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Book online «One Summer in Cornwall Karen King (positive books to read TXT) 📖». Author Karen King

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was mid-June now and already there were a few holidaymakers down, but in another month, when the schools closed, and they were all arriving would Hattie be leaving, he wondered, ready to move on?

He turned the corner to the cottages and saw Hattie heading towards him on her motorbike. She waved and he waved back, then she turned to go round to the back of the cottages and he headed that way too. He arrived in time to see her pull up by his van, turn off the engine, and remove her helmet. Her eyes were sparkling, that ‘full-of-life’ expression on her face that he was trying so hard to capture. He focused on her face, trying to imprint it on his mind, wanting to take his phone out and capture it but not sure he would ever be able to.

‘Hi, how did it go?’ he asked, walking over to her.

‘Good. The baby is gorgeous and I got some fantastic shots. You been for a walk?’ She was dismounting now.

‘Yeah, it looks like we’re going to be having some rain.’ They were walking over to the gates now. Should he ask her in? ‘How did the viewing go?’

‘No feedback yet. Jonathan said that he thinks one of the couples might be interested, but he’s not sure. He’s got another couple of viewings for next week.’ She paused at her gate. ‘Time for a cuppa and a catch up with Buddy?’

‘Sure. Did he behave himself today, do you know?’

‘Apart from a couple of “Bloody Hells” but apparently both viewers were amused and thought he was cute.’

Buddy whistled as Hattie walked in. ‘Back again,’ he squawked, hopping about happily on the branch.

Hattie grinned. ‘Hello, cheeky chappie.’ She looked at Marcus in delight. ‘He’s really getting used to me, isn’t he?’ she asked.

We both are.

‘He is. Shall we let him out for a fly around while we’re having a cuppa?’

‘Good idea. You open the cage while I put the kettle on.’

As soon as the cage was open, Buddy flew straight to the top of the kitchen cupboards and peered down at them. ‘Hello, hello!’ he squawked.

‘Hello!’ Hattie set the mugs of coffee down on the table, then picked up a banana. ‘I’m going to see if he will take some off me.’

She sat down and slowly unpeeled the banana, then took a big bite out of the top. ‘Want some?’ she asked, holding it out to Buddy.

The parrot cocked his head to one side as if considering this, then flew over to the table and pattered over to Hattie, squawking excitedly. He stopped in front of her, jerked his head forward and took a bite out of the banana. Her face lit up. ‘Look! I think he actually likes me now.’

‘I’m sure he does,’ Marcus agreed as their eyes met and locked. The air became charged with tension, excitement, and anticipation as their gaze deepened. Her eyes were bigger now, the blue deeper, flecked with tiny sparks of silver.

‘Hattie,’ he murmured as they both leaned forwards, as if unconsciously drawn to each other like metal to a magnet.

They both jumped as Hattie’s phone rang. She drew back and reached for the phone on the table beside her, checking the screen first to see who was calling. ‘It’s Jonathan.’

Marcus held his breath as she answered the call. Her expression changed to one of shock, and she glanced at Marcus then away again.

‘Okay, Jonathan, thank you. I’ll talk to Dad and get back to you.’

Marcus waited, his heart thudding.

‘We’ve had an offer on the cottage,’ Hattie said.

Chapter Thirty-Six

Hattie was stunned. Although Jonathan had told her that he didn’t think it would take long to sell the cottage, she hadn’t expected to get an offer that quickly! It had only been on the market a few days. It was three thousand pounds less than the asking price but she was sure her dad would accept it. It was still a lot of money and seven thousand higher than Jonathan had first quoted, thanks to her – and Nick’s – hard work Although, of course the money she’d spent on the cottage had to be deducted from that.

‘Are you going to accept it?’ Marcus asked.

‘I don’t know. I need to discuss it with Dad. I’m pretty sure that he will want to, though.’

‘Right. Well, I’ll finish this and leave you to it. I’ve got to go to work in a bit.’ Marcus finished his coffee and took the mug over to the sink. ‘Want me to help you get Buddy back in the cage or are you okay with it?’

‘He’ll go in himself in a little while, I’m sure, but thanks for the offer,’ she told him, her mind in a whirl. They had a buyer. She could hardly believe it.

‘I’ll get off, then. I can see that you’re in a hurry to phone your dad and tell him the news.’

Hattie threw him a distracted smile. ‘Thanks. I’ll message you later. Let you know what we decide.’

As Marcus headed out of the door, she was already dialling her dad on WhatsApp for a video call. After a couple of rings, he answered, the phone buffering as his image appeared on the screen. ‘Hi, Hattie. Everything okay?’

‘We’ve had an offer on the cottage, Dad. Three thousand below asking price but Jonathan said that it’s a cash sale, which means it will go through in about six weeks. What do you think?’

‘Oh, Hattie, love, that’s brilliant. That’s saved my bacon. I was beginning to think that I’d have to take out another loan. We’re hand to mouth over here.’

As Hattie listened to the relief in her dad’s voice, she felt her heart sink. She knew that he’d be pleased with the offer, that he desperately needed the money, yet somehow she’d been hoping he would refuse the sale.

‘Are you okay with accepting the offer? It’s only three grand less and worth it for a quick sale, surely?’ her dad said.

‘Yes, you’re right. It’s fine by me,’ she

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