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excursion to Georgetown was at our suggestion.”

“What task force?” Adams asked.

“If you need to ask that, perhaps you’re not the right agents for this assignment.”

“We know about an active joint task force. I’m asking if you know about it.”

“We do,” Baldwin answered. “We’re consulting with Army Intelligence and the military police.”

“And your area of expertise?” Adams asked.

“I’m law enforcement,” Evarts said, “and my wife’s an academic.”

“A Google search showed nothing on either of you. Nor do our files have anything. Why would that be?”

“Because that’s the way General O’Brian wants it,” Evarts said.

Adam sat quietly after that pronouncement, so Evarts said, “Are we going to spar all morning or are we going to get out of this conference room to find terrorists?”

“In due course. But first, we want to know what an academic has to contribute to our investigative team.”

“Excuse me,” Baldwin said, “I thought we were going to a university.”

“We are,” Adams answered.

“That’s my bailiwick. Beyond my task force experience, I can help soothe ruffled feathers.”

“We don’t ruffle feathers,” Adams said.

“Then you’re doing your job wrong,” Baldwin said firmly.

“The FBI doesn’t operate like small-town cops,” Adams said haughtily. “We get answers in a professional manner. Ma’am, do you have police training. If we happen onto a terrorist cell, this could become dangerous.”

“Have you engaged with terrorists in a deadly fight?” Evarts asked.

“We’re not here to measure dicks,” Adam said dismissably.

Evarts laughed. “I was asking about your experience compared to my wife’s.”

“Excuse me?”

“I trust her courage and instincts over yours any day of the week. Her quick thinking saved my life in a terrorist attack just a month ago. I suggest you let this go.”

Adams appeared annoyed and refused to relent.

“Okay, here are the rules of engagement. This is an FBI operation. You’re accompanying us at the request of Army Intelligence. We ask the questions. You observe. If you want to make a suggestion, wait until after we break from the party we’re talking to. We can always circle back. Understood?”

“Have you been through Islamic sensitivity training?” Baldwin asked.

“Of course,” Adams said. “We know how to handle this nature of inquiry.”

“I presume you’re aware of the gravity and timing of this attack,” she said.

He puffed up. “We’ve been fully briefed.”

“Then put aside your Mr. Nice guy demeanor,” Baldwin said. “We’re going in to rattle cages.”

Adams instantly got angry. Evarts had to suppress a smile.

“I don’t think you understand,” Adams said roughly. “This is an FBI operation, and we will follow FBI protocols. You observe. Period.”

“If Islamic terrorists are using this conference as camouflage, they won’t be forthcoming,” Baldwin said. “In fact, they’ll act offended and probably become belligerent. Are you willing to press them?”

“We’re trained for this, ma’am.” This came from the second agent who had not spoken until this moment.

Baldwin lunged forward, and snarled, “That’s misogynistic, young man. I will not be patronized. If you—”

“I apologize,” Meadows said immediately.

“For what?” Baldwin demanded.

“For appearing to be paroniz—”

“Appearing? What the hell?” Baldwin stood, flinging her chair away from the table. “Come on, David, we’re out of here! I won’t go anywhere with raw recruits who disrespect my ability to contribute. Whoever let these boys out for recess should have their head examined.”

Evarts didn’t move. “Susan, we can’t abandon this assignment. The general ordered us to work with the FBI.”

“They’re not working with us, damn it. If we accept their rules of engagement, we might as well be mannequins. They refuse to accept that I have any expertise in this matter. Just assume that because I’m a woman, I know squat.” Then she saw Evarts expression. “Oh no, I know that look. You can go to hell with these two dullards. I’m stepping out to call the general. Judging by this misogynistic pair, the FBI has given this lead its lowest priority. I’m going to insist that he order the FBI to assign a more seasoned team.”

When Evarts didn’t move, she tugged his jacket which hung on the back of his chair. “Come on. Let’s go!”

“Wait a minute,” Adams said. “Perhaps we were too hasty. Let’s discuss this.”

“Discuss what? Your mistreatment of women or the muzzle we’re supposed to wear if you graciously allow us to venture into the field with you?”

“We apologize for not acknowledging your expertise,” Adams said. “It was stupid. Obviously, the commanding officer of Army Intelligence wouldn’t have requested that you join us if you didn’t have something important to contribute. We were discourteous. As for lines of inquiry, you may ask pertinent questions if you defer to us as the lead in this investigation. Again, we apologize.”

Baldwin stared down at them for a long moment and then slowly retook her seat.

“Thank you,” Adams said. “Now, perhaps you can explain your perspective on how we should handle the interviews once we arrive at Georgetown.”

Baldwin smiled mischievously. “I told you to put aside your sensitivity training. I meant it. Please excuse the dramatics. I wasn’t offended. It was an act and you caved without a moment’s thought. If we encounter the terrorists, they’ll do something similar. If you cave with them, you’ll put our nation at risk.” She gave him a steady look. “Now … do you understand.”

“Shit,” Adams said. “This is embarrassing.” He looked furtively at his partner, then dropped his eyes. “You’re right, of course. This is our first venture into the field. We’re recent Quantico graduates. The department is going crazy searching for these terrorists and bombs, so we got called to duty.” He genuinely appeared contrite. “I was trying to play the badass FBI agent and ended up getting my butt handed to me.”

“But you’re good students,” Evarts said. “Quick on the uptake. If you were my recruits, I’d give you high marks.”

Adams took a deep breath and expelled it slowly. “We appreciate your help ... and the object lesson.”

To help cement their new working relationship, Evarts explained how the alternate caliph used academic surroundings to appear innocuous and that this caliph-in-waiting had recommended several presenters at this conference. Evarts provided them with the names.

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