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still is.” He thought about the way she’d cried last night, and felt the burn of helpless rage. The coffee maker gurgled, bringing him back to the duties at hand. He screwed on the lid to the carafe, and headed for the door.

“Hang on. Take this, too.” Adrian filled a second carafe from a small faucet that dispensed steaming hot water. As he handed it to Scott, he gave him a hard, assessing look. “About you and Alli...”

Scott stiffened, but remained where he was, willing to take any anger Adrian cared to get off his chest.

“Whatever’s going on between you, I just want you to know one thing. Allison feels things more deeply than most people. She doesn’t give her heart lightly, because when she loves someone, she does it completely. And when she’s hurt, she takes a long time to heal.” Adrian’s gaze bored into his. “I’d hate to see her hurt again.”

“Message received.” Taking the carafe, he headed upstairs. The last thing in the world he wanted to do was hurt Allison, but was there really any way around it at this point?

On his way back down, he stopped to set up the sideboard, a task that took a while since he had to search through all the drawers and cabinets in the butler’s pantry to find everything he needed.

That done, he swung back into the kitchen. “Okay, now what?”

Allison turned with a start from the refrigerator. “Scott, what are you doing in here?”

He saw surprise, but thankfully no embarrassment. His heart clutched, though, seeing her pale face and the slight swelling around her eyes. Everything in him wanted to go to her, take her in his arms and kiss away the sorrow. But not with Adrian standing there. “You should be in bed.”

“Why?” She frowned at him. “I’m not sick.”

“No, but you’re exhausted.”

“Exhausted or not, breakfast has to be served.” She sighed and pulled some bacon out of the fridge.

“I’ll take care of it.” He took the packet from her and carried it to Adrian at the stove.

“Scott...” she protested. “You’re a guest.”

“Chloe’s a guest, and she helps.”

“Yes, but you’re ...”

“A helpless celebrity?” he asked. Deciding to simply override her objection, he turned to her brother. “What do you need done next?”

Adrian didn’t hesitate. He pointed to a wicker basket filled with muffins. “Take that out to the sideboard.”

“Got it.” Scott picked up the basket and headed back out.

The guests were already filling the table when Chance came through the back door, surprising them. “Sorry I’m late,” he said, looking a bit rumpled and dazed.

“Late?” Adrian stared at him as he flipped blueberry pancakes. “We didn’t even expect you.”

“Oh.” Chance gazed around the room as if he’d never seen a kitchen before. “Well, I’m here.”

“He’s useless,” Adrian whispered to Scott just as Allison returned from the dining room with an empty tray.

“Chance?” she said, coming up short. Emotions moved over her face, shadows of anxiety from the night before. “Is Rory okay?”

“She’s great,” he said with a look of wonder. “So’s Lauren. I got to watch Aurora feed her this morning. God, she’s beautiful. And so tiny.” He held out his arm. “Her head doesn’t even fill the palm of my hand. I had no idea she’d be so tiny. I just... had no idea.”

Allison carried the tray to Adrian by the stove, her back to Chance as he continued talking about the baby in minute detail. Scott glanced at Allison, taking in the tense shoulders, the carefully guarded expression, then noticed Adrian watching her as well.

“Will you be able to bring them home today?” Adrian asked, as he filled the tray with pancakes.

“I think so,” Chance answered. “The midwife said it was one of the shortest labors and easiest deliveries she’s seen in years.”

Allison lifted the filled tray and headed for the dining room.

“Here, let me help with that.” Scott followed her into the butler’s pantry and slipped a hand about her arm to stop her. He waited for the door to swing closed and give them privacy. “You okay?”

“I’m fine,” she said, as if trying to convince herself.

“I just have to get used to it, since I can hardly expect them to not talk about the baby when I’m around. They’re excited, and so am I. It’s hard for me, yes, but I am glad for Chance and Rory.”

He rubbed her arm, wishing he could do something to make things easier for her. “They’re a nice couple.”

“Yes, they are.” She nodded. “And they’re deliriously happy together.”

“I’ve noticed.” He smiled.

She cocked her head. “I thought you didn’t believe in happy marriages.”

“I’ve decided to revise that statement and say that happiness is granted to those rare people who are decent and deserving when they treat each other with respect. You seem to have a high percentage of decent people in your life.”

“I have been blessed with that, at least.” She smiled.

“You’ve been blessed in a lot of ways.” He studied her, wondering what life would be like surrounded by a warm loving family. “So, how will you handle it when Chance brings Rory and the baby home?”

“I just will,” she stated firmly. “I’ll start by apologizing to Rory for running off like that last night. She must be wondering why I didn’t want to see the baby.”

“Will you tell her what happened to you?”

She dropped her gaze. “I don’t know.”

“Allison.” He tucked a stray curl into place. “I realize it’s hard for you to talk about it, but if you tell them about the miscarriage, they’ll be more sensitive around you.”

“I’ll think about it. Right now, though, I need to get through breakfast, and then lunch.” She blew out a breath. “It is Saturday, you know.”

“Ah yes. As someone once told me, it does come once a week.” He shook his head, wondering where the week had gone. “If you want, Chloe and I can help.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it. And if Chloe wants to help, I’ll gladly accept. You, however, have a book to write, and I’ve

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