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Book online Ā«Catfishing on CatNet Naomi Kritzer (reading strategies book txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Naomi Kritzer

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and look at some pictures I took: a squirrel, a bird thatā€™s blurry because it took off flying while I was still trying to focus, the dog that belonged to our next-door neighbor in Thief River Falls. I liked that dog. The neighbor had me give him some treats when we first moved in so heā€™d know I was a friend, and after that, the dog always acted like we were best buddies. Most of my pictures of the dog are blurry because he never held still, but this oneā€™s pretty sharp except for his tail. I decide not to upload the picture. Looking at the dog makes me sad.

I wonder if Rachel would like CatNet. Would the admins let her count animal drawings as animal pictures? She draws really well. I open up the site and look to see which of the assistant administrators is online. Alice, the teenage girl admin, has a little green light by her name. ā€œHey, Alice, do you have a minute?ā€ I type.

ā€œYes, I do, LBB,ā€ she says. ā€œWhat can I help you with?ā€

ā€œI was wondering if I could have an invite for a friend.ā€

ā€œIs this someone you know in person or online? Whatā€™s her name?ā€

ā€œHer name is Rachel, and sheā€™s in my art class at school. She draws really cool pictures. That was my other questionā€”could she upload her drawings instead of photos of animals? Would that be okay?ā€

ā€œIt would depend on how good the drawings were,ā€ Alice says. ā€œHow well do you know her?ā€

ā€œNot all that well.ā€ Not well at all, actually. ā€œIā€™d like to get to know her better.ā€

ā€œI tell you whatā€”find out her last name and her email address, and Iā€™ll see about sending her an invite.ā€

I feel a flush of uncertainty. I like Rachel. I want her to be on CatNet so I can stay friends with her after I move. But what if Rachel takes one look at CatNet and decides Iā€™m a loser? It doesnā€™t matter, I tell myself. Weā€™re leaving either way. Sooner or later.

ā€œOkay,ā€ I type.

ā€œHowā€™s the new town?ā€ Alice asks.

ā€œI guess Iā€™d sum it up with, ā€˜Theyā€™re going to have a robot teach us sex ed because they donā€™t trust the human teachers not to go off-script.ā€™ Rachel seems cool, though.ā€

ā€œGood luck,ā€ Alice says. ā€œTalk to you again soon.ā€



LittleBrownBat: So hey, I moved again.

Marvin: I donā€™t know why you canā€™t ever tell us where you are. I mean even if your dingo fatherā€™s on CatNet heā€™s not going to be in your Clowder.

LittleBrownBat: If I told you where I live and my mom found out, sheā€™d make me stop using social media entirely.

Hermione: Hadnā€™t school started in your old town?

LittleBrownBat: Itā€™s started in the new one, too. Itā€™s OK. Weā€™re reading The Scarlet Letter in English class, itā€™ll be great to find out what happens. Again.

Hermione: Oh, that is JUST NOT FAIR.

LittleBrownBat: RIGHT?

Boom Storm: Whatā€™s the weirdest thing so far?


Thatā€™ll start next week

Icosahedron: Why would they have a robot teach sex ed?

Because robots donā€™t get embarrassed?

Firestar: ooh ooh I know

Because they can make the robot say all the homophobic and transphobic stuff that a real human being might just refuse to say


LittleBrownBat: Thatā€™s basically what Iā€™m expecting.

Marvin: btw my parents told me today weā€™re driving to California for Christmas again.

Since we live in North Carolina, this means I will once again spend almost all of winter vacation in the car.

Firestar: Why donā€™t you fly?

Marvin: Momā€™s afraid of flying.

LittleBrownBat: How far of a drive is it?

CheshireCat: It is approximately 36 hours in total. But I assume you donā€™t do it all in one session. Right?

Marvin: They always say itā€™ll be three days and itā€™s always four.

Firestar: Wow

Hermione: Wow.

Marvin: If we had a self-driving car, we could take roads where itā€™s legal to let the car drive while you sleep and maybe it would be faster. Except weā€™d still have to stop to pee. And eat.

LittleBrownBat: How many times have you done this?

Marvin: Five. Last year I convinced them to stay home. But Momā€™s sister lives out there and my aunt doesnā€™t like to fly either.

Hermione: You should meet in the middle!

Unfortunately it looks like thatā€™s Oklahoma

Everyone loses if you go to Oklahoma.

Firestar: Have you even been to Oklahoma Hermione?

Marvin: Seriously sheā€™s right. Iā€™ve driven through Oklahoma five times and it is LAME.

Hermione: omg Marvin donā€™t say itā€™s LAME, thatā€™s ableist.

Marvin: Sorry, I meant to say itā€™s gay. Totally gay.

Firestar: not funny

Marvin: Okay okay sorry.

Boom Storm: You could say itā€™s naff. Then youā€™ll sound British.

Marvin: How do you know thatā€™s not ableist or homophobic or something else bad?

Hermione: I just looked it up and they donā€™t know exactly where ā€œnaffā€ came from, but maybe it came from Polari, which was this secret gay language used in Britain in the 19th century.


Hermione: Not anymore. It fell out of use in the 1960s.

Firestar: I WANT TO REVIVE IT. What does naff mean?

Marvin: It means lame


It means, ā€œThis sucks, but not enough to bother saying it SUCKS.ā€

LittleBrownBat: Oklahoma is definitely naff. The parts Iā€™ve lived in, anyway.

Firestar: What are some other Polari words or do we not know any because itā€™s lost?

Hermione: Corybungus means your butt. Fantabulosa means that somethingā€™s awesome.

Firestar: Okay letā€™s bring those back. Naff, Corybungus, and Fantabulosa.

Marvin: Iā€™m reading through the list of words and I just got to naff.

In addition to meaning super unimpressive it means STRAIGHT. Like HETEROSEXUALLY STRAIGHT.




Walking to school the next day, I think about getting in trouble.

I had this run in sixth grade where I got in trouble at a bunch of schools in a row. In middle school, other kids start really noticing whatever it is that makes you weird, and there were all sorts of things that made me weird. I never had the right clothes. I never had the right hair. I raised my hand when I wasnā€™t supposed to and I didnā€™t raise my hand when I was

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