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Book online «Joy Ride Desiree Holt (ebook reader 8 inch .TXT) 📖». Author Desiree Holt

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her new future, the world she created in her mind for her and Marc, her Guitar Man. So much of it yet unknown. If she still had the courage when she saw him.

“Don’t even think of chickening out.” Annie snapped the case of eye shadow closed and studied Emma’s face. “Time to put your big girl pants on, girlfriend.”

“And if I’m misreading the whole situation?”

“Then you’ll have had the ride of your life and be prepared for the next one.”

Still, a hundred butterflies were beating their wings in her stomach as she was waved into the Amphitheatre parking lot. It took her a few minutes to find a parking space. Then she had to weave her way past two delivery-type trucks, one larger than the other, and a huge bus with Deep Blue River painted on the side.

If Lightnin’ gets this job and it works out for them, will Marc be touring the country some day in one of these? And where will I be?

Stop that! Right now!

Hauling in a breath to calm herself, she showed her pass to the guard at the back door, who smiled and stood back for her to climb the few steps to stage level.

Emma had been backstage at community theater plays before, but that was nothing at all like this. The ceiling seemed miles above her head, and the entire place was a frenzy of activity. People moved everywhere, guys in jeans and T-shirts hauling strange looking items from one place to another. Someone with a set of headphones and a clipboard was talking into a lip mic and making notes. Others were walking around with no apparent purpose. In one distant corner, three men, one in a suit, were huddled as if discussing the fate of the nation. For Emma it was almost like falling asleep and awakening in a foreign country.

But an incredible buzz of excitement hummed in the air, like an electrical charge sizzling along the surface of her skin.

“Hey, Music Lady.”

The low timbre of his voice made her body react instantly. Her every pulse point throbbed. Relief he was actually there waiting for her, along with heat, warmed her blood.

“Hey.” She gave him a shy smile.

“Wow.” His eyes travelled over her from head to toe and back again. “You look damn hot, Music Lady.”

Her heart stuttered at the compliment. “Thank you.”

Emma sent a silent thanks to Annie for dragging her to a boutique and outfitting her in embroidered jeans and layered tees. And also for convincing her to have her toenails painted a hot, sensuous pink.

He took her hand. “Come on. I want to introduce you to the rest of the band.”

Emma stopped, suddenly frozen in place. “M-Meet the band?”

Of course he intended to introduce her. She hadn’t even thought of that, although she didn’t think Marc was going to hide her away in some corner. Anxiety threaded through her as she wondered how they’d react to her. Would they like her? Accept her? Or would they take one look and try to convince Marc he was making a huge mistake? That she was just the old Emma hiding under a new veneer that could crack at any moment. She wiped her damp palms on her new jeans, her pulse racing. So much to worry about.

“No worries. I promise.” Marc turned back to her, oblivious of all the activity around them, and wrapped his arms around her. “To them you’re just ML. The woman I’m crazy about.”

“C-Crazy about?” Her body suddenly felt liquid, as if she had no power to stand, and her heart was thumping. Had she heard him right? And why did she have to sound so much like an idiot?

He traced the line of her cheekbone and her jaw. “Surely you’ve figured it out by this time. And no, I haven’t discussed you with them. Well, maybe with Rick, but he’s my closest friend and a really good guy. They do know I’m…seeing someone, and I want to show you off.” He touched his mouth to hers. “Just for a few minutes, okay?”

Butterflies began an overcharged tango in Emma’s stomach, and her throat was suddenly dry. She hoped this didn’t turn out to be a huge mistake, but she nodded and let him lead her through the maze of containers and cables covering the landscape of the backstage area. They circle around to the other side of the facility, past two doors to a third. Marc stopped, gave her a quick hug, whispered, “Just follow my lead,” and opened the door.

The laughing and chatter in the room stopped the moment they stepped in. Emma tightened her grip on Marc’s hand as she took in the other band members and what looked like half the women she’d seen at Aftershock. Although “women” might be too loose a term since they all appeared younger than she did. She didn’t know if they were in relationships with the band members or were the groupies even she in her uninformed state had heard about. They were all staring at her with open curiosity.

Every muscle drew taut when she spotted Lacey in full makeup and revealing outfit, lounging on one end of the couch. Damn! What was she doing here? Which band member had brought her? She wanted to ask Marc, but everyone’s attention was too focused on her.

Come on, Emma. You can hold your own. Don’t let the bitch get to you.

But, of course, Lacey was the first one to speak.

“I see you have your ‘friend’ with you tonight, Marc, honey.” Her smile was more feral than friendly, and she still eyed Marc as if he were her main course for the evening. “How about introducing her to everyone here? Make her feel part of the crowd?” She wet her lips, a slow glide of her tongue. “You know, like you always did with me.”

Emma took in the too-tight jeans and tank top showing more cleavage than Annie’s tiny bathing suit. Jealousy mixed with anxiety made every muscle in her body

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