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She stalks off just as Everett and Evie appear.

Suze might be pouting now, but I’m pretty sure she’ll be amused in the least come tomorrow morning. I managed to convince Carlotta to gift Suze that painting of Ethan Markus. I know for a fact it’s no longer haunted because his purpose was to help his daughter through a trying time. And who knows? Suze might actually enjoy the company of a man who never talks back. I think it’s a match made in heaven, or in the least at the B&B where her room resides.

“Where’s my gift?” Evie gives a little hop and her long, dark hair bounces right along with her. She’s wearing a dress we picked out together last week, a navy velvet number that falls just above her knees and brings out the mischief in her blue eyes. “I can’t believe I get to open a gift early.”

Carlotta scuttles over. “Not yet, kiddo. I bet there’s something in it for me, too.”

“It’s a big enough gift for all of us.” Everett drops a kiss over our baby girl’s head. “Noah? You want to do the honors?’

Noah nods. “Evie, this gift is from your father, mother, and me. Sort of a joint effort.”

Carlotta gives a husky laugh. “Sort of like that kid in your belly, Lot. I bet this is the first child born into the world with the DNA from three different people.”

Evie gags. “That’s, like, sick and cool all at the same time. I’m so lucky to be in this twisted family.”

I shrug her way. “You’re welcome.” Even though it’s not true in the least.

“Well, Uncle Noah?” She gives his lapel a tug. “Let’s hear it. I’m dying over here. If you don’t spill it soon, they’ll have to drag me out in a body bag.”

Noah’s dimples dig in. “We’re taking you, and whatever friends you want to haul along, skiing this weekend at the Maple Meadows Lodge. All expenses paid—on us.”

I nod. “And I’ll be there, too, sipping cocoa by the fire in the chalet while I try to spot you slicing down that mountain.”

Carlotta slings her arm around my shoulders. “And I’ll be right there with you, Lot, working on my book.”

“I’d like that.” I pull Carlotta in for a quick embrace. “Merry Christmas to my sweet little family.”

“Merry Christmas,” the rest of them chime back.

Evie takes off to invite all of her friends, and before we can catch our breath, Cormack and Cressida head this way decked out in matching green velvet dresses, a fashion faux pas that sparred quite the argument between the two of them upon their arrival.

“Big Boss.” Cormack wraps her arms around Noah before he has the chance to evict them. “I’ve got a surprise for you.” She bats her lashes toward me for a moment. “For all of you.”

Cressida giggles. “Cormack got her PI license for the state of Vermont.”

A horrible croaking sound comes from Cormack as she glowers at her blonde bestie—or more to the point, her frenemy.

“Hey!” she barks. “That was my big secret. Get a secret of your own.”

Cressida shifts her eyes my way. “Oh, I might have a secret or two just yet. But unlike Cormack, I’m not spilling any tonight. I like to spread them out over the course of the year to keep you on your toes.” She winks, and every hair on my body stands on end.

“Like another kid?” I blurt out without meaning to. But let’s be honest, Cressida is capable of pulling a few doozies.

She shakes her head. “Not to worry. You won’t have to raise any more of my children.”

Noah’s brows dip as he frowns over at Cormack. “How could you get your PI license? You need to complete at least two thousand hours before you can even get to the board to apply.”

She waves him off. “I’ve been around Luella and her manhunts enough to qualify. My daddy took care of all that pesky paperwork for me. The best part? I rented that same office space you had when you first came into town. Featherby Sleuths Investigative Services is officially open for business.” She walks her fingers up his tie. “I guess that means we’ll be working closely together in the very near future.”

I scoff as I look to Everett. “Can she do that?”

He shrugs. “Sounds as if it’s already done.”

“Ha!” I balk over at Cormack. “You won’t get a stitch of business. You’ll be closed in a month.”

She sheds a wicked smile my way. “You’re just jealous because I’m going to take all of the investigative business away from you. Oh wait, you never had any. You were just sticking your nose where it didn’t belong. From now on, I think you should stick to baking, while Noah and I stick to solving crimes.” She curls a finger under his chin. “I’ve always thought we made a good team.”

A flood of heat fills me as my blood begins to boil. She is not stealing Noah away with a simple wag of her finger, or the lure of helping him solve his next case.

Carlotta nudges me. “She knows darn well crime fighting is Foxy’s love language. She’s bringing out the big guns, Lot.”

A growl strums from me and Everett pulls me in close.

“Easy, Lemon.”

“Come on, Mack.” Cressida pulls her along. “Let’s get some more of that trifle to celebrate. Who knows? It might even be poisoned? If one of us drops dead, you can start on your very first case.”

I shake my head. “I’m not even going to touch that.”

“Don’t worry, Lot.” Noah offers a mournful smile. “You’re still stuck with me. I’m not going anywhere.”

Mom speeds this way. “Oh, Lottie, before I forget, your mail has been piling up again.” Mom pulls out a stocking from the Santa bag in her hand and gives it to me.

Once my house burned down, I forwarded all of my mail to the B&B, and Everett had his sent to his office.

Mom gives the bells hanging from her necklace a

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