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Book online «The Heart of Alchemy James Wisher (book recommendations TXT) 📖». Author James Wisher

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for me.”

Otto hadn’t seen a single mortal servant in Lady White’s home, but that didn’t mean there weren’t some somewhere. “We’d best be on our way.”

Leaving the palace grounds and entering the dark city felt like walking into another world, a world devoid of people. Corruption tainted the ether all around them. This had to be the effect of the black shroud.

Otto used the Heart to purify the ether around them, forming a bubble of protection. As they walked, it didn’t seem to be causing any ill effects so his protective bubble must be working.

Out of the corner of his eye, Otto spotted movement, but it vanished as soon as he turned to look. True to his word, Marius sent no undead after them. It took nearly half an hour, but they finally reached a district free of the shroud. Even though it was still dark, the atmosphere felt lighter. A couple dozen people were fleeing the cursed area as fast as possible.

Otto released his spell and Jet left his side and went over to a woman herding a pair of children ahead of her. From the quality of her dress and the gold rings on her fingers, the woman must have come from a wealthy household. They spoke briefly and then she rejoined Otto while the mother hurried off.

“There’s a gathering area in the southern trade district. Everyone from the affected districts are heading there.”

“Sounds like a good place for us to avoid.”

“Agreed. If all the attention is focused on that district, we should head for the western gate. We also need to find you a disguise. You stand out too much as you are.”

“Let’s just skip the gate and go to the wall. If we find an unguarded section, I can lift us out easily enough. But it’s a long walk to Port Han.”

“There are supply stops not far from the city. I can secure us a wagon and horses at one of them. Since my credentials have been canceled, getting through the border wall will be the real problem.”

“The guards know you there, don’t they?”

“Yes, why?”

“Because I doubt word will reach them before we do. I can make you a pass and they won’t give a familiar face a second look.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Jet grinned, seemingly having regained some of her spirit.

Otto just hoped he wasn’t being overly optimistic. He didn’t make it this far only to fail on the final leg of the trip.

Chapter 41

The journey south toward the border had gone smoothly enough despite their lack of guards. Otto was delighted to avoid trouble as it freed him to study the Heart. Not that he learned much as the magic involved in its creation was about five hundred years too advanced for him. Still, he found exploring the crystal matrix endlessly fascinating.

Beside him, Jet reined in the horses at the top of a low hill. In the distance, the border wall loomed, tall and impenetrable. Three merchants had lined up to wait their turn to enter. None of the guards seemed especially alert, so word of what happened in the capital must not have traveled this far yet. That suited their plans perfectly.

Otto pulled a palm-sized disk of bronze out of his pocket and looked at it from both sides. Using focused ether, he’d carved the image of a horse-drawn wagon on one side and a series of numbers on the other.

He handed it to Jet. “Does that look right to you?”

She’d guided him in the process of creating the fake medallion, but a second check couldn’t hurt. If she wanted to make any adjustments, this was the last chance.

Jet looked it all over and said, “It looks good. Unless something extraordinary happens, they shouldn’t give it a moment’s thought. The real trick is going to be getting you through.”

“Oh, that won’t be a problem. I’ll be entering by magic. If the medallion works, I’ll be waiting at the inn where we first met.”

Otto became one with the ether, sought out the rune he’d carved, and willed himself to it.

A moment later he emerged in a decidedly dustier but still-familiar bedroom. It seemed Hans had followed his orders and kept everyone, including the cleaning staff, out.

Otto stepped off the rune, turned, and drew the ether out of it until it no longer glowed. No doubt he would have to pay a small fee to cover the cost of repairing the floor. He shrugged and strode toward the door.

The instant he opened it, Corina came running and nearly tackled him with a hug. “You’re okay! We’ve been so worried.”

Otto looked over her head at Hans and his squad who were seated around a table playing cards. None of them looked especially worried, but then when he wanted to, Hans could show the best stone face Otto had ever seen.

After a moment he disengaged from Corina. “I trust there were no issues during my absence?”

Hans tossed his cards on the table and stood. “Not to speak of. Your brother had a few run-ins with local gangs thinking foreigners would make an easy mark. He quickly showed them the error of their ways. The inn has been as quiet as a grave. The food is delicious and the staff… charming. After dealing with giant animals and spooky boat creatures, we’ve enjoyed the peace and quiet.”

Having seen the lovely ladies on the serving staff, Otto fully understood Han’s sentiments. He was also glad the guys enjoyed a little rest and relaxation. After losing one of their own, it probably helped.

“Did you find what you were looking for, Master?” Corina asked.

“Indeed.” Otto pulled the Heart from his pocket and held it out to her. “If you want to see something wondrous, extend your sight into it. Just beyond the surface. You don’t want to lose yourself in the matrix.”

Ether gathered around her eyes and a second later she gasped. “That’s amazing! How could you make something like that?”

Otto shook his head and put the Heart back. “I

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