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after Audrey and I were married. Friday was obviouslypayday and, since Audrey was out of state, her deposit was made bya man named Jack, whom Bob Thompson’s private eye identified as themanager of Royce’s boat refurbishing business. Jack’s duties,however, clearly went beyond boat management.

There was a response from Audrey to Royce later inthe day, which further proved that Audrey's claim that she wastaking care of her grandmother was a complete lie, since she wassupposed to be in Cocoa Beach Saturdays through Wednesdays:

Dearest love of mine… love & miss you. See youSunday night… if you can break away from your “other” girls… LOVEYOU! AUDREY

October 29, 2007.

I am currently ill with a chest cold (&everybody knows I have a big one). I do miss you but I am torn bymy needs… I know you love me but am crushed that you are toostubborn to say the words. I know you used to & it’s time foryou to do it again. I am full of love & want to be surroundedby love… mutual giving & sharing. You can do this. Please try…& then there’s “the money thing.” I love you & need you.Always, Audrey

November 29, 2007: Two months after our wedding.

Why can’t you reciprocate the unconditional,monogamous love that your mother put in my heart for you?

February 9, 2008: Four months after ourwedding.

There is no place I’d rather be than in your arms24/7/365… AND YOU KNOW IT!

It is you who leaves me… It is you who never tellsme that you love me… It is you who never kisses me first…It is youwho rarely touches me first… It is you who doesn’t want a committedrelationship… It is you who doesn’t want to live together… It isyou who doesn’t even acknowledge me as your girlfriend, bestfriend, lover, life partner, significant other, & “one day”wife… It is you who tells everyone that I’m crazy… It is you who“loves to be with me” but isn’t “in love with me.” I ask you over& over to commit to a lifetime of “us”… you know youranswer...

I live with it every day… pain, pain, pain… I amwilling to make all the changes you ask (especially if it meanseternity with you) but you can’t even begin to acknowledge“us.”

August 5, 2008: Shortly after we reconciled and wereback living together.

Are you prepared for the storm? You need to makeplans ASAP to go to your parents' vacation place in the Carolinas.It’s coming straight at us and so far has no plans to turn. Go tothe bank and get at least $2,000 in twenties and smaller and fillyour vehicle with gas.

August 28, 2008: During our reconciliation.

After all this time, I finally heard all the thingsthat really got to the heart of the true Audrey. Her feelings, hervulnerabilities, and her desires were never shared with me despitemy urging that it would bring us closer. Reading these messages,and so many others, I now knew that she had been open to sharingthem, just not with me. I turned off the computer and walked out ofthe room.

I awoke the next morning feeling almost hung-overfrom the revelations of the love emails. Hearing Audrey express herdevotion to another man reinforced the fact that I had never beenthe one, had never been even close to the one. Up until findingthose emails, I would have sworn my feelings were gone and I wasdefinitively past any attachments to Audrey. Her repeatedexpressions of love for Royce, however, reminded me how deep thewounds were. Wanting to keep moving forward, I called Adam andfilled him in on all that I had learned so far. I also asked him toissue subpoenas to more companies.

“Wow! I can’t believe you foundall this. You must be thrilled,” he said excitedly.

“I am, and I think there’sprobably even more. I’m still going through everything,” I saiddejectedly, still thinking about all those love emails.

“Well, okay, I’ll get right on thesubpoenas and let me know if you find anything else.”

“Yes. I will.”

“Paul, is something wrong? I wouldexpect you to be bouncing off the walls over this,” he said,knowingly.

“I’m just tired, I guess. I’ll getback to you with anything new.”

“Right, okay,” he replied, and weended our call with that. I returned to my office and sat down infront of my computer for another round of searching. I could see mydark reflection in the monitor, though the shadows made my eyes andcheeks seem hollow. I quickly turned on the computer and begananew.

Another day, and another batch ofnew discoveries. One of the things I found was Audrey’s ownapplication to FEMA requesting hurricane assistance. Considering that shedeclared no assets and claimed under oath that she owned no realestate, I was curious as to what she might be applying for.Interestingly enough, her application not only revealed that she’downed six different properties in the last three years, but alsothat she had social security cards issued in four different states.

Moreover, there was an email from Washington Mutualwith instructions about resetting her password online. Audrey hadsworn in writing that the only bank she had an account with wasBank of Florida. It was crystal clear that Washington Mutualwouldn't have agreed with her sworn statement. So, I started a newlist for subpoenas, with Washington Mutual at the top. There wasalso a Word document created by Audrey entitled “business cards”that simply had her name and cell phone number, bringing newmeaning to the term “call girl.” Finally, there was also aninteresting email to a boyfriend named Tony that helped to paint amuch different picture of Audrey’s financial status. It read:

Dear Tony,

I woke up this morning with this thought… Why notconsider buying the Captains Landing Home together. I couldcontribute up to $200,000. Please think about it. Audrey

Other findings from the websites included morepersonal emails from Audrey to Royce, along with a slew of othermen. All the messages revealed Audrey's lowlife personality, herdepraved perspectives, and even her limitations as a parent:

Royce: I’m coming over tonight and bringing a friend. When doesTommy sleep?

Audrey:Sleep time? I’ll ask him when I get the lil’booger… I get him at 6… we’ll be on the island after that. You knowthe gate and rear door codes.


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