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λυπη - No Regrets

Είναι δυναμικη - She's Strong

Γλυκιε μου - SweetOne

Τι εγινε; - What is it?


Aye –Yes

Daidi –Father, Da, Dad or Daddy

Eejit –Idiot

Mamai– Mother, Ma, Mum or Mummy


Bastacosi - Enough/That will do

Bastardo/i – Bastard/s

BellaMia - My beautiful one

Benvenuto – Welcome

Brava –Bravo

BruttaSgualdrina – Ugly bitch

Cane -Dog

Cara Mia– My dear/honey

Chiudi labocca - Shut your mouth

Confuso– Fuzzy

Contagiata - Infected/Disease

Cosa? -What?

Disgustosa/o - Disgusting

Finalmente - Finally

Forza, alavoro ragazzi - Go on, get to work guys

Grazie -Thank you

Ho dettovattene - I said go

Infetta/o – Infected

Lasciacisoli - Leave us

Lupointelligente - Clever wolf

Mia -My

Muoviti- Move

Ora -Now

Padrona– Mistress

Perdonami - Forgive me

Piccola– Little

Portatelovia - Take him away

Puttana– Whore/Bitch/Prostitute

Ragazzi?- Boys?

Salve –Hello

Sgualdrina – A female who sleeps around/loose woman/dirtywhore

Si -Yes

Sonooccupato - I'm busy

Sparite- Move it/Get out/Get lost

Spostati,cagnetto - Move, little dog

Stupido- Foolish

Ti prego– Please

Tivoglio – I want you


Boss -A person in control of a group or situation

BrickShithouse - A person with a well developed body; implies anelement of indestructibility

Chime in- Interject a remark

Fella -Non-standard spelling of fellow, used in representing speech invarious dialects (aka Fellow)

Hovel -A small squalid or simply constructed dwelling

Nod/NoddedOff - To fall asleep or doze momentarily, especially in asitting position

No shit - You Think?

Piss Off- Get lost/go away

Screwyou - Fuck you/Go to hell

Shitload- A large amount or number

Tattled- Gossip idly/ Report another's wrongdoings; tell tales

ZonedOut - To become oblivious to ones surroundings


Aye -Yes

Bonny -Attractive/Beautiful

Laddie -Boy or Young Man

Lass(ie)- Girl or Young Woman

Pet -Term of endearment

Wee -Little


Loco -Crazy

Mi pequeñaasesina - My little murderer


I’m so happy tofinally be able to share the next instalment in the Blood Series.Cross My Heart ended up being a longer work in progress than BloodSecrets was. It was never my intention to take so long to writethis boo, but I do hope you find it worth the wait.

Firstly, I wantto thank my friend and editor, Zee Monodee who – as always – isfull of positivity and support. Once again, she has worked hermagic and calmed my inner doubt. Thank you, Zee.

Fiona Jayde, Icannot thank you enough for taking on the challenge of designingthe next cover in the Blood Series. I seriously love it.

And lastly andmost importantly; my readers, old and new, thank you for taking achance on my work. Thank you for your patience in regard to thisbook and well, just in general. I appreciate your support andunderstanding. I hope you found Cross My Heart worth the wait andare as excited as I am for the final instalment, which I havealready started and am aiming to finish sooner than the last twobooks.

Thank you foryour ongoing support, your comments, and your reviews; just thankyou. You are truly wonderful, and I hope from the bottom of myheart that you continue to trust in my creative insanity and enjoymy stories.

About the Author

ElizabethMorgan is a multi-published author of urban fantasy, paranormal,erotic horror, f/f, and contemporary; all with a degree of romance,a dose of action and a hit of sarcasm, sizzle or blood, but you canbe sure that no matter what the genre, Elizabeth always manages togive a unique and often humorous spin to her stories.

Like hertagline says; A pick ‘n’ mix genre author. “I’m not greedy. Ijust like variety.”

And that shedoes, so look out for more information on her upcoming releases ather website: www.e-morgan.com

Away from thecomputer, Elizabeth can be found in the garden trying hard not tokill her plants, dancing around her little cottage with the radioon while she cleans, watching Netflix or curled up with her threecats reading a book.

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