthers leapt at the man’s back. The gun clattered away as Sebastian rode the man to the ground, his claws sunk deep into his shoulders and his jaws clamped around the man’s neck. The big cat bit down with a sickening crunch and I averted my eyes. Sebastian lifted his head and roared defiantly.

Tell your mate this kill is mine!

“Tell him yourself. I don’t even know where he is right now!” I hissed. Were the two having some kind of contest to see who could kill the most pirates?

He has only killed one. The reproach in the big cat’s voice would have been amusing if it weren’t for the fact he was referring to killing men.

I turned back to Dorn only to find him gone. Peeking around the corner, I only saw bodies. Where was everyone? I could still hear the sounds of fighting, but the way sound carried on the water made it difficult to tell exactly where it was coming from. I saw a large bird, probably Shay, dive at something on the upper deck. There was a thud, as if someone dropped to the deck, and then she swooped up again.

“Sebastian, where are the children?”

They are inside the belly of this thing. Come. He bounded past me, his paws silent, whereas I had to work to try to keep my steps quiet, placing each foot carefully as I hurried after him. We passed five prone bodies as Sebastian led me around what looked like a helicopter landing pad and then down a level on the other side. With the man he’d just killed and the one I’d watch Dorn toss over the side, that was seven. Rand had at least two tied up somewhere, so that made nine. How many freaking pirates were there?

There are still several more, plus the cloaked one and the balding human. She hides at the top, where the bird shifters attack. Come. The hole that leads into the belly is just ahead. The injured water fae is already there.

I spotted Dorn before I could question Sebastian further. He had recovered his trident and was using it to try to pry open a hatch door in the deck.

“Where is everyone?” I whispered, trying to keep an eye in all directions at once.

“My king and your knight went after those who killed two of our people. They are inside the central structure of the ship. The king ordered me to retrieve the children just before I was injured.”

I scanned the multiple levels of cabins he’d indicated, debating on whether to send Sebastian after them. Then I realized I hadn’t seen any of the pixies since I’d come on board.

The pixies were giving chase to several of the enemy. I can sense them within the inner structure, but they are not near the king and your mate. Danai wants me here—these children are very ill. He may have sounded a little miffed over not being able to chase down more pirates, but he sounded far more concerned for the children.

How could he tell that they were sick?

I can smell their sickness. We must hurry.

Dorn was still trying to pry open the heavy lock on the hatch. Who had the key? I looked back the way we’d come. Maybe there was a key on one of the bodies?

Pfft! Tell the injured one to move aside. You do not need a key.

“Dorn, I think I can open that. With her.” I held up my wrist.

He moved away without hesitation. “You named it?”

“Yeah, I got tired of calling her ‘the bracelet,’” I said, managing to keep any snark out of my voice. Silently, I asked, Trixie, what do I do?

Just touch it. I’ll do the rest.

You take too long, Sebastian growled. The lock popped open with a loud snick.

Hey! I had that, Trixie protested.

Reaching out, I grasped the heavy lock and worked it out of the latch. Dorn was lifting the hatch door before I could move away. The sickly stench that slammed into us from the darkness below was almost unbearable. I pulled on my magick and formed a ball of light. There was a ladder leading straight down, but I couldn’t see much beyond that.

With a dubious glance at Dorn’s arm, I said, “I’ll go down and bring the children up one at a time.” He looked distressed, but he nodded.

Sebastian pushed his way between us. I will go with you.

You can use ladders?

With a chuff, he perched on the edge of the opening then jumped. The thud of his landing reverberated and I looked around to see if it had drawn any attention.

Hurry! he urged.

Mustering my courage and my constitution, I took a deep breath and started down the ladder. I hadn’t practiced much with the light balls, but if I could form one, I should be able to do two, shouldn’t I? I pushed the first one down far enough that I could see the floor. It was about fifteen feet down. Focusing, I pulled on my magick again, forming a second ball of light. Between the two, I was able to see further into the hold or whatever this was. As soon

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