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Book online «H.M.S Valor: Treachery And Triumph: A war time adventure on the high seas Cal Clement (free ebooks for android txt) 📖». Author Cal Clement

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honored Governor a visit. Please inform me immediately if there is a sighting Captain. Keep your heading east, let’s presume nothing about their destination yet.” Tim snapped curtly.

“Yes Sir,” the Captain’s reply came. Drawing looks and raising a few eyebrows amongst his crew.

Below deck, Tim walked down a narrow corridor leading to the cell holding the Governor. As he approached, he could smell the rank odor of waste and sweat, the heat coupled with constant motion and the foul smell brought a wave of nausea. Tim stepped in front of Alton’s cell, hanging a lantern on a hook outside the iron bars. The Governors figure sat slumped on the floor, pale and naked. His waste bucket had tipped with the motion of the ship and the foul contents covered the floor where he sat. Alton stirred for a moment when the lantern light spilled into his cell and he looked up through squinted eyes to identify his visitor. Tim saw his face was a mess, dried vomit streaked his face and clung to the stubble that had replaced his shaved and powdered look.

“You are a sight, Lord Governor.” Tim mused.

“I feel it.” Alton remarked. His tone was surrendered, missing the superiority and disdain Tim had grown accustomed to from him. “How long do you intend to keep me prisoner Tim. I don’t know how much more of this I will survive.”

“Oh, I can’t say for sure. But you will survive Governor. You have my assurance of that, you are in fact no good to me dead.” Tim drawled slowly. He took great pleasure in seeing the condition of the dignified Governor, it seemed to bring him solace from his current predicament.

“This whole ordeal, this entire thing has turned into an utter disaster Tim. What could I have done differently? Honestly, Tim? You blame me for this, but what could I have done differently?” Alton moaned before retching onto the floor.

“You should have brought that damned Admiral to heel or replaced him as I suggested. Your stubborn, pig headed ego has purchased you this fate Governor and I feel absolutely no pity for you. This all could have been avoided had you just replaced the Admiral. We would be sitting on your balcony right this moment enjoying a fine cigar and discussing whatever ridiculous topic you desire. But we are in fact in a very different situation and I have a question that has been smoldering for a couple days now.” Tim drawled slowly, deliberately while measuring the effect of every word as it hit Alton.

“What is it?”

“The timing which Sharpe’s fleet occupied my cove. It begs asking, Lord Governor. Did you betray us?” asked Tim.

“Betray you?” Alton cried, “Whose house has just been ransacked and robbed? Which one of us is currently covered in his own shit? No, Tim, if one of us is guilty of a betrayal, it is not me.”

“Are you suggesting to me that I have done something which I did not warn you about? No, Governor, you were given every opportunity to correct this situation before it escalated out of control. I failed to see your true plan. You were one of three men who knew the destination and expected arrival of the ‘Gazelle’. You were one of only three men that knew of the payments she holds. The chance arrival of your fleet into my cove the night before she was expected? I am many things Governor Alton, but I am not a fool.” Tim hissed, his anger gathering as he leveled the accusation.

“No. No, Tim I swear it. It wasn’t me. I had no idea what he was doing. I was wrong, I should have replaced him, you’re right. But I had no idea, you have to believe me.” Alton pleaded, shaking his hands against the chains he was shackled by.

“Do I? And why is that? How do you think your pathetic pleas will hold up in front of The Order? Will they keep you from losing your head?” Tim snapped.

“You wouldn’t. Tim, no…”

“What choice have you left me? Their payment has not arrived and is likely lost because of your reckless incompetence. We have now lost two shipments of slaves to Georgia and the Carolinas and as we speak there are two navy ships with a full day’s sail ahead of us containing men who know entirely too much. You have left me with one course of action Governor, which I intend to execute with everything I have left in me. If it means I have to do it my god damned self, I will.” Tim’s voice elevated as he spoke until he was shouting.

“There is nothing left for me then Tim. Why don’t you just kill me and be rid of the encumbrance.” Alton said, tears welling up into his eyes as he looked through his cell bars at Tim.

“As much as I would enjoy it.” He paused, sneering at Alton’s plea, “If The Order does not accept the facts as I lay them out, I intend to ransom you for my safe escape. Don’t get your hopes up, they will desire your silence far more than they value your life, Lord Governor,” said Tim. “Perhaps if I can recover their payment and silence any outside parties, maybe things could be different…”

“I cannot help you Tim, I have no idea where they sail for. I have no clue where the Gazelle is, nor what has happened to her. As I said, you would be served just as well by killing me.” Alton moaned in reply.

“Like I told you, Lord Alton. Not yet.” Tim drawled as he stood up. He plucked the lantern from its perch and made his way back up the passageway, observing his usual custom of skipping any formal farewells.

Above deck, Tim had just taken his last step off the stairs leading up from below when he noticed the group of sailors huddled together near the bow. They stood near the starboard rail looking out over the seas to the

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