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Book online «Without Law 18 Eric Vall (reading well TXT) 📖». Author Eric Vall

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on the road. I was ready to fire when I looked back up at the MiG and watched as it nearly instantly flipped onto its side to avoid the blast from the Skysweeper.

“Oh, shit,” Anna cursed next to me.

The MiG had evaded our first attack. I expected the pilots of these things to be good, but I also expected they wouldn’t see the blast since it came from behind them. My civilians had done everything right, and they’d still been fucked over by this pilot’s skills.

The cat was out of the bag now, though, and we couldn’t let the soldiers get away.

Suddenly, a blast from the ship went off, and the anti-aircraft missile shot into the sky toward the tilted jet. The pilot tried to maneuver away again, but the missile managed to hit one of the wings, and the jet started to roll and spin in the sky as the pilot lost control.

I glanced over the road to see the semi truck on the bridge start to reverse. I was about to grab my walkie and yell for Ben and Jeff to fire the howitzer, but once again, my team was on point.

The sound of the howitzer firing hit my ears, then a second later the impact of the huge round hitting the first bridge made me cringe. The bridge exploded with an incredibly loud sound, and the rear end of the semi truck went with it.

The fire and dust cloud that ensued made me turn around and crouch behind the sand bags so I could avoid the dust getting in my eyes. Bits of concrete and dirt and debris rained down from the explosion, and I could hear the panicked screams of the North Korean soldiers as they tried to figure out what was going on.

Their MiG had just been shot by what they thought was their own ship, and now their only way out of the situation was gone. They couldn’t turn back around, and they were stuck on a small road with guard rails on either side. They had no way out and they knew it.

I couldn’t understand what they were saying, but it was obvious they were trying to figure out how to combat what was happening.

I pulled myself up and looked over the sandbag, but the MiG in the air caught my eye. I was surprised to see it was still in the air, but it was coming down fast.

Just then, the civilians with the M51 took another shot, and this time they hit the plane right in the center.

Boom, motherfucker.

There was no getting away from that, the pilot was most likely dead on impact, and the plane burst into fiercy pieces. The only problem was the plane was no longer above the convoy of NK troops, it was heading toward us when it was shot down.

The explosion above us rang through my ears.

“Get down!” I yelled out as I instinctively threw myself over the girls next to me.

Small pieces of debris flew everywhere around us, some of them on fire, others just hot as hell. I felt a few hit my back as I shielded my women, but luckily there weren’t any larger pieces of shrapnel that landed around our area.

The larger pieces of the plane flew out in all directions, but it was probably lucky the plane was above us when it was shot, because the trajectory of the pieces was outward, so it created a sort of dome around us.

Once I was sure we were safe from falling debris, I lifted myself off the girls and peered back over the sandbag to the road where the NK troops were.

The semi truck at the end of the line was at a 45 degree angle as it hung over the edge of the peninsula into the water. It was absolute mayhem in front of us as the soldiers realized they had been lured into a trap. The semi truck driver climbed out of the vehicle as it unsteadily rocked side to side from the impact of the blast. The inertia of the truck was about to send it over the edge, and the driver was trying his damndest to get out. Before he could jump down, though, Bailey’s rifle went off, and I watched as the man’s head nearly exploded from the brutality of Bailey's .50 cal shot making contact with his skull.

Most of the troops were trying to turn their vehicles around, or figure out a way over the guard rail. They were in panic mode instead of fight mode, and it showed.

I took aim and began to fire at the soldiers in one of the smaller vehicles. I took out the driver first, and his foot must have pressed down hard on the gas because the vehicle rammed forward into the same style vehicle in front of it.

The passenger tried to duck after his buddy took a shot to the dome and his brains got sprayed all over the window, but he was too late. I took the shot, and the passenger instantly fell forward. His face hit the dashboard with such force that if he hadn’t already been dead, it probably would have fractured his skull.

I couldn’t see in the back of the vehicle because the windows were blacked out, but I wasn’t about to risk there being someone back there, so I quickly reloaded, then I shot out the back window. At first, I didn’t see anybody, but then the top of a soldier’s head appeared just over the window sill, and I didn’t hesitate before I pulled my trigger again and caught the man right in the center of his forehead.

I took a few seconds then to glance around and see how everyone else was faring. The civilians with the M51 were now shooting at the troops instead, as were the rest of the

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