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you agreed to throw your fight. Even without evidence, the rumors could get you banned from the UFL.”

Fuck. She’s right. My mind spins with unanswered questions. The most important thing is to keep Raven calm and safe. That’s where my focus needs to be, at least until this shit is over.

“I’ll talk with Dominick again. He wants his money. I’m sure he’s not pleased that his boy got his ass handed to him tonight. Don’t worry, baby. I’ll take care of this.”

She nods into my chest. “Please be careful.”

“Always. Now go to sleep. We can talk more in the morning.”

“Okay, Jonah. I love you,” she says through another yawn.

“I love you too, baby.”

After shutting off the light, I stare into the dark room. Raven’s breathing shifts to the rhythmic cadence of sleep. I hold her a little tighter, absorbing the contentment I feel from having her safe in my arms.

This clusterfuck with Vince has complicated my deal with Dominick. He needs to know now, especially after I turned Vince’s face into ground beef, that I’m not going to allow him to fuck with Raven. There’s no way—

My thoughts are redirected by the sound of my phone ringing. With a slight lean, I grab my phone from my bedside.

I don’t check the ID, but instead hit answer and bite out a quick, “What!”

Raven stirs, and I rub her arm reassuringly.

“Mr. Slade.”

Adrenaline floods my bloodstream, making my head buzz.




I kiss Raven’s head before slipping out from under her and into the hallway.

“I see you and Vince had a little difference of opinion this evening,” Dominick says, sounding bored.

“Difference of opinion? He assaulted her! He was taking her to God knows where to do God knows what! You call that a difference of o-fucking-pinion?”

The usual buzz in my head has amplified to a roar. I’m vibrating from head to toe.

“I’ve taken care of him. I’m not happy with what transpired at the club.”

“I told you to pull your tails. That was part of our agreement.”

“Yes, well it seems Vince has grown fond of this Eve girl. You can’t blame a guy for sticking around for a little easy pussy. I’m sure you of all people can understand that.”

“I could give a fuck what Vince does with his dick, but I swear to God, if he comes near Raven with it or with any other part of his body again, I will kill him. You get me? I hope like hell you do because I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life.” I pace the living room, trying to keep my voice down.

“I won’t apologize for Vince’s behavior.”

“You want Raven so bad, but you’d let that animal put his hands on her?”

“Vince knows the girl needs to remain unharmed. Whatever his plan was, I’m confident it wouldn’t have left any permanent—”

“You sick motherfu—”

“Our deal is still as it was agreed upon at Zeus’s.”

“Only if you and your men agree to leave Raven alone.”

“Mr. Slade, you are in no position to make threats.”

“The fuck I’m not. Say it!”

“I will protect what’s mine.”

“She’s not yours!” The intense buzzing between my ears travels down my arms to my fists.

“We will see, Mr. Slade. We will see.”

The phone disconnects. My call log lists the number as unknown.

“Fuck!” I throw my phone into a club chair across the room. It lands with an unsatisfying thud.

My appetite for beating Dominick to a bloody mess claws at my nerves. I fall to the couch with my head in my hands, fisting my hair, and will my heart to slow.

Fear from tonight comes rushing in. Flashbacks of Vince’s arms around Raven flood my mind. What if I hadn’t gotten there in time? I shove the question back, resisting the thought of losing her.

She’s safe in my bed, where I should be.

I stalk down the hallway to my room and throw open the door. It slams against the wall, making Raven jump then settle.

Shit. Calm the fuck down.

I fight the buzz in my head and crawl into bed with Raven. Her soft body, warm with sleep, curls into mine. A gentle hum vibrates from her lips, the soothing scent of her skin a salve to my fury. My heart rate slows and the riot between my ears recedes. I haul her deeper into my arms, silently promising to keep her safe and make her mine. Forever.



“Hand me the wrench?” Jonah’s big hand reaches out from beneath the Impala, and I slap the wrench into his palm.

We’ve been working on the Impala all morning in an attempt to take my mind off the fact that I haven’t heard from Eve. Hours pass, and still no word. I can’t just sit here and do nothing.

I’m assembling the new engine parts when I gather the courage to broach the issue with Jonah.

“If I don’t hear from her soon,” I scrunch my nose and pinch my eyes closed, “I’m going to her house.”

The metallic clank of a tool hitting the concrete floor bounces off the walls. My eyes remain fixed on the project before me.

I hear him slide on the dolly out from underneath the car. “Over my dead motherfucking body.”

I brace myself for an argument. With a determined scowl, I bring my eyes to his, steel in my resolve.

Worry and concern mask his usual easy smile, shattering my will. My shoulders slump and I lean on the workbench. “I’m worried about her.”

He stands and closes the space between us. “I know, baby. But I can’t let you go to her house alone. If you insist on stopping by, I’m going with you.”

I need to tell Eve about Vince, and I don’t want her to get embarrassed having Jonah there. Not to mention he turned her boyfriend into road kill just hours ago.

“No. I need to go alone.”

He wraps me in his arms and I go limp against his chest. “No way.”

I exhale, frustrated, but not surprised. “Jonah, I understand why you’re worried. But really, what’re the chances that Vince will be at her house?

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