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Book online «Little Orphan Anvil: The Complete Trilogy Joseph Beekman (feel good fiction books txt) 📖». Author Joseph Beekman

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dog’s head and looked into the gleaming redeyes of the little robot. “We’re safe for now; we’llmake it.”

Will had kept his eyes fixed on the river’sdirection, while the foggy moonlight softly illuminatedtheir way. “Well then, it’s off to the Land of Shadows!”he harped. “May the Spirits bless our way…”

~ Chapter V

~ Into the Narrows

Mammoth rock walls surrounded the narrowriver passage, as a great fog lay its shadowy mist allabout the lone raft and its companions. The watermoved along at a calm and peaceful pace. Will stood atthe rear of the raft helping with what strength he could,and pushed with the pole into the river bottom forgreater speed. The boy and the dog slept soundly, whilethe robot remained ever alert; its metal eyes piercingthe fog with eerie red rays of light.

Will grumbled and looked about the still silenceof the canyon walls; his emotions clearly agitated andhis senses growing weary, anticipating danger thatcould be lurking anywhere. Overhead, the skyremained a shrouded and brooding canvas; alwaysteasing the four travelers with giant droplets of darkrain.

Sonny mumbled in his sleepy state and kickedoutwards, startling Ranger who shot up on all fours.Ranger nudged his wet nose in Sonny’s face.

“Stop! stop!” Sonny opened his blood-shot eyesand hoisted himself up on his elbows. Rangerwhimpered and moved over by the robot. Rubbing hiseyes and wiping his face, Sonny looked over and sawWill chuckling at him.

“What’s so funny?” Sonny said, rubbing the sleepout of his eyes. He stood up and looked about at thedark and towering surroundings. “Where are we? Isthis the Land of Shadows, Will?”

“We are still a ways off, but the shadows fromthat land do bleed far. Be wary and ever-cautious, forwe have also entered the forbidden narrows of theancient stone traders.” Will glanced up towards a fewcave-like pockets scattered across the upper layers ofthe canyon walls. “I have the droid set on high alert forany ghostly movement or wicked changes in those darkpockets above.”

Sonny’s eyes went wide and his jaw dropped ashe looked from Will to the cave pockets. “Ghost movements? Stone traders?” he asked strangely, a new levelof fear in his voice. “Will—what do you mean?”

Will looked over to Sonny. “Now don’t be toofrightened—just be cautious! The stone traders of longago used to deal with many of the old lands, tradingmagical stones created from the dust and dark fog thatlay concealed far above in those caves. They wouldtrade for food and clay pottery, and the land dwellerswould get these magic stones that helped ward off eviland illness.” He pushed again on the pole, moving theraft a bit further, and past a giant rock that protrudedfrom the water. “But when a great storm came uponthese narrows, the stone traders were sealed to theirdoom within these walls.”

“Why should we be so careful then if they arelong gone?” Sonny asked, shivering as he pulled ablanket around his head and body.

“Because it has been told that they had eventuallypast into ghostly forms of an unnatural nature,” Willsaid softly in his gravelly voice. “Dust-shroudedghosts—vapor trails, haunting those that would dare toraid their ancient dwellings. We don’t want to seemthat type!” His eyes flickered about on the uppercanyon walls. “We’ll just pass on through—silentlyand without harm in our hearts; for it’s been said thatthese particular ghosts can sense this.”

Sonny kept his eyes fixed on the dark and silentcaves as he sat down beside Ranger, gently patting him.“Wow, I sure hope we get through here quick!” he saidwith quiet alarm.

“It may be a day’s travel left,” Will said; “but it isthe only way to reach the edge of our next travel: thedeadwoods. Through there we should hopefully bemuch closer towards reaching the orphanage. Just keepalert now. Oh, and grab some of that water and foodI’ve stored away in that iron box…if you’re hungry.”

Will looked at Ranger, who seemed to be lost in atrance as Sonny continued petting his fur. “Give someto that hound of yours, too.”

“Thanks; but just the same, I think we’ll waituntil we pass on through a bit further.” Sonny wrappedsome of his blanket about Ranger and clenched it alittle tighter.


The raft continued to float through the canyonwalls, while darkness fell and a chilled wind crept up.Both Will and Sonny were still alert as the dog sleptsoundly. The robot’s eye-lights were now fully focusedon the river and the passage ahead.

Sonny turned around to face Will, who continuedto stand at the rear of the raft pushing the raft polegently into the water depths.

“Will? You think we’ll still find the orphanageand those orphans still around?”

Will cleared his throat and replied, “Well, youngfellow, I reckon we at least have to give it a shot. Butlike that spell that ruined our land, we have to be verycareful. Those oil slicks, along with any number ofcreatures creeping about—they may be poisoned bysome devilry of the lady’s making!”

Sonny quivered with the thought of such spookycreatures sneaking about.

“Destroying what she views unworthy,” Willexplained, “she’ll use her dark magic to rid anythingopposing her beliefs. If she still exists, then there ishope the orphans do, too! She needs someone orsomething to control, and I believe they are all part ofsome scheme she has up her sleeve. We have to try andhelp them out of that place…”

He looked Sonny in the eyes. “Maybe I shouldhave done this some time back, but I think it fate thatbrought you to me, and us to help them!”

“So, you think that all the old magic beliefs arepoison?” Sonny asked.

Will shook his head. “No, no…I do not thinkthat at all. I think those ways of magic have every rightto exist, along with any new beliefs like that of iron andanvil. But to use any of these faiths to do wrong—well,then that has to be smashed for the good of all. Otherwise, young man, we are all destined to a terrible fate!”

Sonny pondered this for a moment; then noddinghis head in agreement he turned back around to face thelong, dark river ahead.


Hours later, as the raft continued drifting quietlyalong, the robot’s sensory, electric eyes suddenly dartedupward to the

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