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Book online «Hate So Good: A High School Bully Romance (The Hate Series Book 2) Nina Lincoln (latest novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Nina Lincoln

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a part of me.

Our group of friends has made the final arrangements for a trip to the beach, this is apparently a longstanding tradition I’m excited to be a part of, and I’m counting down the days.

This camping trip, although dreaded, is the culmination of our high school careers. It’s almost over, and we’re practically free. I don’t regret meeting Colt, but I can’t say I’ve enjoyed my time here, which is why being done is so exciting.

Colt and I can create new memories without the specter of my fan in the way, thoughts of which make me all dreamy. Since his revelation, we’ve been inseparable, our need outweighing our good sense at times.

No matter, I crave every moment with him, and even now, he has the power to make me need, and he’s not even here.

Squirming under the delicious thoughts of him, I can only hope he’s able to sneak into my tent, as he promised. This would go a long way to making this damn trip bearable.

As if I drummed him up with my thoughts, he appears before me with a low rumble and wraps his arms around me snugly. I crave these moments with him and can’t get enough. I feel so safe in his arms as though it’s us against the world.

And maybe it is. It certainly has felt like that in the past.

My heart melts, my mouth stretching into a bright smile when he looks at me softly and gives me a gentle kiss on the nose. He knows this trip is a struggle for me, and with just a look, he’s telling me he’s here for me through it all.

“Hey, Princess,” he murmurs, brushing a strand of hair back from my face.

“Hey, Baby,” I breathe, giggling when he tightens his hold in pleasure, which falls to a low moan when I feel his erection against my stomach.

His eyes heat, flashing with desire, and his mouth hovers over mine, descending for a yummy kiss when we’re interrupted.

“Hey dicks,” Hayden says, dropping his bag before mine on the ground and effectively ruining our moment.

Although I’m still processing everyone’s part in the games the boys played, I know Hayden’s heart wasn’t truly in it, evident by his actions in trying to push Colt and me together. Besides, if I can forgive Colt, I have to forgive him too. Nate, not so much.

With a shiver, I turn my thoughts away from his blue eyes, turned on me with greed and malice. I’ll never forget the way he looked at me as they led him away in cuffs, like a lost puppy but with blood staining his fingers. I just hope I don’t have to see him again for a very long time. Although I know at some point, I’ll have to testify against him—story of my life.

Colt grimaces and looks to the sky with chagrin, and I pinch his yummy ass, smiling in delight when he picks me up and growls.

“You guys aren't going to do this the whole trip, are you?” Hayden says with a scowl.

Colt just grins lazily, running his finger down my cheek.

Scoffing, he turns away, searching out a new ho, no doubt. I wish it could be Ramie, not as his ho, of course, but I think there’s a spark there they’re either ignoring or oblivious to.

She’s in line at Northside High, no doubt, readying for the trip the same as us. We’ll meet up with them when we arrive. Melissa, Ramie, Dirk, George, and even Teddy should be there, and I’m excited to create new, normal memories with my friends.

I haven’t had a chance to tell Teddy how much I appreciate his help with everything. He saved my life, and I owe him besides, he’s the best friend I could ever have, and I cherish our friendship.

“I’m looking forward to snuggling up with my best girl,” Colt breathes in my ear, and with a shiver, I meet his mouth as he gives me a kiss that curls my toes.

“Mm,” he murmurs when we break away, peppering my face with kisses. Giggling, I hug him close, content to sway in his strong arms.

All of this is so new that it’s hard not to marvel at it. Colt’s entire demeanor has changed, his icy expression gone, replaced by one of adoration and need. We no longer have to hide, and the specter of more truths coming out is long gone.

I can see by the way he looks at me that he’s free from the secrets he was hiding and the shame he couldn’t see past, and I’ve never been more grateful that I found him that day in the woods.

We both needed to be pushed to reveal ourselves, and now that we have, we’re no longer bound by the specter of our past.

Finally, we’re allowed to board the bus after waiting an hour for the faculty to get their shit together, and Hayden follows behind us as we find seats in the back. The school district splurged on nice rigs with fabric seats and reclining chairs. Hell yeah, no torn-up plastic and the sour smell of sweaty teenagers for us.

I slide next to the window, Colt sitting beside me, as Hayden takes the seats across from us with a chick I’ve never seen before.

She must be a senior, this trip is reserved for those lucky enough to be graduating this year, but up until now, she’s been in the shadows, or at least my shadows. She’s tall, thin with pretty dark hair, bright blue eyes, and a cruel smirk.

Sighing, I look away, wishing Hayden would find a girl who might actually stick, but I guess that’s the point. Hayden doesn’t want to be tied down. Too bad. Ramie would be perfect for him if he’d just pull his head out of his ass.

Usually, his bitches stay out of the way, but eyeing this one, I sense she could be trouble, especially when she runs her gaze over Colt’s physique with naked admiration.

Ignoring the tingle of

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